My Skills Depend on Picking

Vol 5 Chapter 1170: , You still shame you

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Under the crimson Andromeda, the lover "Ye Qingyun" came out in the mist, and the clothes fluttered like clouds, like a fairy in the cloud, and landed next to Lin Chen. The clever and elegant list of four treasures for Lin Chen.

Ye Qingyun’s eyes lifted and stared at Lin Chen with affection. She wore a goose-yellow dress like a fluttering butterfly in the cloud valley. She was full and exquisite, fresh and refined, and her cherry mouth moved slightly, privately Preach Lin Chen.

"The son does not have to be forced, the poetry is only an accessory, the son's power as a king has made the world aware of Lin Gongzi's background. A little poetry will definitely not affect the future of the son, please ask the son to have no pressure."

Lin Chen blinked at her frivolously, with a cynical attitude in her expression, as if she hadn't put this matter in her heart at all, and the beauty was throbbing.

If Lin Chen can't pass the first level, but according to the regulations, he can still choose the disciples under the Andromeda as concubines.

None of the apprentices of the Scarlet Fairy were fuel-efficient lamps. Ye Qingyun seized the opportunity to contact Lin Chen first, and wanted to leave a good impression on him. With Lin Chen’s talent, no one except Han Yizhi could be compared!

If he can get his favor, it will be better than any genius! Ye Qingyun Bingxue is clever and understands this truth.

Seeing Ye Qingyun retreat to the side, everyone looked forward to it, and was extremely curious what kind of quaint poems Lin Chen could write?

The saints gazed, as if to see through Lin Chen's secrets, even the scarlet fairy couldn't help but feel a little curious.

Lin Chen lifted the pen, and the sacred energy conveyed, twisting and blurring the space around him. The light of the Holy Light, his pen tip became bright, making no one can see clearly.

In an instant, Lin Chen raised the pen, the stroke of the pen was stained with ink, and the pen was as powerful as the pen.

Pen stopped, paper roll. The speed was so fast that he didn't even have a breath, which made everyone stunned!

Lin Chen covered the jade jade with holy power, so that they could not see clearly. After this reaction, Lin Chen closed the jade jade, and the holy light flowed, and no saint could spy on its contents.

"Eh? Why did Lin Chen suddenly cover up, wouldn't it be impossible for him to be unconfident?" He Gongzi said sarcastically, he was planning to humiliate Lin Chen.

Poetry is not a contest of force, since ancient texts have no first, Wuwu second. Everyone's perception is different, he is ready today, no matter what so-called Van Gogh poems made by Lin Chen, how shocking they are, they have to beat Lin Chen hard with his lifelong learning face!

"That's right, Lin Chen, shouldn't you be a counselor?"

"I'm so bragging that I regret it?"

"You're a man, you'll shine out, hiding some kind of man, secretly, even your virtue is better than Xi Xiaoxian!"

"Oh, I know that I have read an ancient book that says that when people are bragging, they have no brains. Obviously, this little brother Lin Chen is a living example."

Everyone ridiculed and ridiculed, and it didn't look like a big deal, as if they had forgotten that the teenager who had been ridiculed by them had slaughtered multiple sacred realms.

"Lin Chen brothers want to be so stingy, are they really not confident in themselves?" Ximen Xue smiled, his eyes full of joy.

In the face of the questioning of everyone, Lin Chen smiled lightly: "Because it is a fairy poem, since it shook ancient times, it is unparalleled. Only you ordinary people can only taste the charm of fairy poems. With the lovely Xiao Yizhi, it's just that the scarlet fairy is barely qualified to take a look at the handsome Van Gogh poem! Those who are not handsome enough are not qualified to appreciate this poem."


"Fairy is still barely qualified? What do you think of this place, I think this is just a mystery, no one in the eyes!"

"Also invite the fairy to suppress this arrogant generation!"

The crowd was angered, and the crimson fairy slowly raised her hand.

"All of you, for the time being quiet, let's let this seat first see what is the mystery of this poem? Just before Lin Chen said, I am barely qualified, right."

Crimson Fairy's voice was very soft, seeming not to be angry at all, gazing at Lin Chen with a profound meaning.

Upon hearing the words, everyone immediately turned around.

"Then ask the fairy to read the arrogant work of this child first, and then announce the result."

"Yes, we don't doubt Fairy's fairness, but just hope Fairy Mo has too good heart to pity this arrogant man."

In the voice of the crowd, the reputation of the Scarlet Fairy in the southern boundary can be seen.

The crimson fairy turned to Lin Chen, "No problem, Your Excellency Lin Chen."

Lin Chen shrugged: "If it's you, just barely pass it. You have to be mentally prepared to see my poems. I'm not the two licking dogs over there. There are only two fairies I approve, but not you Oh."

Everyone resisted beating this guy, Lin Chen spread his hands, Ye Qingyun took the jade jade enveloped by the Holy Light, and then respectfully sent it to the scarlet fairy.

Above the giant ship, the crimson fairy took over the jade jade, the holy light turned a little, and the skin-skinned slim hands spread the jade jade.

Crimson Fairy, just witnessed the contents of the jade jade.

The crimson fairy who has always been light and elegant, looks suddenly changed!

The bright crimson brilliance in the beautiful eyes flashed several times, and the beauty of Fanghua's peerless beauty appeared a little shocked, her expression, a rare move!

Bang ~!

Suddenly, the situation is changing, and the moonlight is overshadowed by the moonlight, like a round of bright moon rising, illuminating the entire red platform!

The Holy Power of the Scarlet Fairy leaked out a little, causing a lot of pressure on many people present!

Her apprentices were all disappointed, and they had never seen the scarlet fairy so disoriented!

Everyone was horrified! Especially the saints who have known the Scarlet Fairy are even more incredible!

In their cognition, the scarlet fairy is charming and charming, but it has always been a type where Taishan collapsed and did not change color.

What kind of poem did Lin Chen make, so that people of the level of Scarlet Fairy are so moved!

When He Gongzi, Xi Menxue and others gazed at Lin Chen again, he saw him looking up at the sky at 45 degrees, and sighed deeply.

"Thinking back then, my brother was so suspicious in God Realm. I didn’t know how many sisters I had in the poems. You mortals don’t understand it. This handsome man has put too much pressure on me at this age, which is not my own. Alas, he looks handsome. Talented again, is this the punishment of God?"

Really, this person is really brazen! God Realm let you blow it out? That only exists in the legendary world!

If you are a person of God Realm, all of us stand upside down and eat!

But everyone can't figure it out, what poem this guy has done makes the Crimson Fairy so moving...

Is it as magical as he said? This poem originated from the legendary God Realm? Isn't this nonsense!

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