My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 695: : Cross the bridge

Thinking is not the director of Chen Fang. He usually has a bright light and comes up with an idea. When he really makes an idea, he often can't hold it back, so he is not a character with intellectual attributes.

So after spending a while and wasting a lot of brainpower, Chen Fang pulled the corner of his mouth awkwardly.

No way.

There was an expression of disgust on Wu Dalang's face.

Seeing you thinking so solemnly, I thought you were quite wise, but it turned out to be just like everyone else.

Chen Fang saw that Wu Dalang actually disliked himself and raised his eyebrows.

Wu Dalang raised his brows, I'll do it all, and then closed his eyes and thought.

Then after a while, he was awakened by Chen Fang's mouth from his deep sleep.

"Yes, it's not a brainstorming material, I think it's better to hit it directly." Wu Dalang touched his cheeks that were not red and shrugged.

What this said made the Wu Clan who had the same idea before, his face wrinkled with anger, and the back of my head went for nothing with the note I just said, indicating whether it can be called back.

Wu Dalang glared at him. What you said was just the brain. Can it be the same as what I said after careful consideration?

Everyone rolled their eyes, and they were so deliberate.

If he can't figure out a way, he can only fight in the past, but he will definitely not work hard. Who knows how many enemies there are in the stronghold.

Chen Fang looked at the sky at dusk, and then he had an idea, so he said: "The sky is going to darken. We wait for them to sleep at night, touch in and kill the sentries along the way, and everyone will go in in batches and try our best. Don’t pay attention, don’t find it, and fight less. I want to cross the bridge and talk."

"This idea is necessary, I think so too." Wu Dalang nodded and said that he had the same idea.

Everyone despise it, you guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, you have a thick skin.

Chen Fang looked at Wu Dalang's shamelessness and couldn't help but said, "Wu Dalang, if you are Wu Erlang, then Wu Dalang, Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian will be another story."

"Ah, how do you know that I have a younger brother named Wu Erlang, Men Qing from the Xi family, and Jin Lian from the Pan family. What story will there be? I don't even know them."

Wu Dalang was always confused. Let's not talk about how Chen Fang knew that he had a younger brother. What he wanted to know most was the story of himself and the two people mentioned by Chen Fang in the Baji family's Zhongxi family and Pan's family. He was always curious.

Chen Fang would be a little dazed. I went and just said casually, how come Ximenqing and Pan Jinlian really appeared.


"So, what story can be, I just talk about it casually, haha, hahaha."

Chen Fang smiled, can't tell Wu Dalang the story of the Water Margin in the previous life.

Besides, the little Jinlian in this world is a male silver, and the three of them are joined together to make love and hatred. Isn't it a stir?

Chen Fang refreshed the plot a little bit, Nima, Wang Po is too hateful, she must be a rotten girl.

When Wu Dalang saw Chen Fang, he didn't say anything or asked, he was not so curious.

After that, everyone rested before taking action at night, adding food by the way to nourish their energy and preparing for the following actions.

In other words, because of the day and night forging weapons, Chen Fang consumes a lot of food and runs out of meatballs, so he can only rub the dry food brought by the Wu family.

Watching Chen Fang eat up the pile of food for fifty people like a ghost, Wu Dalang couldn't stop twitching his mouth.

"I said, can you eat less, one person can actually cover the amount of fifty of us, no matter how you eat, there will be no food on the road."

What kind of person, Nima, can eat better than the tyrant wild boar.

Due to the urgency of coming this time, I didn’t prepare a lot of food. Excluding the part consumed in the previous few days, the remaining food is enough for five hundred people for five days. , But Chen Fang is such a crushing big stomach king, no, it should be called a bottomless pit, let alone persisting for a few days, at most three days everyone has to gnaw the bark and grass roots.

"I don't have the strength to eat enough, there is nothing to worry about if the food is gone, aren't we going to the stronghold at night, just get some food by the way." Chen Fang said nonchalantly.

Wu Dalang made sense when he thought about it, and then he felt something was wrong, but he couldn't think of what was wrong.

It was not until they touched the stronghold at night that Wu Dalang found out where there was time to get food, and it was too late to get rid of the hunting and killing of the totem frenzy.

The action started in the middle of the night, when most of the lights in the stronghold went out, Chen Fang and Wu Dalang brought a few of the strongest people into the stronghold first, and killed a lot of totem frenzied orc sentries who were watching the night.

Others walked into their stronghold in batches along the place that Chen Fang had cleaned up. At first they were not found, but just like the plot of dog blood in the TV and movie, a totem frenzy who came out to wake up at night discovered it. They squatted in a remote corner.

As a result, before he had time to put the knife into the opponent's throat, the totem freak who was up at night screamed, and the tone was louder than the air defense alarm, awakening all the sleeping totem freaks and nearby sentries in the stronghold.

If it weren't for escaping fast, the totem mad orcs swarmed from all directions, and they almost surrounded Chen Fang.

The battle inevitably happened. Originally, Chen Fang thought he would fall into a bitter battle. He never thought that the Five Hundred Warriors would show their arms. After the four beasts were added, the totem beasts seemed to be enchanted, and their actions became Extremely uncoordinated, often fall inexplicably, or do not listen to their hands and feet, or the totem orcs of the tribe will have different situations.

After careful observation, Chen Fang discovered that the uncoordinated situation of totem beasts was caused by the parts of their bodies that were transformed with totem beasts.

Is it because the four beast gods are equipped with the beast pattern?

Chen Fang guessed it subconsciously.

This possibility is very high, although the specific reason is not known, it is undoubtedly a good thing for them.

"Hahaha, these totem frenziers are like mud in front of us, kill, kill me fiercely."

Wu Dalang laughed while slashing, and with a wave of his weapon, the head of a totem maniac fell to the ground, which was unimaginable before.

Now because of the help of the new armed forces, Wu Dalang feels very enjoyable and kills vigorously.

Others are also a virtue, and they have forgotten what Chen Fang explained before.

Seeing that the Wu family was about to be out of temper, Chen Fang quickly reminded him loudly: "Don't fall in love with the battle, it's important to cross the bridge."

Although the totem freaks are greatly reduced under the influence of the four beasts armor but that is only within a certain range, the totem freaks 20 meters away are not affected, and they can still use the remote Means to attack.

If this is dragged on and there are more and more people on the other side, it will not be able to endure it, and because it is far from the stronghold on the other side of the river, the movement made by the stronghold here has not been noticed, but it will not be necessarily after a long time. , So leaving immediately is the wisest choice.

Fortunately, Wu Dalang and the others hadn't killed their madness. After Chen Fang's reminder, they remembered that there was still work to be done, so the five hundred people fought and retreated and retreated to the bridge.

"Leave two guarding the bridge with me and Wu Dalang, and the others will cross the bridge now." Chen Fang said.

This bridge is a cable bridge, and it is not too wide. It can accommodate five people side by side, so only four people are required to guard it.

Two people heard Chen Fang's words and took the initiative to stand up, and the others didn't need to talk nonsense, and ran directly along the bridge to the opposite bank.

Chen Fang, Wu Dalang and the two Wu family members guarded the bridge and fought together. Until the others had crossed the bridge, the four of them attacked and killed a group of totem frenzy in front of them, creating a gap, and using the totem frenzy to rush over. In the gap, I went on the bridge to the other side.

When the totem mad orcs saw someone ran away, they naturally wanted to catch up. After Chen Fang's four ran across the bridge, the bridge was full of hundreds of totem mad orcs.

"Haha, all go to the river to feed the fish."

Wu Dalang, who had crossed the bridge and landed on the shore, looked at the many totem madmen on the bridge, and laughed without even thinking about it. He turned around and cut off the cable bridge.

When the cable bridge was broken, the totem frenzy above fell into the rushing river like dumplings.

Chen Fang looked back when he heard the voice, and yelled subconsciously, his voice and expression became **** voice.

"Stop it, you idiot."

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