And that’s not all.

The real key is that the prototype gun made by Qi Wei has the same outer diameter as the 81 bar, but the caliber is reduced by nearly 2 mm.

This means that the barrel on the sample gun is actually the so-called heavy barrel.

Heavy barrels are generally used for sniping or machine guns, both of which have a much higher bore pressure than automatic rifles.

In addition, the heavy barrel has other advantages, less recoil and higher accuracy. Of course, the processing requirements are also higher, and the barrel on the sample gun is after two are wasted, and then the best one is selected from the barely qualified three.

As for the aluminum alloy plate that makes the receiver and other components, it is not an ordinary thing, but the so-called 7075 aluminum, which is used in aircraft and spacecraft in later generations, and the hardness is higher than steel.

It is precisely because the hardness is too high that the stamping die made by Zhang Jianguo and Li Fu will be damaged during the stamping process, resulting in dimensional errors, and eventually have to be corrected with a sledgehammer.

A gun made of such a material, how many ordinary small-caliber rifle shells can blow up or fall apart?

While Qi Wei was busy comforting the group of men and horses from the Seventh Workshop, Tie Hong had already driven back to the military camp about twenty kilometers north of the Seventh Workshop.

Here, it is the station under the jurisdiction of the Handong Sub-district of the Jinling Military Region, and a machine infantry battalion is stationed inside. The first SWAT women’s detachment is also stationed here.

At this time, on the training ground, a group of female soldiers, who were members of the female SWAT team, were undergoing physical training.

The other female soldiers were all practicing military body boxing, but one female soldier with a beautiful face and an arrogant expression was jumping with an eight-one bar frog in both hands.

This action is silly and tiring. The female soldier jumped two back and forth, and gradually changed from the original squat jump to bent and jump.

“Sha Xueli!” A majestic voice sounded, and it was another female soldier with an equally beautiful face who spoke, and she was already raising her eyebrows at this time.

“Vice team,” the female soldier named Sha Xueli simply stood up and spoke depressedly, “I didn’t make a mistake today, why should I punish the frog jump?” ”

The female soldier called the deputy sneered: “You didn’t make a mistake today, what about yesterday?” Last night the male soldiers complained that you secretly glued chewing gum to their training uniforms. ”

“That’s what they asked for!”

As soon as she said this, Sha Xueli’s stomach was full of fire, and she waved the gun in her hand: “Who made them laugh at us for not being worthy of using the Type 81, we can only use 56 punches?” ”

She slapped her chest loudly: “We are SWAT, SWAT!” How to use a gun that is inferior to their big-headed soldiers! ”

“It is!”

“I heard that the top is also planning to transfer us to form special forces, have you ever seen a special forces with an old gun from World War II?”

“If I want to say, Sha Xueli did the right thing, Yang Jijun, you are our deputy team, and your elbows can’t be turned outward!”

The other female soldiers also stopped unconsciously and opened their mouths.

“Shut up, don’t talk nonsense!”

Deputy Yang Jijun reprimanded: “You also know that this is not the fault of those male soldiers, nor is it deliberately giving us small shoes to wear, but there is really no gun suitable for us, don’t complain!” ”

As soon as these words came out, all the female soldiers showed a depressed look on their faces.

Yang Jijun is right, there is indeed a reason why the female soldiers can only use 56 punches.

Although the military has not yet formed a unified tactical concept of special forces, there is one thing that everyone agrees on, that is, special forces will inevitably develop in a flexible direction, and flashing and moving in a narrow space will be the norm.

This can be seen from the Flying Tigers formed in the Greater Bay Area ten years ago.

Although the 81 bar is a good gun, it is too long, a full 970 mm, such a length will seriously affect the flexibility of special operators in narrow spaces.

In addition, its combat weight is as high as 4.7 kilograms, and its weight of nearly 10 kilograms is easily exhausting when holding guns for a long time, especially for female soldiers.

However, the 81 bar has just been successfully developed, and the related modifications have not yet had time to be developed. And the length of the 81 bar is on the receiver, and redesigning the receiver is almost equivalent to redesigning a new gun.

Therefore, the women’s special combat team was issued a naval version of 56 punches, with a total length of only 760 mm, which was twenty centimeters shorter.

There’s no way around it.

“By the way, the deputy team,” Sha Xueli suddenly rolled her eyes, “I heard that the captain went out of the barracks today to get us new guns!” ”

“Really fake?” A sweet-looking female soldier stared at Sha Xueli with big eyes. Her name is Liu Fangli, and she is the sharpshooter in the team.

“It’s true.” Yang Jijun nodded, she glanced at her watch, “I heard that I went to the seventh workshop twenty kilometers away to pick up the gun, and I should have almost returned now.” ”


“I don’t know, what kind of gun the captain will get back!”

“I watched TV that day, the Flying Tigers were holding a submachine gun, so handsome!”

“I don’t ask for MP5, as long as it’s better than Bayi bar!”

The female soldiers were very excited and opened their mouths, apparently having enough of being ridiculed by male soldiers.

At this moment, a sound of a car suddenly sounded, and Sha Xueli saw clearly at a glance that Tie Hong, who got off the car, was holding a long box in his hand, and cheered: “The captain is back!” ”

“Oh, look what kind of gun it is!” A group of female soldiers were excited, and without waiting for Yang Jijun’s order, they rushed directly over. Yang Jijun did not block, but rushed to the second, only one step behind Sha Xueli.

After all, who doesn’t want to see a new gun for the first time?

Tie Hong had just closed the car door, and a group of female soldiers had already rushed in front of her. In the face of Tie Hong, the female soldiers still did not dare to make a casual attempt, Sha Xueli’s eyes stared at the box in Tie Hong’s hand: “Captain, is this the new gun you took back?” ”

“Yes.” Tie Hong nodded lightly, his face unreadable.

“The captain has worked hard, I’ll help you get the box!” Sha Xueli obediently spoke, grabbed the weapon box in Tie Hong’s hand, and couldn’t wait to start unlocking the lock.

The other female soldiers gathered around her, all with excitement on their faces.

“Let me see, what kind of treasure…” Sha Xueli opened the box with a loud voice, and her voice suddenly stopped abruptly as if someone had stepped on her neck. And Liu Fangli’s eyes with big eyes looked like they were about to pop out.

The scene was silent, and after ten seconds, Sha Xueli came back to her senses, and she glanced at Tie Hong with a strange face: “Captain, this is the new gun you took back?” ”

“Yes.” Tie Hong’s tone was still very calm.

But Sha Xueli’s mentality collapsed, she took out a handful of bells and whistles from the box with both hands, and said in a collapsed manner: “Captain, you won’t be, right?” ”

“You actually call this inexplicable thing a new gun?”

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