My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 923: : Jiangcheng Messenger

"As officers, you dare not lead your troops to charge into the battle and let others replace them. You are so greedy for life and fear of death. What do you still occupy your current position? I think this time is just right. If you don’t want to go, then don’t be. Go up and back down, and let other people who are willing to spend their lives sit there." Lu Yichuang said with a contemptuous glance at the commanders of several former southern troops present.

   The faces of a few officers who had just been thinking differently went stiff, and then hurriedly expressed their attitude.

   "I don't have one, don't talk nonsense."

   "Yes, we are just thinking about making Master Chen Fang lead the troops more appropriately."

   "Yes, it's impossible to be greedy of life and fear of death."

   Someone also complains to Toji and charming.

   "Master, charming, you have to call us the shots. Lu Yichuan is slandering and destroying our internal unity."

   Lv sneered at this, then looked at the officers who were defending themselves, and secretly mocked the officers whose voices were loud and appeared to have no silver performance here.

   At this time, Chen Fang was also looking back.

   He just didn't understand the situation of the army before, so he was a little proud of being praised by those officers, but now he feels fooled, and he feels a little angry.

   I co-authored these people because they wanted to use me as a gunman.

   Hemp egg, the heart is sinister.


   Two knocks on the table sounded, quieting several officers who were arguing loudly.

   "Chen Fang is not a member of the army after all. He has no obligation to help you lead troops, nor is he obligated to help you fight."

   "Facing Jiangcheng this time is something our army has to deal with by itself, so don't think about letting others help."

   "Well, this time we are discussing countermeasures, not others. Do you have any other suggestions now."

   At the moment, the enemy does not want to have more troubles, and there are some things waiting to be dealt with Jiang Cheng.

   As Toshi's voice fell, the chamber fell into silence. After waiting for a while, no one said anything, and they all lowered their heads and played with their fingers.

   charmingly looked at this situation, and sighed secretly, there was no one in the army, and then he could only ask Chen Fang:

   "Chen Fang, do you have any ideas?"

   Chen Fang rolled his eyes, and everyone told him that it was a matter for the army, so why did he join in.

   Seeing that Chen Fang hadn’t moved, she urged her with her elbow, "Hurry up and show me."

   "Behave, I have no idea, OK, you catch the duck on the shelf."

   Chen Fang was depressed and at the same time puzzled.

   The unreasonably charming charm just let myself show it, what the **** is this.

   "You should do me a favor and come up with ideas. After all, this is a matter of life and death for us." Charming pleaded.

   Charming did this because she wanted to give Chen Fang a chance to show her face, and also to pave the way for something she wanted to do in the future.

   Facing the charming request, and adding that it is a matter of himself to cover the nest, Chen Fang could only use his brain.

   Everyone says that they know oneself and know the enemy well, but now they don’t know much about Jiangcheng's situation.

   So Chen Fang asked: "Sister Wu, is the messenger still there?"

   nodded charmingly, "It's still there, I have someone lock him up."

   "Then have you interrogated Jiang Cheng's intelligence?"

   "Yes, but the population is very hard, so I didn't pry out anything."

   "Not at all?"

   nodded with a wry smile.

   "This is difficult to handle. Without intelligence, the countermeasures made are very variable." Chen Fang shook his head and said.

   This war is not a trivial matter. If you don’t even know the opponent’s minimum time to dispatch troops, the route of entry, the number of troops, and the composition of the troops, rushing out a countermeasure is simply killing you.

   "I don't think this meeting will be held today. It's meaningless. It's better to pry some information from the messenger first, and then make a decision." Chen Fang proposed.

   "Take me to see the messenger. I will try to see if I can make him speak."

   Charming also felt that it was so, so she said to Toshi, and left with Chen Fang.

   After seeing the two people leave, the military meeting ended soon.

Chen Fang followed charmingly to a room temporarily used as a prisoner. After entering, he saw that the hard-mouthed Jiangcheng messenger was dangling by two soldiers, his skin was broken and his appearance was very miserable. He screamed when he was beaten. He was weak, his eyes were in a trance, and he looked dying.

   "Okay, don't fight anymore. He didn't say anything when he was beaten up like this, indicating that his body has adapted to the pain, and playing again is a waste of energy."

   Chen Fang immediately stopped the soldiers.

   The soldier heard the words and looked at her charming eyes, and when he saw her nodded, he took the whip.

   Chen Fang walked to the Jiangcheng messenger and saw that the other party was breathing in and out, and shook his head and said, "If you don't give me some treatment, I'm afraid you won't be able to make it through the night, you will be ruthless."

   The two soldiers are speechless, but the torture is not just like that. What else can be done if the other side does not speak but furiously.

   "Need some treatment? I'll call someone."

   Charming was also worried that someone would die, so she prepared to ask the soldier to call a doctor over, but Chen Fang stopped it.

   "No, you forget that I can also heal."

   As he said, Chen Fang condensed a light hammer into his hand, and then slammed it on the messenger.


   The messenger screamed, and his voice became more breathless than before.

   And the wound on his body healed quickly under the action of the healing hammer.

   Chen Fang first treated the messenger a few times with a healing hammer with a pain level that was not so high. After the injury was almost stabilized, he finally stopped using the highest-level healing hammer.

During the period of   , with Chen Fang's treatment, the messenger's screams became louder and louder, and at the last moment, he directly screamed through the sky, full of breath.

   Then the messenger who woke up completely, pinched the painful part of the urine with his leg, while looking at Chen Fang fiercely.

   Insert a sentence, the book-chasing app I am using recently, cache reading, offline reading!

   Seeing that the messenger was sober and his injuries were almost good, Chen Fang clapped his hands with satisfaction.

"Look, I cured your injury, do you want to thank me?" Chen Fang said while turning around the messenger's mouth moved, he wanted to spit at Chen Fang, but Chen Fang, who was sharp-eyed, covered his mouth with his hand and directly pressed it back.


The messenger was forced to swallow the thick phlegm in his mouth. The whole person was not well, and then he wanted to open his mouth and bit Chen Fang's hand, but he was not buck-tooth not able to reach Chen Fang's palm, but although he did not bite Chen Fang Fang, but the saliva also got on Chen Fang's hands.

   Chen Fang hurriedly closed his hands, and then wiped off his saliva on the other party's ragged clothes with disgust.

   The messenger said coldly when Chen Fang hadn't spoken: "You die, I won't say anything."

   "I haven't asked yet, it's not good for me to just say that."

   Chen Fang raised his eyebrows.

   "Hehe." The messenger sneered.

   "Actually, I don't think you need to be so stubborn. Look, the people from Jiangcheng sent you here to give you the gift. Obviously, you are regarded as an abandoned child. You don't have to give your life for Jiangcheng." Chen Fang said.

   In the current era of this world, there is no unspoken rule that the two armies cannot be killed in a battle, so as a malicious messenger, there is a high probability of losing their lives.

   "Needless to say, after receiving this task, I didn't expect to go back alive." The messenger said lightly.

   Although the words were straightforward, Chen Fang could see the unwillingness and hidden sadness from his deathly eyes.

   From this, Chen Fang felt that he couldn't do it hard and wanted to attack his mind.

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