The first time, the second time.

Chapter 118 Sorry, I’ll take care of the list (9 more chapters to come, please subscribe)

Based on the current situation, it’s not good for Xingguang and Li Xingyu. In one night, the top spot on the list changed hands, and even the three new songs that were just released were surpassed by Zhao Lei’s songs.

If they continue like this, they will lose this PK.

Mr. Wang can never accept such a result. Li Xingyu has spent so much resources and effort to support him. He is his only bargaining chip in front of the old guys in the company. If he loses this time, Li Xingyu’s commercial value will be greatly discounted, and he won’t make any money at that time.

At that time, the old guys in the company would never let him go so easily.

Mr. Wang held his phone tightly, his expression a little ugly: “We must not lose!”

He quickly called the publicity department again, asking them to increase publicity after all the songs in Li Xingyu’s new album are online, and they must improve the data and rankings.

Looking at the ranking of the new song list on the computer, Mr. Wang saw that Zhao Lei’s new song was on it. Among the top five, only Li Xingyu’s “Star” slipped to the second place, and the rest were all Zhao Lei’s songs. This situation was suddenly reversed from yesterday.

He had also listened to these songs, and he could only say that they were pretty good. He had no experience, and he didn’t feel that these songs were very touching. But these people on the Internet actually like Zhao Lei’s songs so much, no, it should be said that they like Zhou Yu’s songs.

Moreover, Zhao Lei’s songs are folk songs, and the audience is originally smaller than Li Xingyu’s mainstream songs. As a result, they caught up with him, which made him feel a little embarrassed. The most important thing was that he was a little worried. If he couldn’t get up in the future, would he really have to give up his position to those old guys?

Xingguang Entertainment started to make efforts, promoting Li Xingyu’s new song everywhere, and even the artists under their company helped to forward and promote it. But the result was a little disappointing, except for the songs written by Wei Shuming and Shen Tianwang, which were still firmly ranked second. Other songs were just crushed by Zhao Lei’s songs, and even Zhao Lei took the first place.

Seeing this situation, many people were a little surprised. The top five of the new song list were almost all taken by Zhao Lei.

“Oh my god! What’s going on? When I saw it yesterday, Li Xingyu was still in the front. Why did Zhao Lei rush up today?”

“It’s normal. Zhao Lei’s songs are better. These three folk songs are really good.”

“This time, it seems that Xingguang Entertainment is going to lose.”

“Haha, didn’t someone say that their brother Xingyu is very good before? Why doesn’t he come out to dance now?”

And just this weekend, Zhou Yu directly uploaded all the remaining six songs of Zhao Lei’s new album. The first four songs that were launched online were all folk songs. The six songs that were launched later were less folk songs, with only one folk song. Zhou Yu also wanted to expand some ways for Zhao Lei, and he couldn’t just walk on one leg.

The only folk song among the remaining six new songs is “Written for Huang Huai”. Zhao Lei focuses on folk songs, and this new album has exactly five folk songs. As for the remaining five songs, one is “Sparrow” and the other is “No Regrets”, both of which are Li Ronghao’s songs. Zhao Lei’s voice is quite suitable. Zhou Yu also selected three suitable songs from many songs. Mao Buyi’s “An Ordinary Day”, Chen Chusheng’s “Has Anyone Told You”, and the captain’s “You Are Everywhere”.

Folk songs are Zhao Lei’s main focus. As for the songs selected later, Zhou Yu wanted to broaden his path. He also wanted him to try love songs and other types of songs. After all, walking on one more leg is much better than a toad walking on one leg. Like the captain’s “You Are Everywhere”, Zhou Yu also wanted to help Zhao Lei become popular on the short video platform. After all, this song was very popular on the short video platform that year.

After seeing Zhao Lei’s new song surpass Li Xingyu, Zhou Yu knew in his heart that they would definitely win this duel.

For now, what trump cards can you have on Xingguang Entertainment?

You can’t beat these songs that are currently online. I still have six songs. What can you use to fight me?


At the same time, the remaining songs of Li Xingyu and Zhao Lei’s new albums were all released.

In order to overtake, Xingguang has been promoting and buying hot searches. Although Zhou Yu is also operating, he is not as terrible as them. He just needs to do the necessary promotion. His company has just started and invested in animation. The financial resources cannot be compared with big companies like Xingguang.

It’s useless for them to buy hot searches. In the end, the quality of the songs still depends on the quality. I just wait for netizens to listen to them and then put Zhao Lei’s new songs on the hot searches.

Lin Jiajia has already listened to all the songs that Zhao Lei has released. As of today, everyone has seen all the songs in Zhao Lei’s new album, and she has also listened to them.

At this moment, Lin Jiajia was a little excited: “The quality of this new song is not low. Every song in Zhao Lei’s album is of such high quality. Which one is the title song?”

Zhou Yu and his team have never said which one is the title song. Everyone defaults to the first song “Nanshan Nan”, but the quality of the following songs is also very high, even not inferior to “Nanshan Nan”. For example, when a singer releases a new song, the quality of the title song is basically relatively high, and it is even the best song in this album.

But Lin Jiajia thinks that every song of this debut album produced by Zhou Yu for Zhao Lei can be used as the title song.

After listening to the newly uploaded songs by Zhao Lei and comparing them with Li Xingyu’s new songs, Lin Jiajia knew that this time, Zhou Yu and his team must be stable.

However, after listening to the songs in Zhao Lei’s new album, Lin Jiajia is more looking forward to Zhou Yu’s own new songs.

“Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu, you are not focusing on Zhao Lei’s album, are you?”

Soon after Li Xingyu and Zhao Lei’s new albums were all released, that afternoon, something terrible happened. Zhao Lei’s new songs directly dominated the new song list.

Li Xingyu’s new songs were directly squeezed to the bottom of the top ten. Even the most popular song “Star” dropped to the fourth place. The first place has been replaced by “Xiaochou”, the second “Nanshannan”, and the third “Anheqiao”. Except for Li Xingyu’s “Star”, the top ten are directly dominated by Zhao Lei’s new album songs.

Even the data of each song is rising, maybe Li Xingyu’s title song “Star” will also drop later.

This situation also surprised netizens. The new song list was dominated. This situation was only seen when those top singers released new albums.

Today, it was seen on a newcomer who just debuted.

I talked to you all yesterday and finally figured out the problem. You all felt that I had been suppressing the protagonist for too long, but the withdrawal did not fully bring out the excitement, saying that Xingguang and Huatian did not suffer any losses. I had always thought of arranging it later, with the protagonist opening a company and releasing a new album, and the following events were all counterattacks against Xingguang and Huatian. I had originally planned to write about these excitement points later, but I didn’t expect everyone to be so impatient. I already know my problem. Today is the 26th, and this month I will definitely be able to enter the plot of the protagonist’s new album. I will speed up the pace. Thank you for your valuable advice!

(End of this chapter)

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