My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 1 Ding'an

Dafeng, Ding'an City, Chundu Fang.

The sun sets in the west, and the quaint and heavy Ding'an City, with its rows of yellow-eaves towers, is no longer noisy in the morning.

In the row of rich and noble rice, Lin Yan writes quickly with an inkstone.

"On July 3rd, Li Yan of Liaoqianfang bought twenty catties of rice and received one hundred Wen."


"On July 8th, Chen Dong of Mochifang bought ten catties of rice and received sixty coins."


"On July 20th, the Wang family in Changqiufang purchased a hundred catties of rice and received one tael of silver."


"In July, the total output of rice was 5,400 kilograms, and the cash register was 40 taels and 700 cash."

Lin Yan put down his pen and sighed slightly after finishing the calculations.

This month, the price of food has been getting higher and higher. At the beginning of the month, it was only five cents per catty, but by the end of the month, it had doubled to more than ten cents per catty.

He worked as an accountant and only had 300 cash per month. After deducting 50 cash to pay taxes, he could only buy more than 20 kilograms of white rice.

If the price of food were higher, he would not be able to survive even with this meager food and clothing.

"Lin Yan! The monthly payment is coming, come here quickly!"


Lin Yan got up and went out. Wu San was waiting at the door. When he saw him, he quickly dragged him to the accounting room.

Wu San is a laborer of Fugui Trading Company, who is responsible for transporting rice grains. He is a big-hearted man with a straightforward personality and a talker.

I am fairly familiar with Lin Yan.

"Come on, hurry up, I heard that taxes have been raised again! MD, what does the waiting battle have to do with us? These old bastards have raised taxes for the fourth time this year!"

When he heard about the tax increase, Lin Yan was also shocked and followed Wu San forward quickly.

Walking too fast, Wu Sanyi accidentally bumped into a tall, muscular man with a sinewy face.

"Fuck! Hurry up and get reincarnated!"

The strong man slapped Wu San with a backhand, causing Wu San to roll over. Half of his face was swollen.

"Sorry, sorry! Master Geng, please, please first!"

Wu San grimaced in pain, but still smiled and nodded.

He was already tall and thick, but the strong man in front of him was even stronger than him. His arms could run like a horse and he was so fierce.

"Hey! Two bad guys, bad luck!"

The strong man spat and swaggered into the accounting room.

Old Chen, who was in charge of distributing monthly money, said with a smile: "Master Geng, you are here. This is your monthly money. Please keep it!"

Mr. Geng deliberately took out a few taels of white money and said loudly: "Didn't you say tax increase? Why is it still only three taels?"

"Master Geng is joking, how dare I increase taxes on you?"

"Not bad, very sensible!"

After watching the guard surnamed Geng leave, Lin Yan helped the grinning Wu San walk over and lined up behind him.

Finally it was their turn. Lao Chen, with a serious expression on his face, took out the directory paper and said, "Put your thumbprint on your name!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Wu San pressed his fingerprints, spread out his hands quickly, and threw a handful of coppers into Wu San's hands.

Wu San counted them one by one and said anxiously: "Isn't it two hundred and thirty coins? There are only two hundred coins here. Uncle Chen, did you count wrong?"

"Hey! What nonsense are you talking about, you idiot! How could I be wrong in my counting!"

"Yes, yes, but the number is indeed small..."

"Didn't you hear? The government has raised taxes again! This time the tax has been increased more than before. If you have two hundred coins left, go home and burn some incense!"

"But Master Geng..."

"Master Geng? Master Geng is a martial arts practitioner, a warrior in the realm of strength! How dare you compete with others as a weakling with weak legs?"


Lin Yan quickly grabbed him: "Forget it!"

After persuading Wu San, Lin Yan also received his monthly payment, 220 cash, which was a full 30 cash less than last month.

Regarding Lin Yan, Lao Chen's attitude was slightly better. They were all settling scores.

"Xiao Lin, have you signed the property deed for the master's family?"

Lin Yan shook his head.

"Xiao Lin, don't blame me for talking too much. What's the most important thing in settling accounts? It's not whether you can calculate quickly or well, but it's the trust of the master!

"Look, there are only three people in charge of the rice account. The other two are in their 50s and 60s. You are the youngest, and your calculations are fast and accurate. But why do you only have 300 of their monthly income of 500?"

Lin Yan remained silent.

"Listen to Uncle Chen, don't be stubborn, sign a contract with the master, and your monthly money will be doubled immediately.

"As long as you sign the identity contract, your future status will not be the same as mine, at least you will be the number one person in the accounting room."

Lin Yan just nodded: "Thank you, Uncle Chen, for reminding me."

Seeing that Lin Yan had been perfunctory, Old Chen couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed on his face, and said in an old-fashioned way: "It's not easy to find a good job these days.

“In the outer xiafang, there are beggars dying of hunger and refugees dying of illness every day.

"Don't ever think that you can get ahead if you have some skills. This kind of thinking is the most dangerous!

"We people only have a few opportunities in our lives. If we miss it, we will really miss it!"

Lin Yan nodded again: "Thank you, Uncle Chen, for your guidance. I'll leave first."

Looking at Lin Yan's leaving figure, Lao Chen snorted: "Another arrogant master!"

He was in his fifties or sixties, and he had seen too many such energetic young people. He felt that he was smart and full of hope for the future. He always felt that he could get ahead, but he refused to sign the contract.

In the end, they were either depressed and poor, or died unexpectedly.

Shaking his head, he shouted: "Next!"


At the door, Wu San felt both envy and jealousy.

As if he hates iron, he said: "You, you, I really don't know what you are thinking. That's five hundred dollars a month, double that!"

Lin Yan sighed numbly: "Then go ahead and sign it."

"If I had your ability to settle accounts, I would have signed it long ago!"

Lin Yan shook his head.

Although the body contract is not a body-selling contract, the content is not much different.

Once you sign a body contract, not only life and death, blessings and misfortunes are in your hands, but also for the rest of your life.

The two of them walked all the way to Jianhe Bridge, one to the left and the other to the right.

Ding'an City is not big, and its layout is similar to that of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty, but much smaller. It is divided into more than thirty miles according to vertical and horizontal streets, and is divided into three rings: inner, middle and outer rings.

Lin Yan is currently at Chundu Square in Central.

He was going to Mu Qing's study in Liuyingfang to pick up his sister Lin Xiaozhi.

Along the way, Lin Yan passed a sugar shop, hesitated, and entered the shop.

There were only two or three customers in the shop, and business was slow. Lin Yan carefully selected a small bag of candy.

"Boss, how much do these cost?"

"Thirty cents."

"So expensive?"

“If you like it, buy it or not!”

The boss rolled his eyes.

Lin Yan hesitated for a moment, then poured out more than half of the caramel, leaving only three small pieces, and then counted out ten coins and handed them to the boss.

Suddenly, there was a lot of noise on the road outside the shop.

"Hutou Camp is recruiting troops! Hutou Camp is recruiting troops!"

The boss’s face changed drastically: “Close the door, close it, close it quickly!”

Lin Yan didn't know why. Hearing the boss's urgent shouting, his heart started to lift, and he quickly pushed the door shut with the two guests.

Someone outside continued to shout: "Hutou Camp is recruiting! Hutou Camp is recruiting!"

"Those with sound hands and feet and a strong body can serve as soldiers. Once they enter the camp, they will receive ten taels of housing allowance and a monthly salary of twenty taels!

"Everyone who enters Hutou Camp can enjoy a night at Chunyu Tower!"

Through the crack in the door, Lin Yan saw several leather-armored soldiers rushing towards Liuyingfang's central square while shouting.

Some civilians along the way stopped to watch the excitement, and there was no panic.

In the candy shop, a customer was puzzled: "Boss, why are you closing the shop? The Hutou Camp is just recruiting soldiers. This is the fourth time this month."

"Keep your voice down!" The boss cursed in a low voice: "What do you know? Hutou Camp has not recruited a few soldiers this month, and now it will definitely start arresting people!"

Lin Yan's heart tightened, and he looked through the crack in the door.

Many people who didn't know what was going on were watching the excitement, and then they saw the leather-armored soldiers suddenly running out and punching several people in the crowd, knocking them unconscious on the spot!

Everyone exclaimed, and the birds and beasts dispersed in fright.

But the leather-armored soldiers moved faster and knocked several of them unconscious in succession.

Seeing that everyone was gone, the leather-armored soldiers picked up a few people and left without looking back.

"Phew, finally gone." The boss breathed a sigh of relief.

Several customers around were frightened: "How dare they arrest people on the street!"

The boss snorted: "Hutou Camp was specially built for the Dingzhi War. Once every four years, it is directly managed by the city lord. What happened to arresting a few of you?"

"But, but...their conditions are very high! You can hire a warrior for just two taels of silver, so why bother arresting people on the street?"

The boss curled his lips and said: "Where is the waiting battlefield? It is a Shura field where dozens of cities fight each other every four years to compete for rankings.

“Only a fool would die after a narrow escape.

"This battle is related to the future of the city lord. He can't recruit people. He is in a hurry to get angry. What's the point of arresting people on the street? More than ten years ago, I saw someone who just broke into the door..."

Several people chatted with each other, and soon there was no movement outside the door.

Lin Yan cautiously walked out. The street outside was deserted.

"Is it another one-year waiting battle..."

After suppressing his panic, Lin Yan looked up at the sky. He was delayed by Hutou Camp and it was a bit late.

In order to rush for time, he decided to take a shortcut to Mochifang in the outer ring road.

I walked out cautiously, not knowing where to start, but the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

The roads were covered with yellow dust, and there were all kinds of rotting garbage and yellow and black dried excrement piled up in the corners of the walls.

The Mo Lake in the center of Mochifang has an even worse stench. There is a thick layer of black grease floating there. It is unclear whether it is excrement or garbage. Occasionally, you can see floating humanoid objects, like corpses.

While walking through a dark and narrow winding alley, Lin Yan saw several skinny beggars, half-clothed and paralyzed in a pile of putrid garbage.

As soon as I saw him, a wild beast-like green light appeared in his eyes, and his body trembled and squirmed like a zombie in the movie.

He was frightened and ran over quickly, covering his mouth.

It wasn't until he left Mochifang and walked onto Baihu Avenue that he let out a long sigh of relief.

Thinking back on what he had just seen, a trace of melancholy flashed in his eyes.

If he was really just a young man who knew how to settle accounts, if he had not awakened Su Hui three months ago, or when he awakened Su Hui, the golden finger did not appear...

After seeing what he just saw, he might also sign a contract with Fugui Rice Store and work as a cashier with peace of mind from then on, living in ignorance for the rest of his life, right?

He is actually not from this world.

I grew up under a red flag in my previous life, but for some unknown reason, I was reincarnated into this world similar to an ancient dynasty. My mind was covered in dust, I forgot my previous life, and I lived in a state of confusion for seventeen years.

It was not until three months ago that he was able to solve the mystery of the womb, regain his previous life wisdom, and awaken a wonderful divine object called the Bodhi Gold Medal.

Thinking of the Bodhi Gold Medal, Lin Yan concentrated his attention, and a simple and unpretentious book page suddenly appeared in his mind.

The function of the Golden Bodhi Medal is very simple. It can breed Black Jade Bodhi. It can sublimate a skill with a proficiency of 100% and derive a strange special effect ability.

When awakening, the Bodhi Gold Medal came with a black jade bodhi. It happened that the original person had a skill with a proficiency of 100%, so he used it directly.

Now two or three months have passed, and the new black jade bodhi has only conceived less than 10%. At this rate, I am afraid that I may not be able to save one in a year or two.

Thinking of this, Lin Yan sighed slightly and walked much faster.

According to the residual information, Black Jade Bodhi's birth speed seems to be related to his mental state.

The better your life, the more energetic you are, the faster your pregnancy will be.

In the past three months, he has been struggling every day, barely having enough food and clothing, and always worried.

Such a living situation naturally breeds very slowly.

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