My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 253: : Cut off two little Lori's Hu

   In front of the Wenren Family House alone, Yaya holding a small shower sprinkler is watering the sagittarius with two female characteristics, one black and one white.

These two horses are the dryad seeds obtained by Chen Fang from the black and white ruins plus the heart of the dryad, and two black and white crystals dug out from the dryad lord. They are merged into new seeds through their own skills, and then pitted. It is cultivated by putting on the drydark lord burning chips, covering with soil and watering.

The seed grows very fast. It only takes less than a week from the bud to grow into two sagittarius plants that are more than two meters high. The two tree monsters are twins, each with a vine under the belly of the horse. Connected to a section of the half-black half-half main stem exposed on the ground.

  The tree demon horse looks like a tree of jade, wood but not wood, jade but not jade, black as lacquer, white as condensed fat, very stunning.

The black centaur has a fine black vine long hair, and is covered with a set of very **** hollow heavy armor. It is also dotted with leaf vines and fine vines. It also holds a huge eagle shield and a dragon spear. , A long sword hung on the side of the horse body, like the forest Valkyrie in myth.

The white centaur has long hair like white marble and wears a crown of flowers. The figure is slenderer than the black horse. It looks unusually agile. The outer covering made of flowers and vines shows her like a bride to be married. With a javelin made of entangled flowers and vines, a gun pouch is hung on each side of the horse body, which contains five spare javelins.

   The two tree demon horses are in the state of closing their eyes. Only when Bu Ya waters them, the delicate faces will show a comfortable expression, but no matter how Bu Ya communicates with them, they can't wait for other reactions.

   "Sister Jimo, why don't these two big sisters care about Yaya Duck?" Yaya asked while watering.

   "It may take a contract before there is a reaction," said Jimo, who stood watching.

"What a contract, I really like these two tree species to summon creatures." Wen Ren was coveting around the black and white two centaur. After these two centaur grew out, she fell in love with it. The black one is like a heroine and the white one. The beauty is like a phoenix, which is in line with her appetite.

"But Yiyiyaya and the others haven't summoned creatures yet. These two can just be given to them." Even if Wenren likes it again, he knows that it is better to make a contract with the two little sisters, so that they can get them. There will be self-protection in the future.

   "If Sister Wenren likes it, Yaya will not be there. I have Xiaobai." Yaya took out the sleepy glazed snake Xiaobai from her belly pocket and held it in her hand.

   "I have Alili too." Yiyi said to the little fox who was holding the fruit like a baby. Alili was the name given to the little fox by the four daughters while Chen Fang was away.

   "Thank you, Yaya is so good, but my sister can't ask for it, and Xiaobai is your uncle's summoned creature, not yours." Wenren touched Yaya's head and said.

   "Alili is not Yiyi's summoner, she is our little friend." Wenren teased the little fox in Yiyi's arms.

   "The contract tree species calls creatures and needs the leaves of the world tree, I remember they are in the warehouse at home." Jimo thought for a while and said.

Contract mutant plants are not like contract mutant beasts and require special media. Among all contract plants, the leaves of the world tree are the best. Not only can they increase the contract success rate, but also the probability that the contract plants will be better. Direction evolution.

   "I'll get it." Wenren ran to the warehouse very actively to look for it.

   Jimo also took out the inscription pen and began to engrave the contract inscription array around the black and white tree monsters.

   "Sister, how many leaves are needed." When Jimo was halfway through the painting, he ran over and asked when he heard the human head covered with spider silk and dust.

Jimo looked at Wenren dumbfoundedly, helped her remove the spider silk and pat the dust off, and told her to bring three pieces over. Wenren ran out after listening to Wenren, but Yaya didn't like staying here to read the inscriptions on the Jimo painting. The formation also followed.

   After a while, Wenren walked back with Bud, holding three yellow leaves lingering with light particles.

Jimo just finished the last stroke, then took the leaves of the world and placed one of them at the place where the black and white tree demon human horse belly stems were connected. The other two were handed over to Yiyi Yaya, and asked not to let go and get everything ready. Later, they are ready to start the dance.


   Chen Fang took Fang Dazhao on the subway, and returned to Longhua City in the early morning of the next day. They went to Jimo's home after eating some food on the street.

   Standing at the gate today are two muscular men from Jimo Bingding. They are wearing very tight underwear, standing like a stone sculpture in a bodybuilding posture, changing their posture every ten minutes.

   "The two old men are on duty today." Chen Fang brought Fang Dazhao to the door and greeted him.

   "En." The two Bingding brothers responded, and then saw Fang Dazhao, who was dressed in bandages, asked incomprehensibly, "Who are you? Why don't you see anyone?" "Top."

  ? ? Fang Dazhao, how can I see no one.

   "This is a friend of mine. He has long hair all over his ancestors. He is afraid of scaring people, so he will not be seen." Chen Fang explained.

  What are they talking about? What's the matter with this nondescript conversation, is there any shameless person to describe me? Fang Dazhao was full of black lines.

What the **** are these two goods? Why are they standing here to show their muscles? Wow, why the tights are flesh-colored and so hot-eyed? Why didn't the Zhicheng Division here take them off the charges of defamation, Fang Dazhao dare not straighten See the two of Bingding.

   Chen Fang chatted with Bingding for a while, then led Fang Dazhao into the gate.

   "Brother, those two guys are like this, so you are not afraid to scare visitors?"

   "Also, Longhua City is the site of a family. Those who live here are members of the family. Don't tell me, you are the son of the family." Fang Dazhao looked terrified.

"What do you think? This is the home of my former friend of amnesia. I forgot to tell you that my memory has recovered, and my family has also found it and live here. When you see them, don't make a fuss and embarrass me." Chen Prevent vaccinations in advance.

   "You have restored your memory, that's great, congratulations." Fang Dazhao is sincerely happy for Chen Fang.

   "Is your friend very famous? Don't worry, as I look like a mummy now, I won't lose my face anymore." Fang Dazhao said confidently, patted his chest.

   No, what are you confident about? Is self-confidence not ashamed, or self-confidence has no face to lose?

Chen Fang took Fang Dazhao to the detached building. If Jimo heard that they did not go out, they would usually stay there. When passing by a yard, Chen Fang introduced to Fang Dazhao two figures who were wearing hot pants and were standing with oil all over. One or two brothers in Jimo show their muscles on the specially built stone seat.

   "Brother, are you sure that the people living here are in normal spirit?" Fang Dazhao whispered.

   "They are just a fitness fanatic, and everything else is normal, um, except for food intake." Chen Fang said habitually.

   Going across the courtyard and through the corridor, Chen Fang and the others arrived in front of the independent building, and they happened to see the four Jimo dancing.

   "What are they doing?" Fang Dazhao asked curiously.

   Chen Fang has personally experienced the sacrifice dance, so they know that Jimo and the others are summoning creatures by contract.

  What are those two black and white creatures? Chen Fang only saw the back of the two tree spirits, so he didn't know what it was.

In front of the single building, Jimo was presiding over the wake-up ceremony. When the dance was halfway through, the black and white tree demon man opened his eyes. The crystal clear eyes were curiously looking at the four women dancing around them, and the world under them. The leaves are gradually disappearing, the awakening ceremony has entered the most critical moment, and then as long as the world leaves in Yiyiyaya's hands disappear, then the contract is established.

Chen Fang walked over with Fang Dazhao and waved to greet the four of them. Yiyi Yaya waved her hands happily when she saw it. As a result, she could not hold the world leaves in her hand and fell to the ground. When they were about to pick them up, there was a sudden The breeze blew, blowing the leaves apart from the inscription array.

   "Chen Fang helped pick it up and give it to Yiyi Bud." Jimo said when he saw it, as long as the contractor did not produce the inscription array, it would be fine if the leaves fell, and the contract process would not be interrupted.


Chen Fang walked over to pick up two leaves, and then walked to the inscription law When he just wanted to give the leaves to Yiyiyaya, a thundercloud appeared on his head, and the thunder was crackling in the clouds. ring.

   Jimo Wenren and the two people trembled when they saw this. What a familiar scene, they realized that they were about to make a moth again.

   I'm going, this "catastrophe" has come to be a demon again, Chen Fang has not forgotten the troubles that happened when he helped Wenren contract crystal hoof eggs in the City of Newborn, Xiao Bai came at that time.

   Chen Fang wanted to quickly hand over the leaves in his hand to Yiyiyaya's hand while Lei Jie hadn't cut it down, and then jumped out of the inscription array to catch the thunder.

But he got the order wrong. If he jumped out of the inscription array at this time, it wouldn’t have happened. At most, he would delay the contract time to a later point. But the first thing he chose was to hand over the leaves to Yiyiya. Ya, it’s a waste of time. Lei Jie fell down before he walked to the two little loli’s, and landed densely on top of his head, and then used him as the grounding line to penetrate the inscription array, and followed The roots of the underground black and white tree demon horses rushed to them, and at the same time the thundering also accelerated the disappearance of the leaves of the world. When the thunder catastrophe ended, the two tree demon horses saluted Chen Fang and disappeared after they had just appeared in them In the summoning circle under his feet, this means that the summoned beast originally prepared for Yiyiyaya was cut off by Chen Fang.

   "That's right, it's the same again, Chen Fang, did you deliberately." Wen Ren said angrily, standing with his hips akimbo in front of Chen Fang who was receiving rainwater.

"I really didn't mean it. This thing can't be controlled. I don't come when I should come, and I come out again when I shouldn't. I'm also very helpless." Chen Fang pointed to the robbery cloud that was raining and dissipating. Said helplessly.



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