early morning.

A trace of light appeared on the eastern horizon, carefully infiltrating the light blue sky.

The white clouds are as soft as cotton candy, as if you can reach them with your hands.

Yang Ling leisurely drove the clouds, held the dog, and felt as comfortable as going out to visit friends. He traveled around the mountains and rivers, offered sacrifices to spiritual treasures, and arrived at Chentangguan on the appointed day.

Looking down from a high altitude, we can see that the General Military Mansion located in the center of the city gate is decorated with lights, gongs and drums are beating loudly, and it is a joyful scene.

The people in the city also had smiles on their faces, and they were walking towards the General Military Mansion in an endless stream, talking about today's wedding.

Yang Ling smiled slightly, and the festive atmosphere made him feel a lot more relaxed.

He was about to press the cloud head when suddenly, the big yellow beside him let out two low barks, which seemed to remind him of something.

Yang Ling raised his eyebrows slightly. He knew that Rhubarb's olfactory talent was extremely sharp and had evolved into a unique magical power that could smell many secret scents.

Dahuang's eyes were alert, his ears were erect, and his nose was constantly sucking in the air, as if he had caught some familiar and secret breath.

It turned to look at Yang Ling, a glimmer of affirmation flashing in its eyes.

"Master Yuding?"

Yang Ling frowned slightly.

He knew that Dahuang had seen Yuding in person before, and had already remembered his aura in his heart. Unless Master Yuding keeps restraining his aura, he will be sniffed out immediately as long as he appears within a hundred miles of Dahuang.

But why did Master Yuding appear in Chentangguan?

He couldn't be here for the wedding banquet, right?

Yes, he must have come with Taoist Manjusri!

It won't be long before Jin Zha is born in Yin Shiniang's belly. The Manjusri Taoist is obviously here for this intended disciple.

Yang Ling secretly thought that if this happened, he would definitely have to meet the two Golden Immortals of the Chan Cult today.

This timing is not good!

Although when he was in the Valley of the Chaoyang, he longed for the two Golden Immortals to come out of the cave, but now in Chentangguan, he did not have the same unique environment as before.

The feud between them is very deep now, and maybe the two Golden Immortals of Chanjiao will take the opportunity to cause trouble for him, or secretly plot against him.


This feeling of being plotted against at any time is so unpleasant!

Yang Ling felt that he couldn't act rashly, but at least he had to be fully prepared.

Thinking like this, Yang Ling quickly used the Nine-Nine Soul-Removing Gourd, left Chentangguan, and headed south quickly with Dahuang.

"Why is he gone?"

In a secluded and elegant courtyard in Chentangguan, Master Yuding looked at Yang Ling's quickly retreating figure with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Taoist Manjusri stood quietly in the courtyard, staring at the distant sky through the shadows of the trees.

"Well, Yang Ling and Li Jing have a close relationship. This sudden departure must have been delayed by something, and they will probably show up again at an auspicious time.

Junior brother, you don’t have to be too anxious. "

Master Yuding nodded slightly, with a sneer on his lips, "Junior Brother Shen Gongbao and the Four Saints of Kowloon Island will arrive at Chentangguan today. I can't wait."

Seeing this, Manjusri Taoist frowned slightly and said seriously: "Junior brother, please remember that you and I are caught in the mortal world, and we must not lose our Taoist heart and let the three poisons of greed, ignorance, and anger control our minds!

Otherwise, you will make a big mistake, and not even Master can save you! "

When Master Yuding heard this, his heart suddenly became awe-inspiring, and he quickly recited Huang Ting silently to suppress the hatred and hostility in his heart.

"Thank you, senior brother, for being alert!"


The team that sent the relatives from Guanjiangkou had arrived outside Chentangguan City, and the festive atmosphere of the wedding became more and more intense.

The Li family has guarded Chentangguan for generations and is deeply loved by the people. As the only child of the Li family, Li Jing is getting married today, and the people in Chentangguan are getting excited.

The General Military Mansion also held a flowing banquet for three days, and anyone could go to the banquet.

At this time, in the General Military Mansion, Li Jing, dressed in a wedding dress, was pacing back and forth in the room with a frown on his face.

"It's already this hour, why hasn't Brother Yang arrived yet?"

Yin Shiniang, who was also wearing a wedding dress, rarely became gentle and comforted: "Maybe something has delayed me. Husband, don't worry, there are still two and a half hours until the auspicious time. Since Brother Yang promised to come, he will definitely be there. of."

"I can trust Brother Yang." Li Jing said worriedly: "I'm just worried that he will be in danger..."

Before she finished speaking, Yin Shiniang interrupted with a smile: "Then there is no need to worry, Brother Yang and his wife are both immortals, what dangers can they encounter with their way of doing things?

Today is our big day, so don’t think too much and prepare for the wedding etiquette... If I had known getting married was so troublesome, I shouldn’t have believed your lies! "

Li Jing was slightly embarrassed and said quickly: "We are getting married just once, so of course it needs to be grand.

Okay, okay, it’s almost time, I’ll send you back to the wedding party first. "

"It's really troublesome... You don't need to send it, I can just go back by myself."

Yin Shiniang muttered as she raised her sword light, soared into the sky from the General Military Mansion, and flew towards the wedding party outside the city gate who was anxious because the protagonist had run away.

Poor people in Chentangguan have been looking forward to the arrival of the bride for a long time, but they don't know that she has been living in Chentangguan for a long time.

There are bursts of joyful drums and loud gongs.

Inside and outside Chentangguan, everyone was immersed in joy and celebration, and various rituals were carried out in an orderly manner.

As the sun set in the west and the auspicious time approached, Li Jing finally welcomed Yin Shiniang into the General Military Mansion.

At this moment, the sky suddenly bloomed with auspicious light, auspicious clouds floated in, and golden flowers sprouted out of thin air, exuding a faint fragrance.

Taoist Manjusri and Master Yuding came hand in hand, with lotus growing at every step, and surrounded by a faint auspicious light. They looked like gods and saints, supreme and noble.

The arrival of the two golden immortals of Chanjiao really startled Li Jing and his wife. They hurriedly came forward to greet them and bowed respectfully, feeling a little uneasy in their hearts.

"Fellow Taoist, don't be surprised." Taoist Manjusri showed a warm smile on his face. With a flick of his hand, a translucent glass bottle flew in front of Li Jing and his wife.

There were two yellow pills in the glass bottle!

"Today, two poor Taoist brothers took the liberty to visit us. It coincided with the wedding of two Taoist friends. They specially presented two elixirs to congratulate the Taoist friends." Taoist Manjusri said calmly.

Li Jing and his wife were surprised and happy, and they quickly bowed and thanked them.

All the guests were talking and marveling. They all lamented that the Li family was favored by gods and would be blessed for generations to come.

At this moment, the sky suddenly changed color, dark clouds rolled in like splashing ink, and a faint thunderous roar came from the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw four or five tall figures, each riding a strange beast, standing above the dark clouds.

Their faces were ferocious and their aura was menacing, like evil spirits descending from the sky.

Li Jing glanced at the two Chanjiao Golden Immortals beside him and saw that their expressions were as usual. He immediately felt relieved and quickly looked at the sky and shouted loudly:

"I am Li Jing, a disciple of Master Du'e of West Kunlun. I wonder who is coming?"

"Li Jing? Never heard of it!"

Above the dark clouds, a tall figure stepped forward. He was wearing a pair of buns and a bright red suit. His face was like indigo, his hair was like cinnabar, and he had fangs. He was riding a spotted leopard, and his voice was like rolling thunder. Penetrate the clouds and hit people's hearts directly:

"We are the Four Saints of Kowloon Island. We are here today to find a human cultivator named Yang Ling!

Who is called Yang Ling? Please stand up for me! "

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