My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 257: : Chicken Snake Beast

"In recent years, the Alchemist Guild really hasn't done the most basic animal experiments on the face. It has no bottom line." Jimo was very disgusted.

In the past, any medicine produced by the Alchemist Guild would not be tested by humans. New formulas are often tested very strictly according to the process to test the effect of the medicine. It has always been tested on animals first, and after ensuring that there is no doubt, the dosage is carried out on the executed prisoner. Tests, through many experimental tests, prove that there are no serious side effects, will be put into normal clinical trials, and finally used in a large area.

Of course, this will consume a lot of financial resources, manpower and material resources, and the cost is too high. Therefore, in order to save costs, someone proposed a voluntary plan, and then it was adopted. Nowadays, alchemists basically conduct human experiments as soon as they produce new products. Many steps have been skipped, and although there is no record of death on the spot, there are many people who died secretly because of the side effects of the medicine.

"One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, who is to blame." Chen Fang touched his nose.

The misfortune of Fang Dazhao attracted the sympathy of Jimo and the others, so they decided to look for the blood heart fruit together.

Before setting off, Chen Fang bought a pot and a table for the convenience of eating and drinking, and transformed it into a hot pot table, and then fixed it in the back of Sanbengzi. Last time the hot pot table was smashed by the ice arrow turtle. Only one more can be prepared this time.

Ready to supply a few people to the Yuanshan Hunting Area. On the way, Chen Fang drove the Sanbengzi and Fang Dazhao was sitting beside him. Wenren took Yaya and sat in the back of the carriage to watch the scenery along the way. Jimo and Yiyi were sitting on the flying tiger. follow.

"Brother, is it okay to bring the two children?" Fang Dazhao was a little worried, and Yiyiyaya let them out to fight, what should I do if the mountain is too high.

"You should worry about yourself first, they are much more worry-free than you." Chen Fang.

"I don't like to hear what you say. I'm an adult, so how could I be less worried than a child." Fang Dazhao felt that he was being looked at, and determined that Chen Fang must take a look at his recent changes.

The second time he came to the Yuanshan Hunting Area, Chen Fang still took the same road. He first took the place where the fox’s parents were buried to worship, and then put the extra supplies in the tree house, intending to use it as a temporary place. Camp.

Jimo took the other three women to clean up the tree house, while Fang Dazhao prepared lunch, because Chen Fang needed a large amount of food, and he would be busy sweating profusely.

"Brother, can you come and help me." Fang Dazhao wiped the sweat off his face and faced Chen Fang, who was sitting with the fox in front of the grave.

"Don't you see that the guy is unhappy? I'm mentoring it. I'm not free." Chen Fang didn't look back, using the skill of summoning an instrument to show suona, blowing the spirit of sacrifice.

The melody of grief sounded under the tree, and the slow and heavy music made people sorrowful. The fox echoed and made a low whistle, and those who heard it could feel its sadness.

"Die into mud, everything returns to nature, guy, don't be sad, I will take care of you in place of your parents in the future." Chen Fang put away the suona, holding the fox to the front, and sincerely staring at him, the fox responded Lick with tongue.

"Everyone, the food is ready, come over and eat it." Fang Dazhao shouted after handling the food.

Chen Fang got up and patted the mud grass stalks on his pants, and walked over with the fox in his arms. Jimo and the others also got down from the tree house. They all sat around the hot pot table on the back carriage and ate their first meal in the hunting area.

Several people discussed after the meal. In order to improve efficiency and probability, they decided to divide into two groups, Chen Fang and Fang Dazhao as a group, Jimo four women as a group, respectively, to look for traces of the blood heart fruit in two directions, and agreed to leave it alone. If you find it, you must return to the tree house before dusk and say goodbye to each other. The two groups act separately.

"Brother, we are just two people. Will it be too few and zero?" Fang Dazhao said while being alert to the surrounding environment.

"You forgot that I still have two bodyguards, don't worry, I was here alone last time, no problem." Chen Fang reached out his head and tried to prevent the fox from squeezing his hair.

"Guy, don't talk, your scalp is all lifted off."

"Hey." The fox stood on Chen Fang's head, patted his hair with his paws and made a dissatisfied sound, as if he was uncomfortable with his hair lying on his stomach.

"No discussion, my head is not your nest."

Chen Fang grabbed the fox by his neck and took it down from his head and hugged it into his arms, but the fox didn’t like being held by Chen Fang very much, and struggling to ran to Chen Fang’s head again. Defense will just go with it.

Fang Dazhao walked in the front, holding a scholar's fan, using the effect of reducing the sense of presence, and conscientiously exploring the way. Every time he walked, he would leave marks on the nearby trees to avoid getting lost.

As they continued to deepen, the dense leaves blocked the sunlight, and the light gradually pressed down.

"Hey." The fox suddenly let out a warning scream on Chen Fang's head, and at the same time the two long ears on his head kept turning to catch any small movements.

Chen Fang and Fang Dazhao immediately rushed to the side of the big tree and stretched out their heads to visit.

Amid the sound of the dead branches being trampled on the ground, a two-meter figure appeared not far away. In the dim light, Chen Fang saw the opponent's brown scales, chicken-shaped head, short forelegs and strong hind legs. And a long tail of nearly five meters.

"Chickens, snakes, beasts, see if the color is of the soil type." Fang Dazhao squinted his eyes and looked carefully.

"Can you eat it?" Chen Fang said solemnly.

"..." Fang Dazhao turned his head and looked at Chen Fang helplessly. Brother, did you ask the wrong question? Shouldn't you ask if you can't beat him?

"Ask you." Chen Fang urged.

"It should be possible. I saw someone eating when I was online, and it tasted good." Fang Da summoned Chen Fang not to be joking, so he had to speak.


Chen Fang's eyes lit up when he heard, put the fox on his head on the ground and jumped out of the tree, holding the scabbard hung around his waist, and posing as a knife, but he was using his charge skills. When the chicken snake was in front of him, he canceled the charge, and at the same time, he pulled out the Yanyue knife from the scabbard, and launched the flash of the sword. The figure disappeared, and the cold light flashed. Chen Fang appeared behind the chicken snake. After a while, blood marks appeared on the chicken snake's neck and his head. Gu Lu Gu Lu rolled to the ground.


Chen Fang bowed and retched with his hands on his knees, and it took a long time to endure it.

Fang Dazhao looked at the chicken snake lying on the ground with a dumb face, and rubbed his eyes subconsciously. In just three seconds, Chen Fang seamlessly connected and fired two skills, which only appeared 30 meters away from the beginning. To the end, there were only three pauses during the period, one was after jumping out of the tree, one was when the charge was canceled and the sword flash was launched, and the last was when he stopped and retched.

Fang Dazhao felt incredible when he chopped off a chicken snake's head in seconds.

Chen Fang wiped the saliva from his mouth and walked towards the chicken snake who was still standing there.

"Brother heart, don't go there. The tail of the chicken snake is considered a head and will attack." Fang Dazhao saw Chen Fang walking towards the chicken snake unguarded, and hurriedly shouted.

When Chen Fang heard the call, he subconsciously "fighted" his shield and moved forward to block, just to prevent the long black shadow that appeared in front of him instantly. When he fixed his eyes, he showed four sharp fangs with a huge mouth. Python head.

Defending the snakehead's surprise attack, Chen Fangshan leaped back. Fang Dazhao also rushed up. A sickle hook with a chain in his hand aimed at the snake's head and threw it out just to get entangled. Fang Dazhao pulled hard, the chain was stretched straight, and the snake's tail was not. The method continued to bite at Chen Fang. Taking this opportunity, Chen Fang made a long knife and slashed it seven inches behind the head of the snake. He chopped off the head and lost two heads. The snake fell to the ground and died. The whole process was less than one. minute.

"If you didn't remind you, you almost dried it." Chen Fang thanked the fat man.

"Brother, it's amazing, how did you just cut the chicken snake's head in seconds? I only saw you swish and rush over, and the chicken snake's head fell off." Fang Dazhao slammed Chen Fangbi with a thumbs up.

"Through it, I can cut off the mutant beast's head by surprise." Chen Fangliang lightened the scabbard in Liang's hand and summoned the effect to Fang Da. Sooner or later, he would be discovered and there was nothing to hide.

"Brother, you have so many weird things, and the functions are very good." Fang Dazhao subconsciously glanced at the scholar fan in his hand.

The two dealt with the chicken snake, put the stripped materials into the bag, and put the chicken snake on the summoned Sanbengzi, and then continued to explore the way.

"Get here first, it's getting late, let's go back."

After walking for a while, solving a few mutant beasts, Chen Fang looked at the darkening forest road.

Fang Dazhao has no objection. The woods at night are very dangerous, and leaving is the best choice.

The two followed the mark left by Fang Dazhao before, and they will rush back to the tree house as a temporary camp when the sun sets.

"Have you noticed?" Jimo, who had come back and was raising the fire, saw Chen Fang and the two of them asking.

"No, but a few mutant beasts were killed on the road, which happened to be used as dinner." Chen Fang summoned Sanbengzi and Fang Dazhao to unload the mutant beasts.

"Did you find anything?" Chen Fang walked to the fire and asked Some clues. We found steel wool and footprints, but we weren't sure if it was a steel hyena pig. "Jimo took out a few long hairs with metallic luster.

Chen Fang took it over and took a look, then handed it to Fang Dazhao, "Is this the hair of a steel hyena pig?"

Fang Dazhao carefully identified it: "I don't know, I also saw what a steel hyena looks like in the video."

Then you take the wool carefully and pretend to be what I thought you knew.

Chen Fang sat down and pulled down the corpse of a mutant beast and began to peel and remove the bones, preparing the ingredients for the hot pot at night, and asked by the way: "Wenren and the two children?"

"Pick water for a bath."

Chen Fang suffocated.

My skills are not serious

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