My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 939: : Dispatched

The town hall meeting room is closed for a day.

When    entered, everyone looked very bad, irritable and pessimistic all on their faces.

   But after coming out, all of them looked surprised and admired. When they left the meeting room, they turned their heads from time to time to look at the bald head inside, feeling that the other party’s hairstyle was indeed worthy of the word smart.

   Lu asked the Doji who was walking beside him:

   "My lord, do you think Chen Fang's plan can be successful?"

   Dusi said firmly with an expression: "Since the plan is given, don't think about whether it can succeed. Now say that this is not. Just remember that we must succeed, because this is the only chance to save the new city and your own lives."

   Lu nodded.

   Indeed, instead of worrying about the unsuccessful plan, it is better to think about how to make the plan successful.

   After the others left, there were still five people in the conference room, including Chen Fang.

   "Uncle, if you act according to the plan, you will be very stressed and very dangerous."

   After listening to the plan, Gong Xiaobai admired and worried.

   Wu Yaoyan also looked at Chen Fang with a worried look.

   In Chen Fang’s plan, he has to complete many links by himself, and a little carelessness is a dead end.

   Chen Fang said bitterly, "I don't want to, but I can only do this now."

   "Can't you change someone else?"

   Jimo didn't want Chen Fang to risk doing such a dangerous thing, and he would die forever.

   Chen Fang shook his head.

   "Who is going to change? You guys?"

   It's a pity that the strength is not enough.

   "It's not that I arrogantly look down on anyone, just those things, no one can do it except me."

   If possible, Chen Fang didn't want to take risks, but things were too dangerous. No one on their side could do it. In terms of strength, no one in Xincheng would be Chen Fang's opponent, so he was the most suitable candidate.

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   "Then we can go with you, with our help, it is better than you to go alone." Charming said.

   "Yes, we can help if we charge forward," Wenren also said.

   "No, you have gone with me, who will lead troops to guard against enemies in other directions, so as to avoid accidents, buy time for me, and not enough strength to follow me will be a burden, it is better to go alone."

   Chen Fang refused without even thinking about it.

   "But they didn't come together. They can focus on the two directions. As long as the plan goes well, we can solve one side and transfer to the other side." Jimo said.

  According to the intelligence, the first to enter the Indomitable City should be the Orc troops and the Totem Orcs in the Great Desolate Swamp. Then the monsters and the Jiangcheng army will come down. There will be two days between them. If the plan goes well,

  Chen Fang sighed, "Who can guarantee that the plan will go smoothly without accident. Maybe the Jiangcheng army speeded up the march, or the mad orcs suddenly stopped moving."

   Everyone is silent, this situation does exist.

Because there are only a few of them except Dusi and Lu Yituan who can command and lead troops. In this case, the new city, which has to divide troops in four directions, needs them to sit in town, so they can't follow Chen Fang. .

In the final analysis, Chen Fang can't help Chen Fang. First, there are too few people in the new city. Someone has to lead troops in all directions to prevent accidents. Second, there is no expert, and Chen Fang is very dangerous and dangerous. If you talk to someone who is not strong enough. Go, it may be unhelpful.

   "Okay, don't worry about me, I know it in my heart."

   "You still have to hurry up and there is still some time, so you can prepare first." Chen Fang said.

   charming and others nodded, got up and left each to prepare.

   Chen Fang got up and prepared to leave, but was stopped by Wu Yaoyan.

   "What's wrong, what's the matter?" Chen Fang asked suspiciously.

Gong Xiaobai beside    also had the same expression, wondering what happened to her mother looking for Chen Fang.

   Wu Enchanting walked to Chen Fang, slipped a silver-white ring from her ring finger and handed it to Chen Fang.

   "This is a death ring handed down from ancient times. It can block a lethal attack. You can use it to defend yourself."

The death ring is a magic item of the first era. Because of the changes in the world's energy cycle and the passage of tens of thousands of years, the number of such magic items that can be used and remains in the world is extremely rare, and there are only half a hundred possible in the existing world. It is also invaluable if the function is not strong.

   Chen Fang didn't answer, "It's too precious, you should keep it for yourself."

When Wu Yaoyan saw Chen Fang's refusal, she simply took Chen Fang's hand and put the ring on Chen Fang. Because of the size, the ring was worn on her little finger.

   After pushing the ring to Chen Fang, Wu Yaoyan took Gong Xiaobai and left.

   Chen Fang was taken aback for a moment, and he was full of black lines trying to lift the ring from his finger.

   "Is there anything wrong, even if I can't wear the other fingers, I can't wear my pinky finger. How can I find my wife?"

   The blue star ring cannot be worn randomly on the finger, the world is the same, and it also carries meaning and hints.

For example, the thumb indicates that you are looking for the object, the kind of transaction; the kind that is worn on the index finger to express courtship, the kind that is sincere; the thumb is worn on the **** to indicate rejection of heterosexuality, implying that the same **** is true love; if worn on the ring finger, it means that I have acted. Do not disturb or refuse other people's pursuit; wearing it on the little finger means that you will be alone in this life.

   Maybe many people on the Blue Star may not pay attention to it or care about it. People who wear it may also take it casually, but in Xia Asia, you can’t wear it casually. As long as you wear it, others will take it seriously.

   Now Wu Yaoyan puts the ring on Chen Fang's little finger. If someone sees it, he will definitely think he is a single person. It will undoubtedly be a heavy blow to Chen Fang, who has always wanted to inherit the lineage and blossom.

   After a long time, all the saliva was used, but the ring was still stuck in the knuckles and could not be removed. Chen Fang was depressed to death, and finally gave up.

   "Forget it, but fortunately there is a bandage to cover it up."

   manipulated the bandages to cover his fingers. Chen Fang squeezed his palms. He didn't feel obstructed and stopped paying attention. He turned and left the meeting room. For this plan, he himself needed to make some preparations.

The enemy was coming from all quarters, and the war was approaching. Everyone was very nervous and prepared in a hurry. The whole city moved together. Because the battle was about to take place and the new city’s forces were empty, all the captured Jiangcheng soldiers gathered in one place. A large number of plant bombs were placed in the detention area to prevent the rebellion, and the day passed.

After all the troops in the new city were assembled, they were divided into four units. According to Chen Fang’s plan, he and Wen Ren took two thousand soldiers to the south; Jimo, who had a flying mount, took two thousand soldiers to the east; Du Shilu a string Leading troops to the Great Wilderness Swamp, Meimei and Aleus took the remaining troops to the north; the remaining people such as Yiyiyaya and Luoluo sisters stayed in the new town.

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