My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 909: : Attribute points, Pao Ding Jie Niu



   Killed the giant beast, Chen Fang disarmed his incarnation, and then spit out the exhaust gas that had just been held in his chest, but by the way it touched the internal injury, and another big mouthful of blood spurted out.

   "I've lost, I can't make up for it without seven or eight hundred gold coins."

   Chen Fang, whose face was extremely pale, wiped the blood off his mouth, and annoyed that he was too careless in the fight just now.

Recalling just now, the giant beast was huge and heavy, and had one eye cut off. At its own speed, in fact, as long as it grabs its blind spot and spends a little time to polish it, it can be killed without suffering. Such kind of injury.

   "Thanks to the big, thinking that the strength is greater, the strength is stronger, and I can face the giant beasts.

Thinking of spending more than a thousand gold coins for Krypton enhancement this time, plus vomiting two mouthfuls of blood worth a thousand gold, including the skill and source power consumption, the total cost of three or four thousand gold coins is indispensable, Chen Fang is distressed and almost committed. heart disease.

But fortunately, the monster was killed by him. With its precious quality that its flesh and blood is priceless, it is less than a dozen tons of weight, how can it be hundreds of thousands or even millions of gold coins, how it is not a loss. On the contrary, he made a lot of money.

   And kill the monster, Chen Fang also got two good gains.

   But before checking the harvest, Chen Fang first treated himself with a healing hammer to stabilize the injury, and then manipulated the bandage to cover the wound on his body. After handling these, he checked the two harvests.

   One is the twenty attribute points obtained after killing the monster, and the other is the loot.

   attribute points, after Chen Fang thought about it, he put all of them into his spirit.

Because through the battle he has just discovered that his mental attributes are higher than before now, he can concentrate more, his five senses will be much sharper than before, and his nerve response will be much improved. In a crisis, his spirit is extremely concentrated. When the time, there will be bullet time, which can well avoid fatal damage and has a great effect.

   Out of the above feelings, Chen Fang chose to put the twenty attribute points he obtained into his spiritual attributes.

   Then he had an unexpected gain.

After investing attribute points on mental attributes, Chen Fang discovered that with every increase in attribute value, he himself has more control over his body, and his strength and agility also seem to be released, rising by 10% or 20%. The body becomes stronger and more flexible.

   Chen Fang was very surprised.

   Can adding spiritual attributes also increase strength and speed?

   But this is obviously impossible.

After thinking about it, Chen Fang felt that there was only one possibility. Although his previous strength and agility increased with the increase of his attribute value, but because of the nerve response limit and the protection mechanism of the human body, the body was restricted in the subconscious. Man exerts 100% of his power, so he can’t really reach the strength and agility that 30 attribute value should show. At most 70% to 80% can be displayed. The increase of mental attribute increases the upper threshold, so he will feel The strength has risen quickly, but this is actually an illusion.

   "It seems that if you have attribute points in the future, you must first add mental attributes, and after you have fully exerted your true power, you can increase the other two attribute values."

   Insert a sentence, the reading app I am using recently has a lot of books, full of books, fast update!

   Chen Fang squeezed his fist and murmured, then turned his attention to the trophy.

  The trophy is a skill book, "Beat Ding Niu", but it is not a combat skill, but a cooking skill. It can be used on animal ingredients to easily dismember the flesh and skin.

   This trophy came in time, the monster is so big, Chen Fang is worried that he can't fit his storage space.

   "It's a pity, I knew I didn't work so hard. I lost my head, so I lost tons of meat so I could eat tons of meat."

   Chen Fang regretted it while learning the skill book, and then began to deal with the remains of the giant beast.

   came out with a kitchen knife in vain, and Chen Fang solemnly looked at the headless beast corpse.


Chen Fang jumped into the air and swung his knife for a flash, as if he had used a clone technique. Multiple figures suddenly emerged, surrounded by the three-story behemoth, flashing up and down, flashing knitting alternately. Huaguang flickered, and then I saw the entire fur of the giant beast peeled off, revealing the white muscles and red flesh below.

Then the light of the knives became more dense, and the flesh and blood on the giant beasts seemed to have passed through a screen, becoming blocks the size of a suitcase, crashing down, and stacked like bricks in piles. Minutes later, all the internal organs were removed, leaving only a huge skeleton in place.

After the preliminary treatment, Chen Fang did not rest, swallowing a dozen mutant beast meatballs in the storage space to supplement the consumption, and then began to collect the pieces of giant beast meat and the bones that were disassembled according to the joints. When I got up, I filled the back of the Sanbangzi, and then the storage space. After 70 to 80% of it was installed, I was really unable to put it down. Chen Fang had no choice but to rub the remaining meat and internal organs into balls. Into the seam, this will all be put away.

   "It's wasted."

Chen Fang was a little distressed about the beast meat and internal organs that were rolled into balls. This kind of **** that have been compressed to the limit and lost their moisture, although the energy contained in it will not be lost, but it cannot be bitten or chewed and can only be swallowed as a pill. Waste the opportunity to make it mouth-watering and delicious.

   He still remembers that when he was in the city of Newborn, the behemoth meat roasted by the old man Liu Xianqian was really delicious.

   "Okay, it's time to go back."

The giant beast was already done, and Chen Fang would naturally not stay there. He turned and left, but before he walked out of the ruins of the fruit city, when he first came to the city wall area, he was frightened by a large group of mutant beasts that suddenly appeared. Have to retreat to a ruin and hide.

   Chen Fang stood on the heights of the ruins, looking at the mutant beasts rushing towards the inside, thoughtfully.

   This is the smell of blood from the behemoth, so rush to dinner.

   But it's a pity, now there is nothing more than a little bit of meat and blood on the ground, and at most I licked a few mouthfuls of blood that seeped into the sand on the ground.

   Chen Fang smiled triumphantly.

   Hiding in the ruins for a while, after the mutant beasts below all ran over, Chen Fang came down, and when he was about to leave, Chen Fang hesitated.

Even if it’s a bit of flesh and blood, it is estimated that the mutant beasts will compete. After all, the flesh and blood of the giant beast is a big tonic for the mutant beast. Maybe a little bit can evolve the bloodline and advance, so it is impossible not to fight .

   Shall I go and take advantage of it? Chen Fang thought.

   At the moment of thinking, rushing to the direction where Chen Fang had fought with the giant beast before, there was a chaotic roar of beasts, as well as the crackling and rioting sound of fighting, it was obvious that the group of mutant beasts began to fight for some flesh and blood foam.

   Chen Fangyi moved for a while, but in the end he still did not pass.

  Because he can't take it even if there is a bargain to go there. After all, there is no place to wear it.


   With a sigh, Chen Fang turned and left. After walking out of the ruins of the city, he summoned the electric car and headed west.

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