My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 883: : Against

Chen Fang looked at the group of gray robes surrounding him. He was not surprised that he would be found by the gray robes. He was just a little surprised that the guy who attacked him before went back to find a helper. There was still a large group.

   "Nima, really shameless, looking for so many people to kill me."

   Chen Fang thought that he ran away last time. In order to trap him, the gray-robed man found so many companions to surround him.

   But in fact, Chen Fang was wrong. These people in gray robes were all because he had absorbed the flames, and felt that the flames disappeared in the world, and they did not come to him specially.

   Looking at the attendants of the gods of nature who were leaning towards him, Chen Fang didn't plan to sit and wait for death. Instead, he held a plastic knife at his waist and preempted him.

   "Eat me and cut it."

   Chen Biao yelled, leaned over and pressed his body, the knife came out, and the forty-meter knife light swept out in an arc.

  The sword light passed, and all the gray-robed men who had just walked within 40 meters of Chen Fang's body were chopped in waist, broken in two, their bodies were divided into sections, and they fell to the ground and died.

   When this result appeared, both sides were taken aback.

The gray-robed people didn’t expect that when surrounded by so many people, the human being would suddenly attack and wield a jokingly forty-meter long knife when the companion in front was still about 30 meters away. In the front row, dozens of companions were cut into two pieces and killed.

And Chen Fang didn’t expect that the one just now could easily kill dozens of **** servants at once. If he knew it, he wouldn’t have made the sword so early. He waited for the opponent to get closer and narrow the encirclement. , Wouldn't it be more fruitful, maybe you can kill half of the opponent in one shot.

   God's attendant was so good at slashing, all because the opponent didn't burn flames to protect his body, otherwise Chen Fang would not kill people so easily.

   "I didn't expect the body of those **** servants to be so fragile in front of the weapon, the sword was early, and the loss was lost."

   Chen Fang regretted that he had taken the shot early, but there was no time for him to struggle.

   After dozens of comrades died, the gray-robed men finally turned on the fighting state, burning flames on each one, and threw out flame-skeletal beasts, controlling them to charge at him.

   Thousands of flaming skeletal beasts popped up on the field, and Chen Fang felt frustrated when he saw it.

   If there are more than ten or twenty, he is not afraid, but if there are more, he will definitely not be able to resist it. After all, more ants can kill an elephant.

   didn't want to be surrounded by these flame bone beasts, and then was bitten to death under Gu Gu, and Chen Fang quickly summoned fifty war knights to help resist.

Those **** servants seemed to be shocked by the sudden emergence of fifty war knights, so that the flame bone beasts they controlled stepped back, and then after the **** servant came, the flame bone The beast continued to attack.

   Please help, you can steal book tickets like stealing food. Come steal the book tickets of your friends and vote for me.

   The war knight didn't need Chen Fang's command, so he spontaneously ran to Chen Fang to protect his "father", and fought against the flames.

   Chen Fang is watching nervously from behind.

The fire on the flame bone beast does not burn the life form. The war knight is a plant life form, so Chen Fang is not afraid of being burned. He is just a little worried that the "daughters" will be damaged by the fire. Fangs and claws will suffer.

   But he was worried for nothing.

   When the war knight and the flame bone beast confronted, the flames on those flame bone beasts were also ineffective against the weapons brought down by the war knights.

   Chen Fang didn't understand at first, but after thinking about it, he figured it out.

   To put it simply, the weapons on the Dryad Warriors are actually part of their bodies. Just like the thorns of a cactus, they are also life matter, so the flame is invalid.

   After discovering this situation, Chen Fang stopped hesitating and summoned the jungle hunter and Xiao Qiao together.

   Hullah a hundred heroic beauties surrounded Chen Fangtuan and confronted the flame skeleton led by the orderer.

   Although the tree spirit warriors are not attached to Chen Fang, their strength is the same as that of the "mother" Xiao Qiao, and is linked to Chen Fang's own strength.

   The stronger Chen Fang as the "father" is, the stronger they will be. As for the extent to which they are, it is not easy to say, but they can easily defeat the Intermediate Level 2 Awakeners.

With this kind of strength, coupled with the formation of the Dryad warrior, the extremely tacit cooperation between the war knight and the jungle hunter, the flame bone beast is not an opponent at all when the flame on its body is not effective. The skull was smashed by the war knight, and the javelin of the jungle hunter was nailed through the sky spirit cover, so no matter how large the number of flame bone beasts, it would not be able to break the defense of the tree demon warrior.

   is just a defense, after all, it can't completely defeat the **** servants, so Chen Fang has to try.

  Because of the flames, Chen Fang himself played the game with his fists at the most. The killing efficiency was not high, so it was of little significance for him to intervene in the battle.

   After using his brains, Chen Fang summoned the war drum stand, sounded the war tune, and brought Joe and Xiao to cheer the "daughters".

In War Drums, the dryad warriors with flames also burning on their bodies are extremely powerful, and it seems that the effect of the flames on their bodies on soul damage has a great restraint effect on the flame bone beasts, like those flame bone beasts. Like a little chicken, he was easily chopped to pieces by the Dryad Warrior.

   With the blessing of War Drum Music, the Dryad Warrior killed the flame bone beast several times faster, and within a short period of time, all the flame bone beasts on the field were eliminated.

   Now there are only two hundred servants with flames all over the field.


   On the battle drum stage, Chen Fang ordered the ground with great power.

   However, this order was stopped by Xiao Qiao, and they did not let any Dryad warrior leave around the drum stand.

   And the Dryad Warriors also followed their wishes and didn't leave the area around the drum Fang was dumbfounded, and some did not understand what the situation was. His contract creature actually violated the wishes of the "master".

   "Do you want to be the masters of your own house? It's overturned."

   Chen Fang stopped playing the drums and stared at the small and small Qiao who stood behind the auxiliary drum and asked.

Xiao Qiao’s abnormal disobedience made Chen Fang a little confused. If it fell on someone else, he might feel that his contract beast wanted to eat the lord, but Chen Fang knew that anyone in the world might betray him, but Joe and his "daughters" don't.

   After all, he died, and they died.

   Therefore, Chen Fang's yelling question did not carry too much negative emotions, but was just a little angry, just like when parents suddenly find that their originally obedient child is rebellious in person and feel angry.

   But then Chen Fang's anger disappeared, and he secretly felt happy.

   "My lord, the reason why we reject your order is based on the consideration of protecting you."

Xiao Qiao said that protecting Chen Fang is the first priority in their hearts. If Chen Fang goes out to kill the enemy, they will serve the left and right, serving as shields and guns, but it is impossible for them to leave Chen Fang and fight independently. of.

   Chen Fang was moved and amused.

   "Am I someone who needs your protection, really."

   "I hope you will be obedient."

   "This is not an example."

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