My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 15 Tiger Roaring Mountain Forest

In the corridor at the door of Lin Yan's room, Lin Yan closed the door to avoid disturbing Xiaozhi.

"How do you know my name?"

"How do you know my name?"

The two asked in unison, but were silent for a moment.

Pang Tong said: "It seems that I don't need to introduce myself. What are you calling me for?"

Lin Yan said ambiguously: "I heard that there is a pill called Fu Ling Dan here."

Pang Tong narrowed his eyes, which seemed to be completely closed now: "Do you want to buy the Spiritual Restoration Pill?"

"I'm just curious. Why don't you knock on my door?"

"Haha, it's only been half a month since you started. If I want to find you, I'll find you again next month. Moreover, your "Five Animal Hands" training is the fastest in Wuzi Academy. The senior brother has personally praised you. There is a high probability that It is impossible to buy it if you can enter Weiziyuan."

Lin Yan's heart moved slightly. Pang Tong seemed to know the situation of Wuziyuan well.



Pang Tong had a look of interest on his face.

Lin Yan remained calm: "What is the effect of this Restoration Pill?"

Seeing that Lin Yan didn't look like he was joking, Pang Tong suddenly became interested and said with a smile: "This Restoring Pill is made from five precious medicinal materials, boiled into a paste and rolled into pills. Its greatest effect is, It can temporarily strengthen muscles and bones within a period of time!”

"Isn't this the same effect as "The Five Birds"?"

Practicing "Five Animal Hands" is to strengthen the muscles and bones and resist the damage caused by the circulation of qi and blood.

Pang Tong stretched out a finger and shook it: "The effect of the Restoration Pill is several times stronger than that of the Five Birds Hands, and the two are superimposed on each other, making the effect even stronger."

He reached out and took out a porcelain vase from his arms, and said enthusiastically: "Do you know the martial arts practiced by the people in Huziyuan?"

Lin Yan nodded: "I've heard of it, it's called "Breaking Mountain Fist"."

"The technique of "Broken Mountain Fist" is simple and extremely lethal. However, its energy and blood circulate too violently. Even if the energy and blood transform, most people can only practice it for a quarter of an hour a day, and their muscles and bones will not be able to bear it. If you want to master it, It won't be possible within a few years.

"But after taking the Resurrection Pill, within three days, as long as the qi and blood are replenished, and you practice for several hours, your muscles and bones will not be damaged. After the effect of the medicine wears off, your muscles and bones will even be permanently strengthened. Is this effect powerful enough?"

"Permanently strengthens muscles and bones, so it also helps Five Birds?"

"That's right. Take at least three Restoration Pills and I'll make sure you pass the Wuzi Academy exam."

Lin Yan nodded: "But I heard that the Resurrection Pill also has serious side effects."

Pang Tong nodded: "The Fuling Pill is very effective, but it is also extremely toxic. When the drug takes effect, the toxins will also invade the internal organs, and you will always be in severe pain that penetrates into the bone marrow. And a Fuling Pill will at least cause A person's life is shortened by three years, and his martial arts foundation is damaged, leaving no room for improvement."

Lin Yan was thoughtful: "Senior Brother Pang made it so straightforward, aren't you afraid that I won't buy it?"

Pang Tong chuckled and said: "I, Pang Tong, do business, clearly mark the price, and I am fair and square. But once sold, it will not be returned or exchanged."

Although the Resurrection Pill has serious side effects, for some people who have no hope of martial arts, it is still a qualification to advance to martial arts.

For them, losing a few years of life and damaging their foundation is actually not too costly. Being able to advance to the level of a warrior is the most important thing.

"How do you like it? Junior Brother Lin Yan, do you want to buy it?"

"I wonder how much the Restoration Pill costs?"

Pang Tong rolled his eyes slightly: "One tael of silver for a Restoration Pill!"

Lin Yan chuckled and opened the door: "Goodbye, Senior Brother Pang."

Pang Tong quickly held the door: "Don't ask, don't ask! We can negotiate the price! Then tell me, how much is it?"

Lin Yan stretched out a finger: "One tael and ten pieces of silver!"

"Why don't you go and grab it!"

Pang Tong blurted out.

"This Restoration Pill is made from five precious medicinal materials. It is only provided by the City Lord's Mansion. Even if you don't count the labor and fire consumption, the cost of each pill is at least two taels of silver! I worked hard to get it from Huziyuan. If you sell it for one or two, you will already lose money at 50% off!”

"Senior Brother Pang, there is no need to lie to me. Who would pay one tael of silver for a medicine that will shorten your life? One tael of silver for ten pills!"

"No, eight hundred coins a piece!"

"Too many, I can go up to 150 at most!"

"Junior brother, you are too shady. I am at a disadvantage. I will give you a little less!"


After a while of bickering, Lin Yan finally bought three pieces for one tael of silver.

In fact, he originally wanted to buy just one to give it a try, but Pang Tong disagreed and insisted on selling it in packages, so he had no choice but to buy three.

He was actually not very satisfied with the price.

He mainly wanted to use the toxins of the Restoring Pill to restore his energy and blood. One Restoring Pill lasted three days, and three pills cost nine days and one tael of silver. It was too luxurious. He could only earn two hundred coins a month before.

If you can go to the mountains to collect poisonous mushrooms, it will be a waste of money.

But on second thought, I’d better be content!

If others want to have the effect of quick recuperation like him, they must take Qi and Blood elixirs such as Red Cloud Fruit. For 2 taels of silver each, it can last up to two or three days. He only needs 1 tael of silver to help others. Spending seven or eight taels is already a huge benefit.

Thinking of this, Lin Yan asked: "Senior Brother Pang, why don't you ask me why you bought the Restoring Pill?"

Pang Tong smiled lightly: "I never inquire about clients' matters."

He secretly laughed in his heart, as someone with some qualifications like Lin Yan would definitely not be able to take the Restoring Pill, so there was only one purpose for buying the Restoring Pill, just like him, to act as a middleman to earn the price difference.

But he has occupied the market inside the Longmen Pavilion, and outside the Longmen Pavilion...

Haha, this is a poison pill with huge side effects. Apart from the new disciples of Longmen Pavilion, where else can there be such stupid people with so much money to fool?

Last month, two disciples came up with this idea, stocking up goods and selling them in local markets. In the end, either they couldn't sell them, or they tricked others, and in the end they were killed and maimed.

"Junior Brother Lin Yan, do you have anything else to ask?"

"Since Senior Brother Pang asked, let me tell you. In addition to the business of Restoring Spirit Pills, does Senior Brother Pang have anything else to sell?"

"what do you want?"

"There has been a rat infestation in my hometown recently. I want to buy some poison to poison the rats, but I have nowhere to buy it."

There is no such thing as rat poison in this world. After Lin Yan finished speaking, Pang Tong's narrow eyes shrank slightly: "Poison..."

Lin Yan didn't speak.

Pang Tong smiled: "If we talk about poison, there is only one place in the entire Ding'an City where it can be sold openly - the Blood Cave in Chengshoufang. Every seven days, there is an underground ghost market there.

"However, not everyone can enter the Blood Cave. A guarantee is required. Junior Brother Lin Yan, if you want to go, you'd better enter Weiziyuan first and ask Senior Brother to get a guarantee sign before you can pass through."

Lin Yan nodded happily: "Thank you, Senior Brother Pang, for your guidance."

The two arranged a way to meet each other again, and Pang Tong took his leave.

Lin Yan returned to the room, took out a light blue porcelain bottle, poured out a dark red pill, and twisted it to observe carefully.

Three hundred and thirty coins, just such a small pill, is more money than he made in the previous month.

Too expensive, too expensive.

But now is not the time to feel distressed. After all the money has been spent, I will come back. Without hesitation, I gently cut off about one-tenth of it with wood chips and threw it into my mouth to taste it.

The elixir entered his abdomen, and before Lin Yan had time to recall it, a burst of blazing heat surged up from his abdomen.

"It's very energetic!"

Lin Yan's eyes lit up slightly. He deliberately didn't take Cuifeng Powder today just to test the efficacy of the medicine at this time. He didn't expect that one-tenth of the Resurrection Pill would be so poisonous!

Compared with Cuifengsan, the difference between the two is like the difference between a flood and a stream.

Lin Yan felt a strong feeling of fullness gradually developing in his body. No, he had to practice!

He immediately got up and ran to the martial arts training ground under the moonlight. Under the moonlight like water, he played "Five Birds Hands".

Different from Cuifeng Powder, the poisonous power of Fu Ling Dan is like an endless spring, constantly being transported from the abdomen to all parts of the body, as if it can never be used up.

At the same time, a cold trickle, completely different from the hot flow of Qi and blood, extended along the limbs and veins to the muscles and bones of the body, just like a strong and elastic net connecting his whole body. .

"This must be the power of the Restoring Pill. No wonder it can strengthen muscles and bones. This power flows throughout the body, covering all important and fragile parts of the body with a protective film, which can naturally resist the movement of qi and blood."

Lin Yan's heart moved.

His previous actions were all scripted.

Cats are like tigers, horses are like deer, dogs are like bears, chickens are like cranes, and people are like apes. Whatever the senior brother does, he will do it.

Even though the movements didn't feel like Tiger Crane, I never thought of practicing according to my imagination.

Because he was worried that if he practiced indiscriminately, it might cause changes in the circulation of Qi and blood, cause an accident, and damage the muscles and bones that had not yet been warmed and nourished.

But now, with the protection of the Restoring Spirit Pill, he may be able to experiment unscrupulously according to his attitude towards these beasts and birds!

Just do it when you think of it, Lin Yan immediately put on his posture and recalled the form of a tiger he had seen in his previous life.

The tiger is the king of beasts. There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. When the tiger roars in the forest, the clouds also follow the tiger...

"If a tiger imitates a cat, it will only gain dexterity, but does a tiger only have dexterity? A tiger is born with the word "王" on its forehead, and the true meaning of the tiger shape is its might!"

A fierce word!

Lin Yan's eyes lit up, and he adjusted his movements according to his own understanding, trying his best to imitate the shape of the tiger in his memory.

Tiger pounces!


There seemed to be a silent tiger's roar in his ears, and Lin Yan pounced out, like an evil tiger coming out of the gate, without hesitation.

At this moment, the flying tiger under the Yellow Emperor, the white tiger, one of the four sacred beasts, and the eye-catching white-fronted tiger were killed by Wu Song...

Anyway, all the tigers that Lin Yan could think of were with him!

As soon as he pounced out, Lin Yan's movements suddenly deformed, and he couldn't even maintain basic muscle movements.

But his eyes were bright.

"This is the feeling, the evil tiger pounces on food, dominates the mountains and fields, and is respected by all beasts!"

The rapid jump of proficiency made Lin Yan sure that he had made the right move.

Protected by the medicinal effect of Fu Ling Dan, Lin Yan adjusted his movements unscrupulously, and sometimes his qi and blood circulated randomly, but under the protection of the medicinal power, he did not feel any discomfort.

As Lin Yan adjusted his movements again and again, imitating the evil tiger, the proficiency numbers in the Bodhi Gold Medal began to beat rapidly again.

For two whole hours, Lin Yan specialized in practicing a tiger shape. His movements became more and more open and closed, becoming more and more different from the original movements, but his proficiency jumped faster and faster.

After practicing until there was no more heat in his abdomen, Lin Yan stopped his movements and took advantage of the silence of the night to go back to rest.

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