My son Yang Jian has the qualities of an emperor

Chapter 64 Fortunately, you married a good husband!

It was almost noon when I completed the secret of the word "bing".

Yang Ling left the house immediately, patrolled the streets a few times, and found a lame old woman who came into the city to sell vegetables.

He invited people to his own medical clinic and asked doctors to provide free diagnosis and treatment.

The old woman's lameness was caused by injuring her hamstring while going up the mountain to cut firewood, and she had no money to seek medical advice.

Now her wounds have long since healed and her hamstrings have shrunk. No matter how powerful the miracle doctor is, it is impossible for her to cure them.

After confirming that the doctors at the hospital could do nothing, the hope on the old woman's face gradually disappeared and was replaced by deep disappointment.

At this time, Yang Ling took out the white cloud futon that was previously found in the blind box and asked the old woman to sit cross-legged on it.

In this great Shang dynasty where there are many strange people and strange people, many rich and powerful nobles will spend a lot of money to buy some treasures with magical effects.

Therefore, no one was too surprised when they saw Yang Ling take out a glowing treasure.

Out of her trust in Yang Ling, a kind man, the old woman did not hesitate and followed his instructions to sit cross-legged on the futon.

Although Baiyun Futon is only a low-grade acquired spiritual treasure, its healing effect is far inferior to that of elixirs such as Nine-turn Dragon Bone Pill, but it is more than enough to heal mortals!

In less than a stick of incense, the old woman's hamstrings were connected, including some hidden diseases caused by labor, and the whole person looked ten years younger in an instant.

The doctors were a little unconvinced at first, thinking that their employer was probably deceived, but when they saw the changes visible to the naked eye, they were shocked.

Many people who came to the hospital for medical treatment were also pleasantly surprised, as if they had seen a glimmer of hope.

Yang Ling did not disappoint them. He waved his hand and said loudly: "In the future, this treasure will be placed in the medical clinic. Anyone who has a disease that is difficult to cure with medicine and stone can try it for free...

Remember, this is a disease that is difficult to cure!

I only have one baby, don’t waste it on minor illnesses and injuries! "

Hearing this, not only the doctors at the medical center beamed with joy, but all the people present were grinning from ear to ear. Many people even knelt down in front of Yang Ling on the spot.

"Mr. Yang Dashan is really a living god!"

"With this baby, my wife's heartache has been cured!"

"Mr. Yang even uses such treasures from the Immortal Family to save people, even if the Heavenly Lord comes down to earth to save the suffering, it can only do that!"

"The villain has nothing to repay, so I kowtow to you, Mr. Yang!"


Yang Ling "escaped" from the scene in time before the number of onlookers grew.

Opening the panel, as expected, I saw a brand new message——

[One good deed a day mission completed]

[Task evaluation: excellent]

【Please claim your reward】

【1. Instantly restore to the best condition】

【2. Random blind box +2】

[3. Free attribute points +5]

Is the mission evaluation only "Excellent"?

Yang Ling was a little surprised. He thought he was at least "perfect".

But he soon understood.

His good deed today is not a one-time thing. As long as Baiyun Futon is still being used in the hospital, he will be doing good deeds continuously.

At that time, he will be able to receive a steady stream of rewards every day without moving.


Banished to Sendai

A high platform made of beautiful glazed jade is perfectly fitted together. There are two jade columns on the platform, which looks solemn and sacred.

Except for Xian'e who is responsible for cleaning, few gods come to this place on weekdays, making it seem very deserted and lonely.

Because this is a place specially used to deal with evil spirits.

Only here can the divine power bestowed by Heaven be perfectly eliminated.

As the judicial god of heaven, Yunhua once demoted many gods who committed crimes here to the mortal world, but now she also stands on the stage, waiting for heaven to strip her of her divine power.

This feeling was not pleasant to her.

"Yao Ji!"

God Haotian looked solemn, and his solemn and majestic voice echoed on the banishment platform.

"Before removing the divine power, I have one thing to ask clearly... Why did you marry that Yang Ling in a confused way?

I suspect that someone is plotting this behind the scenes. You need to answer truthfully. "


Yun Hua frowned slightly, feeling uneasy and doubtful in his heart.

She took a deep breath and told the details of how she was injured by the three-headed dragon sneak attack, and how Yang Ling took good care of herself after being seriously injured.

"As the injury gradually healed, I spent more and more time with him. His moral character, his humor, his intelligence... all made me admire him with admiration.

I know that according to the laws of heaven, gods cannot have thoughts about mortals, but when I realized this, I couldn't get rid of it. "

"Listen to what you said..." God Haotian's face was expressionless, but his eyes became sharper, "Then Yang Ling and you were just mortals when we first met?

But in the secret realm of Naxiang Cold Spring, he didn't look like a mortal at all! "

Seeing that God Haotian seemed to doubt his husband, Yunhua quickly said: "I actually blame me for this matter... My husband once told me that he was actually very powerful, but I thought he was talking nonsense at the time. …”

When God Haotian heard these words, his sharp eyes softened a little, and he said seriously: "There is another question... Do you know what the relationship is between Yang Ling and the Xuandu Archmage?"

"My husband said that they are Taoist friends and equals..."

Yunhua frowned and thought: "A few months ago, the Jade Ding Zhenren of the Chan Sect came to visit and wanted to take Jian'er back to Yuquan Mountain to be his disciple..."

She told everything that happened that day and said seriously: "My husband said that the Jade Ding Zhenren wanted to take Jian'er as a disciple with bad intentions. Afterwards, I thought it was very strange!

When I first met the Jade Ding Zhenren that day and asked us for directions, his destination was Guanjiangkou. Later, when he came to our door, he said that he passed by Guanjiangkou by accident!

I suspect that he came for Jian'er from the beginning!"

"Jade Ding?"

A glimmer of thought flashed across the eyes of the Lord of Heaven, and then he waved his sleeves, and a green mirror emerged from the air in front of him.

The light in the mirror flowed, and quickly flashed the bustling scene of Guanjiangkou.

There were a lot of cars and people.


Haotian God whispered.

The next moment, the picture in the mirror began to flash rapidly, and directly emerged Guanjiangkou dozens of days ago!

That was the day when Jade Ding Zhenren appeared.

But he watched it repeatedly, but he never saw the figure of Jade Ding Zhenren in the picture.

Yunhua also noticed this, and couldn't help but frowned slightly, wondering: "What's going on? Did I remember the date wrong?"

"It's not that you remembered it wrong."

Haotian God shook his head slowly, with a solemn look in his eyes, "but his traces were erased by someone with great magic power!"

"Who can have such great magic power that even you, brother, can't see through it?"

Yunhua asked subconsciously, but before she finished speaking, she thought of the answer, and a trace of horror flashed in her eyes.

"Could it be that person who personally took action to cover it up?"

Haotian God nodded slightly, his face became more solemn.

"This Conferred God Tribulation was caused by me. I think that person must be very dissatisfied with me, so he secretly plotted...

But I heard from you that Yang Ling and Yu Ding are not the same kind of people, which is a bit strange."

"No matter who is secretly plotting, it has nothing to do with my husband!" Yunhua said firmly.

The Lord of Heaven thought for a moment, nodded and said: "Indeed, if your husband had not tried his best to stop it, I am afraid that Yang Jian would have entered the sect of Chanjiao now.

Then Yuan Hong or someone else will go to heaven to expose your crime of violating the heavenly rules and make this matter known to everyone. I can only punish you according to the heavenly rules and suppress you for a thousand years.

By then, Yang Jian will definitely come to save you, his mother, after learning the skills...

Humph, the nephew rebels against his uncle!

This is the situation they want to see!"

Hearing this deduction, Yunhua couldn't help but She gasped, "So, I almost gave Jian'er to the enemy?"

Haotian God glanced at her, somewhat helpless, but also somewhat fortunately said: "You are still too young, fortunately you married a husband who seems to be pretty good at the moment. If you really married a mortal, I'm afraid your current situation is unimaginable!"

In front of Yunhua, he didn't say another sentence:

If the relationship between Yang Ling and the Human Cult is really as I thought, it will be a strong helper in the future!


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