My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 872: : Saved two natives

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To maintain the operation of the Seed of Flame covering the whole body, do not consume too much energy, swallow a gold coin, as long as it is not used in battle, it can be kept within an hour without being frozen in the snow.

Chen Fang also followed the orderer all the way with this, and perhaps the other party had relaxed his vigilance in this environment, and Chen Fang followed the other party only five hundred meters behind him, still not being noticed.

In this way, for more than an hour, Chen Fang followed the orderer to an altar the size of a football field, on which stood a huge statue of more than ten meters high.

This idol, carved out of unknown material, is detailed and lifelike. Underneath is a tree-like body rooted in the ground. The upper body is a rock-like humanoid structure. The left arm is a beast arm with thick hair, and the palm extends. With long claws, the right arm is a centipede-like shell section, and at the end is a large round mouth full of fangs. The facial features of the head are no different from ordinary people. The same eyes, a nose and a mouth, except that the ears are somewhat pointed. The appearance is very handsome and handsome. If you look at the face, you can put it on the blue star, which can be regarded as the world's first, but with a strange body, it is a bit piercing.

This **** looks too weird, and even this appearance can still be worshipped. I don't know if those believers have aesthetic problems. This has to be defined as a monster in Blue Star.

Chen Fang vomited a bit, recalling the gods he had seen before, and even wondering whether the so-called gods in this world all looked so crooked.

In fact, Chen Fang had a misunderstanding. In addition to the strange appearance and appearance of the gods, there are also beautiful existences. He has only seen a few gods, but by coincidence, the looks do not conform to his aesthetics. Not necessarily.

Just like the Naaru in World of Warcraft, that is also considered to be a god. In the eyes of humans, it’s hard to see a guy who looks like a squid, but Delaney doesn’t think that in their eyes, it’s nothing in the world. A comparable beautiful representative.

After scanning the idol, Chen Fang turned his gaze to the orderer. After seeing the other party on the altar, he walked to the idol and then held the flame toward the idol with both hands.

There was no sign of any abnormality, the flame suddenly began to violently burn and expand, becoming the size of the flame Chen Fang had swallowed before.

After the flame grew larger, the orderer put his arms back, holding the flames and walked down the altar and left. Chen Fang finally swept a statue of the gods and followed him.

It didn’t take long this time. It just walked half a circle around the altar, and after another 500 meters, I came to a place full of crystal pillars. If you look closely, you can see that each crystal pillar is imprisoned. This kind of creature is different from the creatures that are inserted into the celestial crystal pillars with only bones. The creatures in the crystal pillars here, except for the black hollow eye sockets, are kept in the rest of the body. Pretty good.

Chen Fang wondered why when the orderer came here, the other party moved.

He walked to a crystal pillar, pressed the flame in his hand on the crystal surface for a while and then removed it. After a short break, when he took it away again, the flame had disappeared.

Then the crystal pillars began to melt, revealing a kind that was frozen inside that looked like a bear, but had two more forelimbs. The joints on the back of the chest were covered with creatures like fish scales, and its eye sockets appeared. After the flame, a flame crown was formed on his head, similar to the two gold and silver griffins that Chen Fang had seen before.

Then the weird bear's body began to tremble violently. When the body was completely free from the crystal column, the weird bear moved his limbs stiffly with very clumsy movements, and slowly became a little more flexible as time passed.

After the revived weird bear adjusted to the body, he crouched in front of the orderer, making a surrender.

Then the orderer bowed his head and looked at each other with the weird bear with flaming eyes, as if they were communicating silently. The time was not long, only less than a minute, and both sides ended the state of seeing each other.

After that, the weird bear opened his mouth like a silent roar, nodded towards the orderer, and then left with the orderer, looking towards the grassland.

Chen Fang quietly followed, ready to see where the orderer was going this time.

Passing through the border again, and entering the grassland, Chen Fang dissipated the energy supply of the Flame Seed, and continued to track while keeping a kilometer away from the previous orderer and the bear.

But this kind of aimless following wiped out Chen Fang's patience little by little, and he became impatient.

Should we rush to destroy them, and then send the ‘daughters’ to investigate? Maybe it will be faster to discover the source of the world.

Chen Fang was a little moved.

But just as Chen Fang was hesitating, the orderer in front and the weird bear following him turned around a peak column and disappeared from sight. Chen Fang instinctively speeded up as well, just as he ran. When I reached the peak of the peak where the opponent had disappeared and turned over, I suddenly heard the screams of women and men in pain, which made Chen prevent him from stepping, and then stepped back a few steps, and then the rugged rock mass under the peak column. Covered, secretly looked over.

I saw a male native who was bitten on his shoulder by a strange bear who stood up, was hugged by the bear's four sturdy forelimbs, and was tortured by the pain caused by the gnawing and screamed.

The person who executed the order grabbed a frightened but hateful, struggling female native and watched indifferently.

Chen Fang saw two very primitive stone weapons scattered on the ground, wondering if these two natives attacked the orderer.

The reason for this speculation was because Chen Fang felt that the female native was very similar to the mother who had chosen the baby in the tribe.

Of course, he is not very sure, and the distance was too far before, and the baby's mother was back to him again, and she didn't face her face and didn't know her appearance. The reason why she felt that she was, was mainly because the mother's figure was in the nursing stage. Of women, the secondary sexual characteristics will be fuller, and it just so happens that in the tribe I observed before, only one mother has this posture, so Chen Fang has this idea, but it cannot be ruled out that there is only one primitive Indigenous tribes.

But it doesn’t There are currently two choices before Chen Fang, save the two strange primitive natives, or wait for them to be killed before continuing to follow the orderer Try your luck and see if you can find the source of the world.

Chen Fang didn’t hesitate for too long, so he made a choice. He rushed out and kicked the bear on the head, letting it sit on the ground staggeringly, and at the same time let go of the male native, Chen Fang. He took the opportunity to pick up the dying male native, and then launched a charge, bumping into the sequencer who seemed to be shocked by the sudden emergence of a person, and punched the flying sequencer at the moment the dizziness effect was lifted. Then he grabbed the dirty and knotted hair of the native female, summoned the three jumpers and threw them back into the cart, and then slipped away on the three jumpers.

After Chen Fang hit and rescued someone, the process of embarrassing him in the back of the car and getting in the car and leaving was very short, but only seven or eight seconds, when the orderer turned over and got up from the ground, Chen Fang was already driving to the limit speed. Sanbengzi ran far away.

After chasing the bear for a while, the sequencer could only utter an incompetent roar at a small spot on the horizon.

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