My Skills Have Special Effects

Chapter 64 Brutal Fighting

Xie Lingyan followed Lin Yan, sneaked away quickly, and soon hid in an equipment room on the edge of the martial arts training ground.

From this distance, many voices of wailing, yelling, and begging for mercy could already be heard.

In the entire martial arts training field, seventy or eighty Longmen Hall disciples were sitting on the ground scattered and helpless. Lin Yan also saw the figures of Lou Xing and Yuan Jing.

Surrounded by thirty or forty sergeants carrying daggers, half of them looked indifferent, while the other half waved their sword handles from time to time, hitting the Longmen Hall disciples hard and laughing wildly.

At the very front, a tall and strange figure stood majestically. He was very similar to the tall weirdo from the Qinghong Martial Arts School. He was holding a rough bluestone stick in his hand. Just by standing, he made the Longmen Hall opposite him... The disciple was as silent as a cicada.

However, at this distance, Lin Yan could barely see the strange man's face clearly, which was different from the one in Qinghong Martial Arts School, which made him secretly relieved.

Perhaps some special method or drug was used to turn normal people into these weird people.

Xie Lingyan frowned and said in a deep voice: "There are too many people and they are too spread out. It is difficult for us to stop everyone. Someone will definitely escape and tip off the news."

Lin Yan observed the terrain: "We just need to block the south side, prevent them from running out of Longmen Pavilion, and try to delay the time for people from Hutou Camp to come for help. As for the training academy, leave him alone and just make a quick victory. , If he doesn’t come, we have to go.”

He turned to look at Xie Lingyan, who raised her eyebrows. Even though she was wearing a mask, she could still feel Lin Yan's piercing eyes roaming around her body.

She tightened the black cloth uncomfortably and snorted: "What are you looking at?"

Lin Yan lifted off the black cloth on his body and quickly took off the armor he was wearing: "I'll put on the armor for you."

Xie Lingyan was slightly stunned: "Why?"

“Once the commotion gets louder, people from Hutou Camp will definitely come to check on the situation.

“You know, the antidote to Shixiang Ruanjin Powder needs some time to develop.

"The worst-case scenario is that at some point, we may have to face two rigid realms at the same time! Multiple weirdos!"

Lin Yan stretched his muscles and his voice was extremely serious: "Don't think that I sacrifice myself for others. You are the main force against Gangjing. Only by wearing iron armor can you exert your greatest combat power. You understand, this is the best choice."

What Lin Yan didn't say in his heart was that he had the special effect of rejuvenation and could fight despite his injuries. Wearing iron armor was just the icing on the cake, and it was far less effective than wearing it for Xie Lingyan.

Xie Lingyan was silent for a moment, without saying a word, then lifted off the black cloth, lifted up the armor, and carefully put it on himself.

There is still a warmth and a faint masculine smell left on the armor.

She tightened the buckle around her waist tightly, and her jade-like fingers gently brushed the rough surface of the armor, as if she was sighing with emotion: "This armor is a bit tight on the chest..."

While Xie Lingyan was wearing the iron armor, Lin Yan took out the water bag that contained the poison beads from the inner layer of the armor.

This poisonous bead is highly toxic. If a sneak attack can be successful and Gangjing inhales the poisonous gas it emits, it will definitely cause harm to Gangjing.

However, Gangjing is a master whose energy and blood and reaction are far beyond ordinary people. The green mist of this poisonous bead is obvious. Simply throwing it around, or soaking it in water and scattering it will not be effective at all.

So Lin Yan turned his back, took out the poison bead, opened a small gap at the mouth of the mask, and temporarily put it into his mouth.

Not only does it replenish energy and blood, but if necessary, it can also "spray poisonous mist" on the opponent's face.

As the saliva was swallowed and the poison dissipated, Lin Yan felt a steady stream of qi and blood emerging from his abdomen.

[Poison] + [Rejuvenation] + Poison Pearl, Qi and blood are replenished, and the rejuvenation moment is activated. This is comparable to immortality!

Lin Yan's confidence increased greatly, and a generous and heroic spirit surged up layer by layer.

Turning sideways, he used his tongue to push the poison beads to the side to prevent the poisonous gas from spraying onto Xie Lingyan. Lin Yan strode out: "Miss Xie, without further ado, I'll go first!"

After saying that, he took a step forward and ran out at the pace of a dragon and a tiger.

Xie Lingyan was slightly startled at first, and a pure smile bloomed on his fair face, like an ice-edge flower blooming on the top of a steep snow mountain: "Why is it so inexplicable that he has no regard for life and death... "

The beautiful shadow melted in the wind and followed Lin Yan away.



"Enemy attack! Formation!"

"This is...someone is here to save us!"

The sergeant's reaction was either fast or slow. Although the people were scattered, more than a dozen people soon formed a triangular formation like a cluster of arrows, slowly approaching Lin Yan, who was speeding towards him.

Although they are all warriors, these soldiers have polarized strengths.

Lin Yan discovered this at Qinghong Martial Arts Hall.

The soldiers belonging to the Hutou Battalion are timid and weak, and they will lie down as soon as they are beaten.

But the other ones are not only powerful, but also courageous. Even if they face strong enemies, they are still willing to use their swords. They are like poisonous scorpions and vipers. Even if they die in an instant, they will still use their swords to bite the enemy.

The dozen or so people in front of me are all enemies with such conviction.

Lin Yan did not dare to neglect, reached out and picked up the large iron hook weighing more than 200 kilograms on his back. Taking advantage of the huge inertia of his running, he curled his arms back, tightened his waist muscles and exerted force. He stepped hard with his feet, and his body Rotate violently with inertia.


He stepped on the masonry floor and left a deep crack mark, and the iron hook in his hand was suddenly released by the force of his rotation, tearing the air, letting out a sharp howl, and directly tore apart the bodies of more than a dozen people. Triangular formation.

Phew! Phew!

The four or five sergeants seemed to hit the wall head-on, paused suddenly, and then flew backwards, their bodies twisted, blood spurted out, and the battlefield was dyed red.

Death was the prelude to this tragic fight. Lin Yan followed closely behind the hook and collided head-on with the remaining soldiers.

Every punch and kick Lin Yan threw would break a person's muscles and bones and cause them to fall to the ground.

In the shadow of swords and fists, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and limbs were scattered. There were only a dozen people fighting, and the scene was as tragic as a meat grinder in an instant.

However, these soldiers were not afraid of death and did not care about their lives at all. They vowed to hit Lin Yan with the knife in their hands. Even if they fell to the ground and were dying, they would still stretch out their arms to grab Lin Yan's feet.

It is hard to imagine what kind of belief supported these soldiers to risk their lives and fight against enemies that were far more powerful than themselves.

In just a few breaths, a pile of corpses of soldiers fell around him, but Lin Yan was also struck by the knife more than ten times. He could feel that the inner scales on his body had broken open in several places, and there were wounds and flesh everywhere. Turn over and feel cool.

This group of soldiers was much less coordinated than the ten men from the Black Tiger Gang, but their crazy energy and fearlessness of death was far beyond that.

Lin Yan was very moved.

Then he speeds up his blood flow, making his fists a little heavier and faster, and kills these enemies with the utmost sincerity.

Several more soldiers rushed over. Seeing that Lin Yan was unstoppable, they rushed forward and wanted to hug Lin Yan.

Lin Yan took advantage of the situation and wanted to swing away the big iron hook on the ground, but found that it was dragging the corpses of two soldiers. He could only change his swing to swing, knocking down all the soldiers who rushed towards him, and killed them all while swimming.

From the time he swung the iron hook to the end of the fight, no more than fifteen breaths had passed, but the scene had turned into a hellish mess of bloody flesh and rivers of blood.

This terrifying scene not only made the remaining soldiers scream in fear and run away like crazy, but also made all the Longmen Hall disciples present turn pale and tremble, not daring to say a word.

On the other side, Xie Lingyan and the weirdo carrying a thick bluestone stick had already exchanged hands.

Just like the one in Qinghong Martial Arts School, although this weirdo was strong, his brain was not very good and his movements were clumsy. Xie Lingyan just relied on his smart movements to surround him and keep causing him damage.

However, this method is still too decent and is far less efficient than Lin Yan's previous method.

Lin Yan ignored Xie Lingyan and pulled off a piece of leather armor from a soldier and put it on his body. While chasing down the fleeing soldiers, he shouted: "Longmen Pavilion disciples! Immediately retreat to Weiziyuan to take shelter!"

The evil look of his blood-stained body effectively frightened these Longmen Hall disciples who were weak due to poisoning. No one asked why or how, they all silently followed his instructions and supported each other to move.

Lin Yan breathed a sigh of relief. The remaining soldiers were obviously from Hutou Camp. Almost all of them collapsed and fled, completely lacking the terrifying willpower of their colleagues.

Lin Yan could not chase and kill them one by one. He could only guard the south side to prevent them from escaping and kill as many soldiers as possible.

When Lin Yan couldn't see a single living soldier in Lin Yan's field of vision, on the other side of Xie Lingyan, the weirdo's face was already covered in blood, his hands and feet were broken, and he was hit in the head by Xie Lingyan several times, and he lay motionless.

As soon as the two met, Xie Lingyan gasped slightly, glanced at Lin Yan, and suddenly condensed: "You are injured!"

"It's all other people's blood. What about you? How about consumption?"

Lin Yan tore open his slightly tattered sleeves, revealing the smooth and new skin underneath.

The injuries he suffered have long since recovered under the influence of rejuvenation.

"I'm fine." Xie Lingyan checked carefully. Although there was a trace of doubt in his eyes, he still breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Yan saw Xie Lingyan's suspicion, looked at the weird man on the ground, reached out and tore off the huge linen clothes on his body, and wrapped them around himself casually, covering the scarred clothes underneath.

"Let's go to the training academy immediately!"

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