My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 263: : Night Attack

Pill rolling: In the state of not receiving resistance, solid objects of any shape and size can be rolled into balls. The maximum total weight of similar items can be stacked to 100 kg. The weight of the **** made after compression is fixed to the original weight 1%.

   The introduction is very simple, but the specific effect is unknown.

   Chen Fang picked up a basin-sized piece of barbecue and rubbed it, the gravy ran down between his fingers, and then rubbed the piece of meat into ordinary glass bead-sized meatballs under the strange eyes of others.

   "I'm going, brother, how did you do it?" Fang Dazhao asked in surprise.

   "Just use the two skills you just got together," Chen Fang said half-truth.

   It is inconvenient to disclose that I can synthesize art. The ability to merge skill crystallization into new skills is too unbelievable to explain.

Chen Fang put the meatballs in his mouth and tried to eat it, but his mouth was like chewing sponge, tasteless and tasteless, he still sucked saliva, swallowed and pulled his throat, one piece was satisfying, but it was delicious but dry, his throat was like fire Singing, drink quickly to quench your thirst.

   "Is it delicious?" Fang Dazhao asked curiously.

   "It's dry and tasteless, and it's not delicious at all." Chen Fang shook his head. This rubbing technique compressed the meat and squeezed out the meat juice. It's strange if it tastes good.

"It doesn't matter whether it is good or not. With this skill, you only need to prepare more **** in the future, so you won't be afraid of getting hungry in the battle." Jimo thinks this skill is very practical for Chen Fang. Swallowing directly, anyway, for Chen Fang's strong digestive ability, there is no need to chew it.

   Chen Fang also meant this, so he started to rub the balls. In order to enrich the nutrition, he also rubbed a few vegetable balls, each of which was made by superimposing and kneading a hundred catties of roasted meat or wild vegetables.

   Jimo helped put the two kinds of meatballs into small leather bags sewn with animal skins, and then carefully wrote the words "meat" and "cai" on them, and finally handed them to Chen Fang.

   "Thank you."

   Chen Fang thanked him, Jimo smiled.

   At night, the four women in the tree house were sleeping peacefully, and under the tree, Chen defended the night, and Fang Dazhao fell asleep.

   added a few pieces of wood and lifted the fire, while Chen Fang remained vigilant while checking the panel.

   HP: (250/250)

   Elemental Energy: (350/350)

   source force: (100/100)

   Spirit value: 20

  Physical attributes: None

   Awakening Level: Intermediate Level 2

   Elemental Control: Middle

   Talent: Money ability, bride's attachment.

   Talent Skill: Eye of Insight (Inspect the horizon, identify)

   Active Skills: Anger Ignite, Pistol "BiuBiu" Bullet, Taunt, Code Smashing, War Trample, Heavenly Justice, Super Electromagnetic Cannon, Unarmed Armor Sunder, Fighting Avatar, Rubbing Pill

   Passive skills: riding skills, robbery (source), being a man, just being positive, yin and yang ink

   Auxiliary skills: Warforge, Mount Summon, War Drum Summon, Burning War, Attach Seal Art, Synthesis, Dryad Summon

  Rules skill: small punch punches your chest

   After looking at it for a while, Chen Fang turned off the panel and looked at the woods not far away vigilantly. There was a sound from there. It was clear that there were creatures approaching here, and there were still a lot of them.

Chen Fang picked up three stones on the ground and threw them toward the tree house. The stones fell on the door of the tree house in an orderly manner. The knocking sound was particularly loud in the silent night, and then he awoke Fang Dazhao, in his puzzled eyes , Chen Fang hushed and pointed his finger in the direction of the sound, and Fang Da was also alert when he saw it.

   "Is it a mutant beast?" Fang Dazhao squinted his eyes to look at the woods of the black hole, trying to see clearly inside, but what would be seen in the dark.

"It should not be. Nocturnal mutant beasts will not make such a loud noise. It is most likely other adventurers." Chen Fang shook his head. If it were a mutant beast, it would be impossible to make a sound, otherwise they would be in a quiet night. How to hunt.

   "Do you want to wake them up?"

   "I just threw the stone up, they should be awake already."

   Three hits of a stone is a code set before Jimo, indicating that there is a situation that needs to be more vigilant.

   Jimo and others in the tree house were indeed awakened by the sound of the stone. They were already dressed at this time and were waiting in the tree house on alert.

  The noise in the woods is getting louder and louder, and there is no concealment at all, which makes Chen Fang more certain of his judgment.

   "I hope it's not the enemy, I just passed by and saw the flames come and take a look." Fang Dazhao muttered.

   Yes, some hit them, Chen Fang glanced at Fang Dazhao, this guy is now in bad luck, and his condition is very in line with Murphy's law, so he doesn't want to be biased.

Sure enough, thirteen tall figures appeared where they could be observed. They were more than three meters tall and very sturdy. Their arms were as strong as Chen Fang’s two combined thighs. There were structures on his body. Chen Fang looked familiar. .

   "Isn't this the weirdo who attacked the creator organization of the Daus family?" Chen Fang used his identification to take a look, and it was indeed a disaster.

   "Be careful, these guys are hard to deal with."

   Chen Fang took advantage of the catastrophe and the deadly catastrophe before he came, took out the core to create a gossip sword, this time he was going to use the fighting incarnation to fight.

Calamity and zombies have a very strong defense force, and they are constructed creatures. Decapitation will not necessarily lead to death. It is very difficult to deal with. Because of the previous battle experience, Chen Fang would create a gossip sword that is generally only used by Taoists. , When such an incarnation, the random characters are very likely to be well-known Taoist figures.

Looking at the number of catastrophes, there are at least six people in green robes. The comparison of the number of six people on his side is too bad, so Chen Fang summoned Qiao and Qiao to supplement his combat power, and he did not forget to put two in his mouth. Pills, so as not to be hungry and dizzy.

   "What are these?" Fang Dazhao asked.

"The humanoid weapon made by the Creators Organization, ready to fight." Chen Fang didn't explain too much, because thirteen catastrophes and stalemates had already rushed over, with a huge body and a weight heavy enough to cause a small area of ​​ground vibration. It makes people feel very powerful.

   Chen Fang started fighting incarnation.

   "The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand!"

   In the magnificent music, Chen Fang stands in the air, incarnate as a horn.

   "Fire symbol."

   Void painting symbol, a red symbol seal formed in front of Chen Fang.


   Under the pardon order, the fire talisman flew out and stuck to the catastrophe and zombie rushing to the front.


   As Chen Fang yelled, the fire talisman exploded, and the flame directly flooded the catastrophe.


   A tall figure in the flame was roaring and struggling, but no matter if it fell to the ground or slapped it, it could not extinguish the flame on its body. The same kind next to him used to help, but was implicated. In the end, both burned to black coal and fell to the ground.

   "Asshole, my creation."

   a man in green robes hiding in the woods shouted angrily. Near him stood eight accomplices who also wore green robes.

"Captain, this fire can't be extinguished, and it will be implicated if you encounter it. It's weird." A green-robed man withdrew his hand. He had just manipulated his own catastrophe to put out the fire, but instead he set fire to his body and discarded his creation. Up.

   "Don't go up before you disperse, pay attention to avoid the opponent's strange skills."

   "Go and devour the two wastes that were burned to death, and see if resistance can evolve." The captain of the green-robed men pointed at one of the green-robed men and ordered.

   The named person nodded, then manipulated his own calamity, and walked to the two burned corpses and began to devour.

   "Brother Brilliant, kill them all at once." Fang Dazhao was very excited.

   Chen Fang also didn't expect Zhang Jiao's skills to be so overbearing, and continued to draw talisman attacks, but then the fire talisman missed again and again, and the catastrophe and stalemate not only spread out, but also knew to use obstacles to resist the fire talisman attack.

   Although he could not hit the opponent, it also delayed the opponent's attack, making him afraid to rush over for the time being.

   "Brother, that guy is eating the same kind of corpse." Fang Dazhao suddenly pointed to the catastrophe that was devouring the corpse and shouted.

   Chen Fang looked at it and handed it a fire symbol, but was blocked by the trees thrown out by the catastrophe.

The catastrophe that swallowed the corpse was swallowed very quickly, and in a while, it had eaten up two of the same size as its size, and after it was swallowed, its size also continued to increase, reaching After a five-meter build, he stopped.

   Chen Fang blasted another fire talisman. This time without any obstruction, he directly hit the changing catastrophe. The flame swept through the explosion, but this time he failed to hook it up and the flame quickly extinguished. UU reading

   "I'm going to bring evolution, how do you fight this?" Fang Dazhao watched this scene with his mouth open.

   is able to produce corresponding resistance by swallowing similar corpses killed by skills. This talent is terrifying, and it is simply the nemesis of the awakened.

   "Haha, captain, it works." The man in green robes was very excited.

   "Let it top the front, other zombies follow behind." The captain was not as excited as his men, but he also smiled.

   The green-robed man on the scene controlled according to the captain's instructions. The devouring and evolving catastrophe was in front, and other catastrophes rushed up afterwards.

   Chen Fang didn't panic at all in the face of this situation. The fire talisman didn't work. I have other talismans.

   Chen Fang quickly drew a talisman seal, the pardon order was issued, and the talisman seal shot out quickly.

   "Haha, is this person stupid? He attacked even if he knew it was useless." Some of the people in the green robe saw Chen Fang shooting out another talisman and mocked.

But he was slapped in the face as soon as he finished speaking, and after the talisman Chen Fang typed out was attached to the evolved catastrophe and zombie, a tornado rose from the ground, like a rotating meat grinder. , Directly cut the catastrophe and stalemate to pieces, and when the tornado subsided, a pile of meat was left on the ground.

   "Hiss." All the green-robed people couldn't help taking a breath.

   "What kind of skill, why does it change its nature, and its power is so powerful."

   "Captain, what should I do?"

   The captain was silent. The current situation is that his own creation cannot block the opponent's skill attack, and he rushed forward to find death.

   "Go back first, and wait for my creation to come."



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