Chapter 41 Qi Wei is destined to open a new era!

Human-machine efficiency is whether the interaction between people and equipment or machines is coordinated and harmonious. This is a very important measure for future generations.

Almost all products in the future must give priority to this point, and anything that violates the law of human-machine efficiency will cause a lot of dissatisfaction, and even be accused by a few radicals of being anti-human.

Weapons also follow this principle, and Qi Wei knows that the reason why the later Type 95 will be criticized by countless people is because it ignores the efficiency of man and machine, resulting in many settings that will be accused of being anti-human.

For example, it got a small handle, causing the sight to need to be modified before it could be installed, and this part of the accessory has actually become the standard for later weapons.

If only because the Pikartini rail could not be installed, the sight was not easy to install. What is really deadly is that the 95 was not designed with sights in mind, and its handle is the height of the aiming baseline.

This would have been a good design, allowing the shooter to comfortably aim with the machine on the handle with the butt on the cheek.

However, with the development of the times, after the Type 95 was equipped with sights, the aiming baseline was nearly 10 centimeters higher than the original, and the soldiers were very awkward in sight, and their heads had to be extended 10 centimeters more.

Especially during daily exercises, a laser beacon emitter needs to be added under the sight, and the aiming baseline is directly raised by nearly 15 cm, and when shooting behind cover, the part above the lip is exposed outside the cover.

This is the origin of the controversy that the “Type 95 aiming baseline is too high”. Without sights, it is normal and scientific. But with sights, it’s anti-human.

And embarrassingly, except for the squad machine gun, the daily operation of the troops did not allow soldiers to run with the Type 95 handle. Because there is a thing in this world called a gun belt, hanging the 95 directly on the body when rushing, of course, is less effort than running with it.

And after installing the sights, I can’t mention it if I want to.

So when accessories such as sights became standard, the handle of the 95 became like an appendix, which had no effect except for inflammation. But if you want to change it, you have to redesign the receiver, because the bolt of the 95 is hidden in the handle.

And in addition to the point of carrying the handle, the fast and slow machine and even the safety position of the 95 are at the tail of the butt. This leads to two steps to complete before firing, holding the gun in the right hand and opening the safety at the tail of the butt with the left hand, and then reaching forward to pull the bolt to load, which is ready to fire.

In contrast, most other countries’ firearms, safety and fast and slow machines are near the trigger, and it is possible to complete the action of disarming the safety while pulling the bolt.

Two serious violations of ergonomic efficiency led to the fact that all the advantages of the 95 were overwhelmed, and many veterans preferred the recoil and weight of the 81 bar to the Type 95.

Until the latest domestic automatic rifle Type 191 came out, Dragon Kingdom finally made up for his key lesson. And the biggest highlight of the Type 191 is the retractable stock, tactical rails, and the front handguard that can be freely equipped with various accessory modules!

This is the confidence of the epoch-making three words in Qi Wei’s mouth!

This concept spans the Type 95 and also the Type 03, directly in terms of concept and the Type 191 that debuted at the 2019 parade!

This is a truly huge leap!

And Zhang Jianguo was completely stunned at this time.

He felt that a new door was opening before him, and a new theory of small arms that had never been seen before him was being lifted.


As the old saying goes, if you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools.

A rifle is to a soldier what a hammer is to a blacksmith.

A handy rifle can of course greatly increase the user’s combat effectiveness!

He looked at Qi Wei and was shocked and speechless.

He didn’t know where Qi Wei got these wild ideas.

But he can be sure that Qi Wei will definitely open a new era!

And myself, how lucky!

To be able to see the light of a destined great thought, blooming in the subtleties!


While Qi Wei and Zhang Jianguo were busy changing drawings in the underground office of Workshop Seven, Qiang Guanjie had already returned to the office of the SWAT team.

Tie Hong stood in front of him, and although his face was obviously filled with disapproval, his voice was still meticulous.

“In the report, the captain, the sample gun and parts drawings have been handed over to the logistics department, and they will complete the finishing and painting of the parts, and it is expected that they will be handed over to the weapons test site tonight.”

The weapons test site will strictly follow the prototype base testing process to complete environmental tests, temperature tests, reliability tests, and biological effect tests. This cycle takes about four days. ”

Qiang Guanjie breathed a sigh of relief, in four days, he was able to catch up.

“However, the test site asked us to issue a document to explain the purpose of the bullet.” Tie Hong immediately spoke.

“I’ll be out right away.” Qiang Guanjie nodded.

Since the prototype did not complete factory tests, the limit number of shots of the barrel could only be tested by the weapons test site. And this process requires at least 15,000 rounds of ammunition, in addition to several thousand rounds of ammunition for the use of the seventh workshop.

This number of bullets is obviously not something that can be consumed by daily testing, and it must be explained for use, especially the part given to the seventh workshop.

The military does everything at a glance, and the scope of responsibility is clearly delineated. Since it is the SWAT team that requires the test, the report is naturally written by the SWAT team, and the weapon test site is only responsible for the test.

“Have you applied for accessories such as sights and night vision devices?” Qiang Guanjie asked.

“The report has already been written, just wait for the captain to sign it.” Tie Hong took out a report and put it on the table, and she finally couldn’t help it, and hesitated to speak.

“Instructor, are we reporting this to the brigade commander?”

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