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Chapter 114 Nanshan Nan (please subscribe)

Li Xingyu and Zhao Lei’s new albums both uploaded the first song at 12 noon today. Li Xingyu’s momentum is very strong, and he uploaded the title song of this album as soon as possible. The lyrics are written by Mr. Wei Shuming, the top lyricist in the industry, and the music is composed by Shen Guangyan and Shen Tianwang. The lineup is very strong.

What Starlight Entertainment wants to do is to make a big effort and directly boost Li Xingyu’s reputation for this debut. Previously, because of Zhou Yu’s incident, his championship was controversial. Now, they are going to use this song to break these rumors on the Internet.

As for Zhao Lei, this new album was also written by Zhou Yu, and the first song just released was finally written and composed. However, judging from the song’s ranking on the new song chart, Li Xingyu is still better.

This time, it was a contest between Li Xingyu and Zhao Lei, a contest with Zhou Yu, a contest between the entire Starlight Entertainment and Zhou Yu, and even the first confrontation between Wei Shuming and Shen Guangyan with Zhou Yu. Behind Shen Guangyan and the others was Huatian Entertainment. It can be said that this time it is a competition between Zhou Yu and the two major companies.

Li Xingyu and Zhao Lei have only uploaded one song from the new album. They will upload three more songs in two days, and then they will upload all the songs from the new album at once. This situation can be regarded as a tradition in this world and the music industry. Basically, when singers release albums, they do it this way, and they will not release all the songs at once. Post some every few days to ensure that every song in the album gets maximum exposure.


In this way, if two people release a new album together, it will be a good opportunity for PK.

Not long after the first song of Zhao Lei and Li Xingyu’s new album was released, it became a hot search topic.

“Li Xingyu’s new album is online!”

“Zhao Lei’s new album is online!”

“Li Xingyu’s new singer!”

“Zhao Lei’s new song Nan Shan Nan!”

This time, the two people’s new album has been preheated before, and the program “Idol’s Son” has just ended, and the popularity is still there. Two students from “Idol’s Son” are about to release a new album to debut. , naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Not to mention the lyrics and music lineup of Li Xingyu’s new song, the fact that Zhou Yu is solely responsible for Zhao Lei’s new album is enough to make many people revel. After all, after Zhou Yu retired from the competition, he had no other works except the previous single “Rakshasa Haishi”.

Now he helps Zhao Lei produce a new album, which can be regarded as a small way to satisfy the expectations of fans.

“Wow! It’s finally time to wait for brother Xingyu’s new album. I’ve already listened to the new songs, and I can only say they are so good!”

“I also went to listen, and I can only say that Li Xingyu’s progress is really impressive, and this first star was tailor-made for him by Teacher Wei and Shen Tianwang. These two masters took action, and the quality is really impeccable. I I’m even more looking forward to Shen Tianwang’s new album in October.”

“Zhao Lei’s new album was produced by Zhou Yu. With Zhou Yu’s talent, Zhao Lei’s new song will not be bad.”

“Take it down. Look, Zhao Lei’s new song ranking is not even in the top five. How can he compare with our brother Xingyu?”

Judging from the rankings now, “Star”, the first song of Li Xingyu’s new album, ranks better than Zhao Lei’s new song “Nanshan Nan”. No one ranked first and no one ranked among the top five. It seemed that Zhou Yu and Zhao Lei were doomed to lose.

Wen Shiyi directly helped Zhao Lei repost Weibo to promote the new song. As for Li Xingyu, how could she help promote it because of her relationship with Starlight Entertainment?

On the other hand, Yang Qian and Chen Mo were both their students, and they forwarded their Weibo promotions respectively, but teachers Yang Qian and Chen Mo were more partial to Zhao Lei and Zhou Yu. Helped Zhao Lei promote the new song on Weibo, and also edited some text.

Mr. Wang sees this situation now and is very satisfied with the result. Li Xingyu currently ranks first, and his statistics are very good and his reputation is also very good. Sure enough, it was a right choice to spend a lot of money to find Wei Shuming and Shen Guangyan to help him tailor the title song, and the money was well spent.

“Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu, let’s see what other tricks you can come up with this time.”

Although Zhou Yu did not debut this time and was not targeted, Zhao Lei is an artist in his company and the new album was also produced by Zhou Yu. Being able to push Zhao Lei down can be regarded as cutting off Zhou Yu’s arm. This is also to scare the monkeys and tell those people,

This is what happens when you go against Starlight Entertainment.

If you still want to open your own company and work alone, haha, then you are overestimating your capabilities. From the current point of view, Zhao Lei’s debut album did not perform well, and the commercial value will definitely not be good after that, and there will be no resources to find them. Not to mention that Zhou Yu would debut later, so they had no chance.

Mr. Huatian Liu also saw the ranking on the new song list. To be honest, he was not surprised at all by this result.

Li Xingyu spent a lot of money on this new album, Starlight, and the title song was composed by Wei Shuming and Shen Guangyan. How could it be defeated by you, Zhou Yu and Zhao Lei?

“This guy still wants to fight Guang Yan in the future. It seems that there is no such chance at present.”

This time the competition between Li Xingyu and Zhao Lei’s new song can be regarded as the competition between Zhou Yu, Shen Guangyan and Wei Shuming. This is considered a behind-the-scenes showdown. You, Zhou Yu, didn’t win. If you want to fight Shen Guangyan head-on later, what will you use to fight?

In the future, the quality of Shen Guangyan’s new album will definitely be higher than that of Li Xingyu’s song. Can you, Zhou Yu, do it?

Mr. Liu already shook his head for Zhou Yu. He had already seen the death of Zhou Yu’s new company. If you don’t become famous after your debut, your company will be in ruins, and you won’t have the resources to come to your door in the future. Even if you, Zhou Yu, are very popular now, it will be of no use if you don’t let everyone see the value of your debut. In this circle, everyone is pursuing interests. If you want to join this circle, you have to let those people see your current value, not your past glory.

Popularity, haha, as time goes by, Zhou Yu’s popularity will slowly disappear.

But when he saw Li Xingyu and Zhao Lei’s new songs on the computer, he had already listened to Li Xingyu’s song just now, and it was indeed very good. He hasn’t heard Zhao Lei’s new song yet. Zhou Yu wrote the lyrics and composed the music. Even if it’s not as good as Li Xingyu’s new song, it shouldn’t be too bad, right?

“Nan Shannan, the name is still so strange.”

After clicking play, Zhao Lei’s deep voice rang in my ears.

“You are in the southern sun

heavy snowfall

I’m in the cold night in the north

Spring all year round

If I can make it before dark

I want to forget your eyes

A life of poverty

I can’t finish a dream…”

After hearing this small part of the song, Mr. Liu frowned slightly.

“Folk ballads seem to be tailor-made for Zhao Lei.”

“It’s okay.”

However, this kind of ballad is already a niche one. Zhou Yu’s two songs “Once Upon a Time” and “Blue Lotus” were so popular because they added some rock elements to make the songs more penetrating. But this pure folk song is not so easy to become popular.

It’s no wonder that Zhao Lei’s song didn’t even make it into the top five. In terms of song type, it just suffered a lot.

Li Xingyu’s “Star” is a mainstream love song with a wide audience, and it naturally has a larger audience than the ballads written by Zhou Yu for Zhao Lei.

However, listening to the song “Nan Shan Nan”, Mr. Liu still felt that it was good. Zhou Yu’s talent was there, but there was still a gap compared to Wei Shuming and others.

The melody is okay, but the lyrics always feel a bit inconsistent.

But as I listened, it became more and more flavorful. Saving it carefully, looking at the lyrics, and listening to Zhao Lei’s singing gave Mr. Liu a bad feeling.

“This song is slow to heat up, but it may catch up later.”

He listened to Zhao Lei’s song “Nanshan Nan”. Objectively speaking, this song is indeed very good. Moreover, it is a slow-burning song that requires the audience to taste it carefully. This means that the song needs to ferment over time to verify its quality.

Mr. Liu’s eyes flickered, Zhou Yu is really not that simple. He feels that Zhao Lei’s song “Nanshan Nan” will definitely come forward in the future. As for how far it can reach, it still depends on the potential of this song.

But he still didn’t believe in his heart that Zhou Yu could win over Wei Shuming and Shen Guangyan, and it was absolutely impossible for him to surpass the songs they wrote for Li Xingyu.

This is the confidence he has had in Wei Shuming and Shen Guangyan over the years!

Lin Jiajia was also listening to the new songs of Li Xingyu and Zhao Lei.

Li Xingyu’s song was written by teacher Wei Shuming and composed by Shen Tianwang. After listening to it, she felt that it was definitely good, and Li Xingyu’s performance was also very good, but it still lacked a little taste. It felt like a flower stuck in cow dung, with the dung basin rimmed with gold. She could tell that Li Xingyu was trying hard to interpret this new song and wanted his singing to match the lyrics and music of Teacher Wei and Shen Tianwang. Although there has been great progress, in the end it is still a little bit behind, with insufficient foundation and insufficient strength.

If this song were given to Shen Tianwang himself to sing, the effect would probably be even greater.

One floor.

Now listening to Zhao Lei’s new song “Nanshan Nan”, Lin Jiajia frowned slightly while looking at the lyrics.

“He no longer talks to anyone about the lonely island where they met

Because his heart is already deserted

His heart can no longer hold a home

Be a dumb person who only lies to himself

He said that any of your praised beauty

is not as good as the first time he met you

Time is lingering


This folk song written by Zhou Yu for Zhao Lei was also tailor-made for Zhao Lei, and Zhao Lei did not disappoint Zhou Yu and sang it perfectly. But when she first listened to it, she always felt that the lyrics of this song were inconsistent, but after listening to it twice, she felt that the song was more and more interesting.

“It’s still this familiar technique. The songs written by Zhou Yu really need to be repeatedly studied to taste the taste.”

Lin Jiajia’s eyes lit up slightly. Zhao Lei’s folk song “Nanshan Nan” is relatively slow, but it is this kind of song that is more interesting the more you listen to it, which makes people fall in love with it again and again. It’s not the kind of pop song that you get tired of after listening to it a few times.

“This song feels like it’s going to be a big hit.”

(End of this chapter)

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