"Mom." Wen Wen raised her little head and asked, "Is the work over so soon?"


Wen Wen blinked, he thought it had been a long time.

Seeing that Si Yue was there, Fu Yunruo was too embarrassed to say it, so she led Wen Wen down the stairs and whispered, "Wen Wen, the fans want to talk to you, do you want to go?"

Wen Wen tilted her head, hardly thinking about it, she nodded her head, and agreed neatly, "Okay!"

Wen Wen was actually very curious about her mother's live broadcast room, but her mother never wanted his premature bào to be exposed to the public.

He is a good, sensible boy who has always been obedient.

So Wen Wen has never seen what Fu Yunruo was like when he was live.

Wen Wen has always wanted to be a real child, so he doesn't take the initiative to touch things that shouldn't be touched at his age.

He now knows that when his mother was scolded by others on the Internet, it was her fans who helped her fight back, so he would also like to thank them for helping her.

Seeing Wen Wen's quick promise, Fu Yunruo hesitated, but decided to respect her thoughts.

Seeing that Wen Wen had mud on his hands and feet, Fu Yunruo took him to the faucet first to wash his hands, feet and face.

At this moment, Si Yue walked down the stairs.

Seeing him, Wen Wen said loudly, "Uncle Yue, I have something to do, and I will give you the next job." Wen Wen raised her chest unconsciously and said proudly, "I'm going to work. "

Starting today, he will also be open for business!

Then he took Fu Yunruo and ran to the flower shed excitedly.

Oops, I haven't had a live broadcast for many years, and I suddenly miss it a little.

Fu Yunruo nodded to Si Yue, smiled slightly as a greeting, and then quickly walked to the flower shed with Wen Wen.

Si Yue faintly listened to a few words, are they going to live broadcast? He didn't follow, but took out his phone unhurriedly. Open the app skillfully and enter the live broadcast room.

The live broadcast room shows that the live broadcast is in progress, and the camera is facing the boss of the eleven bluegrass.

The boss has successfully mutated, and it has also been successfully promoted to the audience's first favorite.

However, there are not many discussions about bluegrass in the barrage, but a barrage of nervously looking forward comments.

It didn't take long for him to hear movement in the live broadcast room, and after a while, Fu Yunruo's figure appeared from the screen.

Fu Yunruo lowered the camera and fixed it, making sure that the camera would only take pictures below Wen Wen's neck before stopping, and said to Wen Wen, "Baby, you can come in."

Wen Wen walked into the mirror with her short legs unhurriedly, and then sat on the chair specially prepared by Fu Yunruo.

The barrage was full of screams, and the audience kept brushing the names of old and young, cubs, cubs, etc., and then fancyly confessed that Mama loves you, Baba, loves you.

It's my cub!

At that moment, the densely layered barrages emerged with overwhelming force.

Fu Yunruo almost thought that the live broadcast room couldn't support the huge amount of data and dropped the line.

After confessing the cub, it was a fancy compliment, from the fleshy little chin to the little jiojio, from the beginning to the end, even the appearance that did not appear on the screen, also made the audience step out of a flower.

Wen Wen looked at the camera and greeted solemnly: "Aunt and uncle, hello brothers and sisters! My name is Wen Wen." She thought she was a solemn introduction, and the audience was so cute when she heard the milk whistling in the ears of the audience.

In the barrage, the audience screamed non-stop, so cute and cute.

"Thank you for your liking for mom." Said, Wen Wen showed them a heart-to-heart gesture, "I love you!" At that moment, audiences all over the country seemed to be hit by a small red heart, and their heads were blank for a moment. , couldn't help screaming in a low voice, how can the cub be so cute?

The audience asked the cub to talk more, they love this little milk voice!

Si Yue watched the live broadcast and subconsciously opened the gift to prepare a reward, but found that the gift could not be delivered.

Si Yue made a paragraph, why did he turn off the permission to send gifts?

When Fu Yunruo saw the very obvious question, he explained: "I'll make you spend money. If you like me and support me, just leave a message and swipe the screen, and praise me."

In the beginning, if Fu Yun needed gifts, she was short of money. Now that she lacks everything, she doesn't want the audience who like her to spend too much money.

Her main income now is not the audience's rewards, but the commercial value and the added value brought by fame. She can receive advertisements for publicity, and then cooperate with others, and occasionally help Uncle Guo sell ordinary bluegrass.

She occasionally tunes a few times in the live broadcast room, and fans rarely give rewards. Most of them are free gifts and gifts of a few dollars, so she did not turn off this permission, but now she feels that fans A little bit unheard.

They may feel that she has suffered and been wronged, and many fans have silently rewarded and supported...

Fu Yunluo thought about it and decided to close some permissions for the reward channel in the future, and only receive a small bamboo and a flower worth one yuan in the future.

Si Yue frowned, but didn't say anything, thinking to himself, how can this work? Stay with the platform later, set his account to the highest authority, and get a privilege.

After knowing that Fu Yunruo was the host of the live broadcast room, he also knew that Fu Yunruo would open the live broadcast room at the beginning, the main reason was to make money to raise children and buy milk powder.

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