My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 733: : Go to prison

Chen Fang was arrested. He had just walked out of the castle a moment before, and he was arrested by someone from the Imperial Court’s headquarters who suddenly appeared after him for the suspected murder of the Great Emperor’s Uterus, preparing to take him back to the Southern Territory. Ting interrogated.

Gong Tian would die in the hands of the Totem Mad Orc, and Chen Fang did have something to do with it, but he would definitely not admit it.

Although Chen Fang didn't know why the imperial court knew that Gong Tian's death was related to him, and put the charge on him, it was definitely related to Gong Fang.

There is no other purpose for doing this, but one thing is certain, obviously it means to force Gong Xiaobai to go to the South.

The relationship between Chen Fang and Gong Xiaobai is not a secret, and Chen Fang’s “knowledge” of the identity of the master of armed base is very important to Indomitable City. If Gong Xiaobai does not want to lose Chen Fang, he must go to the South The deal.

In fact, Unyielding City’s attitude is tough. You can ask for evidence to prove that Chen Fang is related to Gong Tian’s death, or else you can’t be taken away. Those who want to come to the big headquarters who came to take people with only an arrest warrant. There is no way, after all, this is the territory of the three princes.

However, out of the fact that he did not live up to the population and various considerations, Chen Fang decided to commit the danger with his body and took the opportunity to go to the southern border to see the situation.

After letting the people of Unyielding City deal with the people of the Great Headquarters, Chen Fang discussed a few words with Charming and Jimo before being taken away.

After Chen Fang was taken away, Unyielding City began to act, and according to the arrangement made by Chen Fang before, the speed was arranged.

Mrs. Mili contacted the intelligence personnel in the southern border and ordered them to collect the current information of the imperial court.

Du Si and Lu Yichuang led the army out of the north gate and circled a large circle to the south.

When Gong Xiaobai woke up, Mei Mei organized a group of entourage according to Chen Fang's arrangement, and set off with him to the south the next day.

With intensive gongs and drums, the game between the two sides will begin in the southern imperial court.

Chen Fang was taken away from Unyielding City by the people of the Imperial Court’s headquarters and then boarded a cabin pulled by a flying beast. The flying cabin of the Imperial Court was very fast. It took only eight hours before he was taken into Qingtian. The imperial palace headquarters of the island people area.

After landing in an open-air flight cabin, Chen Fang, who was wearing elemental restraint shackles on his body, was pushed down by the head of the department.

There are things hanging on his hands and feet. Although these elemental restraint shackles are useless to Chen Fang, they are just cosmetics. They can be broken by just pulling them, but he can’t show it, so he walks a bit slowly while pretending to be restricted. The surrounding situation.

Seeing that he was walking so slowly, the arrester of the large headquarters following Chen Fang impatiently pushed Chen Fang into his mouth and yelled at him to hurry up.

"Go faster, believe it or not, I'll smoke you."

A full-faced catcher raised a whip with spines in his hand.

Chen Fang looked at the other side coldly, thinking that if you dare to fight, you will kill you when you go out.

It may be that Chen Fang's indifferent gaze made him a little scared. The arrester did not dare to drop his whip, but continued to push Chen Fang to let him go quickly.

"Senior Zhao, smoke, isn't this person the criminal who killed His Highness? Anyway, most of them are going to die. What are you afraid of."

A catcher who went with him this time called his senior, but he couldn't hide the ridicule in his mouth.

"Hmph, it is still unclear whether the criminal who killed the Highness is not sure. If it is not, it is not plain to provoke a person. Don't forget that he is a member of the Third Highness. I can't get you to control it." Said aloud.

Regardless of whether Chen Fang is a murderer or not, as long as it has something to do with the death of His Highness, it is probably not an existence that ordinary people can provoke. Although the person in front of him looks ordinary, he has seen many murderers in the past ten years. It feels like this guy is not easy.

Before the matter was settled, he didn't want to provoke right and wrong, and he could not provoke him. This is the experience of Lao Zhao for many years. Of course, he is not retaliated like other arresters. After more than ten years of work, he is still only a grassroots catcher.

Promotion is not important to life, right?

"You are so courageous, it's no wonder that after more than ten years, you are only a catcher, and the others who came in with you have been promoted." The companion contemptuously said.

"Dead too." Old Zhao said lightly.

No one was alive, and all were retaliated to death.


Can anyone enter this department?

The one who came in was not doing gangsters to powerful people.

If you provoke someone, the people behind him won't ask you to settle accounts?

Whoever promises you benefits and protection can really protect you?

Old Zhao sneered, "I dare not, do you dare?"

My companion also sneered, "Why don't you dare, but not now. I will wait until I am sent to jail. This time I took a job and finished it. I will climb on top of you seniors in the future, envy it. "

Lao Zhao didn't answer, just looked at each other with the other old capturers who were traveling this time, and secretly shook his head.

Envy a fart.

Novices are novices. There are more people crawling on my but in the end, not all of them died of various accidents, just one or two accidents. Most of the accidents happened later, only A small number of people really got the benefits. If you want to say that there is no ghost, Old Zhao can not believe it. As long as the arresters with three years of work experience in the large department know this, the newcomers don't know the way.

"As a senior, I advise you to stay a little longer, knowing that you are doing things for the second prince, but is it too early?"

In line with the idea of ​​a colleague, Old Zhao persuaded.

"Morning, will it? A discerning person can see that the second majesty will ascend to the throne in the future. If you don't act now, there will be no chance in the future." The newcomer said disdainfully.

"Hehe, maybe you have a better vision than the minister and the other adults. I am a timid person and can only wish you good luck." Old Zhao smiled.

The newcomer could not hear that what Zhao said was ironic, and showed complacency.

The conversation between the two was not hidden, and he said in front of Chen Fang, he heard everything clearly.

From the conversation between the two, Chen Fang analyzed that this large department was not under the control of the palace, and then speculated that the imperial court was not completely under the control of the palace. Many people were watching, otherwise this Old Zhao wouldn't say that in the end.

This is a good thing, at least Gong Xiaobai came over, instead of facing the imperial court under the control of the palace, it was not a piece of iron bucket.

After that, the old Zhao and the newcomer didn't continue talking, and brought Chen Fang to the cell of the main headquarters, down to the third floor, and detained him in a damp and dark cell.

There was no one else in the cell. After Chen Fang entered, the arrester who escorted him locked the cell door and left.

Chen Fang lay down on the simple wooden bed in the cell with his handcuffs and shackles, thinking about what to do next.

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