My son Yang Jian has the qualities of an emperor

Chapter 8 Xuandu: There is no need to be so cautious!

Chapter 8 Xuandu: There is no need to be so...cautious!

"Ren Yang Dashan?"

After the onlookers dispersed, Xuandu turned around and looked at Yang Ling with interest, "Would you like to sit down and chat with me for a few words?"

After that, he picked up the pottery bowl on the table and poured two cups of turbid tea by himself, seemingly not worried that Yang Ling would refuse.

He looked relaxed and relaxed, and it was obvious that he didn't take what happened just now to his heart.

Yang Ling was not polite and took the opportunity to sit down opposite him and asked with a smile: "Brother, what do you want to talk about?"

Xuandu pointed at the pedestrians who were gradually walking away, "Today you acted righteously to punish those two gangsters. Not only did you block their way to make money, but you also put them in jail. According to the laws of Dashang, they will probably be demoted. For slaves.

They hate you so much now, but they can't do anything to you because of the disparity in status, status, and wealth.

But what if I tell you that one day in ten years, those two ruffians will get rid of their status as slaves and become nobles in the court, and they will always remember the hatred of today and try every means to get revenge on you..."

Having said this, he looked at Yang Ling curiously and said, "Do you regret it now?"

Yang Ling nodded, got up and walked towards the city.

Archmage Xuandu frowned, "What are you going to do?"

"Take precautions before things happen." Yang Ling replied.

Xuan Du was speechless, then he laughed and said: "It's just a hypothesis... Don't worry, I have seen the fate of those two people.

If nothing unexpected happens, they will die in the mines soon after being demoted as slaves... huh? "

When talking about the latter part, Xuandu seemed to react suddenly. He stared at Yang Ling for a while, then shook his head and sighed:

"I didn't expect that my quick words were going to kill those two people. But it's useless even if you let people kill them, they will be reincarnated. This cause and effect...


Why don't they have another life?

Do you still know how to exorcise souls?

Alas, it's just a small cause and effect, so there's no need to be so...cautious! "

"So, you can read people's destiny?"

Hearing this, Yang Ling, who was secretly writing down the two people in his notebook, became interested.

He had already seen that this young man had an extraordinary background and was probably a fairy like his wife.

Now that I heard that the other party could read people's fate and deduce the future, I naturally regarded him as a more powerful god than my wife, and couldn't help but want to ask about the future fate of my family.

"You don't need to ask, I can't see your destiny clearly."

Before Yang Ling could speak, Xuandu simply refused.

“There are only three types of people in this world whose fates I can’t see clearly.

The first type is the emperor and prince in the world; the second type is someone who has the most powerful ability to cast spells and shields for them; the third type is the lucky person favored by heaven!

But the strange thing is that you don’t belong to any of the above. It seems a bit like you have jumped out of the Three Realms and are not among the Five Elements...

If you didn't only have some superficial spiritual energy fluctuations in your body, I would have doubted that you were the incarnation of some uncle who came to tease me. "

This last sentence was obviously what he said to himself. Even he didn't believe it, and he didn't expect Yang Ling to continue, so he waved his hand and said nonchalantly:

"Well, even if you really have some background, it doesn't matter to me. I don't intend to get involved anyway...

But you just helped me out of trouble and you were tainted by Karma, so I'll give you a gadget in return. "

As he spoke, he dipped his fingers in the tea and wrote two ancient Chinese characters with flying dragons and phoenixes on the table.

Yang Ling didn't recognize those two ancient characters.

However, he could sense that those two ancient characters contained two opposite auras, one strong and one soft, one yin and one yang, just like two swimming fish chasing each other.

When the two ancient characters were completely formed, they instantly turned into a golden light and caught Yang Ling's sight.

Yang Ling also instantly understood the meaning of these two ancient characters——

yin and yang!

The words Yin and Yang fell into his eyes, like a book flipping rapidly in front of his eyes, and the content of the book was a Qi refining method.

However, this Qi refining method seems to be exquisite, but the key parts have been erased. Although the remaining fragments can't be repaired, they can't achieve anything.

"Seeing as you have also practiced Qi refining, this Qi refining method should be useful to you. Not to mention becoming an immortal, at least extending your life will be no problem."

As Xuandu spoke, he stood up and stretched naturally, "I will stay in the city temporarily for the next few days. If you don't understand anything, just come and find me."


Yang Ling wanted to say, don't treat this kind of low-end magic as a treasure, but when the words came to her lips, she turned into:

"I haven't asked you your name yet? Where should I find you?"

"My name is difficult to say. When you want to find me, you only need to call the Great Mage. No matter where you are, I can hear you."

As Xuandu spoke, he walked slowly towards the city gate. After taking three or five steps, the whole person disappeared out of thin air.

Yang Ling looked stern.

With his eyesight, he couldn't see how the other party disappeared!

This scene also made him feel more confident.

The man who calls himself "The Archmage" is definitely not simple.

Wait, Archmage?

He searched his mind and finally thought of two people called Archmage.

One is Master Lingbao, who ranks fifth among the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Sect, and the other is Master Xuandu, a disciple of the Human Sect's Dumiao.

Both of them are powerful and famous.

Especially the former, the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Sect had frequently come down the mountain during the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race to eliminate demons and educate the people.

To this day, the name of the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Sect is still widely spread in the world, and many places still keep incense and offerings.

In comparison, the Xuandu Master is much more low-key.

Apart from being the only disciple of the Taiqing Saint, it seems that there are no other legends about him.

There are almost no incense offerings for him in the world.

However, thinking of the Yin-Yang Qi Refining Technique that the other party taught him, Yang Ling is more inclined to believe that he is the Xuandu Master!

Of course, this is just his wishful guess.

The true origin of the other party is still a mystery to him.

However, it seems that the great master does not seem to have any ill will towards him, and seems to regard him as a mortal who is roughly proficient in the Qi Refining Technique.

The fact that the great master has such a misunderstanding should obviously be attributed to the Wanxiang Ruyi card that he has always carried with him.

At first, he didn't take this jade token seriously, but now it seems that it is a must-have artifact for home and travel.

As long as he always carries the jade token, in the eyes of others, he is just an ordinary wealthy businessman with a net worth of nearly 100 million.

Moreover, when necessary, he can also change into other appearances.

On the way home, Yang Ling thought carefully and felt that the great magician, whether from the Chan Sect or the Ren Sect, should be handled with caution.

At least before finding out his identity and purpose, he must not act rashly to avoid losing his footing.

But how to find out?

Yang Ling thought about it and felt that he had to start with the "Yin Yang Qi Refining Technique".

Although this Qi Refining Technique was very crude in his eyes, let alone compared with the Divine Elephant Prison Power, even the nameless Qi Refining Method taught by his wife was not as good.

But the great magician didn't know!

He could definitely contact the great master under the guise of asking for advice on the art of refining qi. He believed that with his many years of business experience, he would always be able to dig something out of the other party!

In this case, he had to practice the Yin-Yang refining qi art first!

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