My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 698: : Desperate

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Just after breaking through the siege, they encountered the totem freak. The morale of the human army fell into the abyss. The soldiers only knew to flee but did not know how to resist. Nearly 20,000 people were killed by five thousand totem freaks.

To make matters worse, the outbreak of this battle will inevitably attract totem frenziers who are looking for a breakthrough army in other directions. Once they find it, basically no one of the nearly 20,000 troops can survive.

"Sister Wu, let's retreat. The army has lost its mind and the army has collapsed. Stay here again. I am afraid that nearby totem frenziers will hear the news. We will take the soldiers out of here before we make plans." Jimo suggested. .

"Oh, it can only be so."

Charming looking at the turbulent battlefield, even if she wanted to kill the enemy, she was unable to return to the sky. The quality of the soldiers of the imperial court was too low, and without the tenacity, it would be impossible.

"With more than 10,000 people, are they here for nothing?"

"Even if the soldiers muster up the courage, no matter how powerful the Totem Maniac Orcs are, they won't end up so unbearable."

It's hard to say that they are all human races. Watching their compatriots being killed by totem orcs wanton, the charming mood is very heavy. At the same time, when their lives are threatened, they don't dare to raise the courage to fight for their lives. .

"Let's go."

Charming sighed unwillingly, summoned the soldiers of the Unyielding City, ready to withdraw from the battlefield.

"Take me away, I order you to **** me out of here."

Just as the Unyielding City troops fought and retreated to the edge of the battlefield, Gong Tian ran over shouting under the guard of his personal guards.

His shout, coupled with the gorgeous robes on his body, immediately attracted the attention of the totem frenziers, but when he saw Gong Tian running towards the edge of a battlefield with a relatively neat team, he chased them one after another.

"Gan, this **** is really a scourge."

Wenren saw that Gong Tian had attracted the attention of a large number of totem mad orcs, and rushing towards his own troops, it was really more disgusting than eating flies.

"Sister Wu, ignore him, let's retreat quickly." Wen Ren turned his head and said to Charming.

"Oh, it's too late."

A charming and bitter smile, if it didn't attract the attention of the Totem Frenzy, it would be okay. You can quietly retreat while they are killing other soldiers. Now it has been discovered, the speed is definitely not as fast as the Totem Frenzy, and you can only fight.

"The soldiers are fighting, the time has come to die desperately. Killing one does not pay for one more. Even if you die, it is worth your death."

Charming loudly inspired the soldiers, took the lead and stood in front, preparing to resist the charge of the totem frenzy.

At the same time, she did not forget to slap Gongtian's mount who was rushing past her with a shield.


Gong Tian fell off his mount and rolled on the ground several times. When he saw this, his guards rushed to him and helped him up.

"Wu Maimei, do you want to kill me?" Gong Tian roared viciously.

Charming said with a sullen face: "Hmph, if you hadn't led the enemy over, my army wouldn't have wanted to be slaughtered like this, I can't wait to smash your head."

Wenren helped him: "Yes, it's not a pity for a person like you to die."

The others also glared at Gong Tian.

Seeing that he was about to attack the stronghold and open the way back, he was thrown into death by Gong Tian, ​​and no one hated it.

"Asshole, you untouchables dare to disrespect me as the prince. When I go back, I must let the father chop off your heads."

"Hahaha, when are you still thinking about this? Today everyone is probably going to die here, and even if you can go back, how do you want to explain to your father, because of you, all the troops that have already broken out will die. Here, what do you think your father will do?" Charming said coldly. Yuyu Novel

Gong Tian's face was pale. He knew that his father would know what he had done and ruin the army. Even if he was his own son, he would not end up any better.

But now is not the time to think about what will happen when I go back. It is a question of whether I can survive.

Seeing totem frenziers getting closer and closer, Gong Tian shouted hoarsely under the threat of life:

"I don't care, you have to protect me no matter what, I am the prince. If you ignore my safety, it is unfaithful to the imperial court to the father."

Charmingly sneered, not at all at ease with Gong Tian's words.

"Avant-garde joins me in blocking the charge of the totem frenzy. Everyone pays attention to protect the back line, and be sure not to let the enemy rush to the back."

The battle situation was urgent, and the totem mad orcs were about to rush forward. Charming no longer paid attention to Gong Tian, ​​but quickly ordered the arrangement.

The soldiers also ran quickly, and the avant-garde and charming stood in front of the troops together, raising their shields in their hands, preparing to withstand the first wave of the totem frenzy, and at the same time shut Gong Tian out of the troops.

" guys, well, actually do this to me."

Gong Tian saw that Charming and the soldiers leading the Unyielding City rejected him, his eyes were full of bitterness.

"We walked around, anyway, if the Totem Orcs want to catch up, they must kill you untouchables first."

Gong Tian was hugged by his guards with a gloomy face to ride together. Before leaving, he did not forget to drop a vicious curse, "I hope you all die here, and the corpses will all become the rations for those animals."

The soldiers of the Unyielding City who could hear Gong Tian's words glared at him.

"Go away, or don't blame me for ordering you to be stabbed to death."

Disgusted with such charming people like Gong Tian, ​​he resisted the desire to kill him, and said coldly.


Gong Tian snorted coldly, and then under the leadership of his guards, he walked around from the edge of the unyielding city troops.

"Sister Wu, why let him go, it would be better to let him be in the hands of the Totem Mad Orc." Wen Ren said bitterly, looking at Gong Tian's back.

"Do you think he can escape? Now Raofeng City is full of totem frenzied orcs, and the way back is broken. He can escape there and die sooner or later."

Charming and said The situation she said is not the situation of her own people. They also can't escape. The only hope of going back has been ruined by Gongtian. Now what they can do is Fight to the death.

"I'm sorry, this time it was I who hurt you, and Yiyiyaya and the others. Chen Fang couldn't explain it."

"Speaking of which, if it weren't for me to let you follow, it wouldn't cause you to die here with me."

The charming eyes looked at Yiyi, who was unfolding the energy cannon in the back, and Yaya and others, with embarrassment on their faces.

In this situation, he has fallen into a desperate situation, thinking that these partners who accompany him are killed here, and regretful in the charming heart.

"Don't say that, we came here voluntarily." Jimo shook his head and said.

"Sister Wu, don't say frustrating words now, everything can happen before people fall." Wenren said.

With a charming and bitter smile, what can happen, unless an army that can easily kill the mad orcs descends from the sky, otherwise there is still a dead end.

"The enemy is coming up, fight."

Charming shook her head, not thinking too much, seeing that the totem mad orc had rushed to the front but only half a hundred distance away, her face was solemn, ready to meet the enemy.

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