The only one who can beat Zhou Yu is Zhou Yu!

Chapter 198 The only one who can beat Zhou Yu is Zhou Yu!

Lin Jiajia never thought that Zhou Yu would write a new song for each of the other two guests in one episode. She knew that Wang Jiachao and Chen Mo had a good relationship with Zhou Yu, but this was still a competition, and Wang Jiachao was his own person. Although Chen Mo had a good relationship with Zhou Yu in private, in this entertainment industry where there was not much affection and only rivals, they stood on the same stage, and that was rivals.

Zhou Yu was able to write a new song for Chen Mo this time, which meant that his relationship with Chen Mo had already reached a certain level. It can even be seen that Zhou Yu was very confident in himself. Even if he wrote new songs for Chen Mo and Wang Jiachao, he was confident that he would get first place in this episode. Otherwise, no one would do such a thing to threaten themselves.

And judging from the two new songs Zhou Yu gave to Wang Jiachao and Chen Mo, they are of high quality. Whether it is Wang Jiachao’s “Young and Promising” or Chen Mo’s “Actor”, Lin Jiajia likes them very much.

“The new songs Zhou Yu gave them are of such good quality. I wonder what kind of new songs he will bring this time.”

After watching the performances of Wang Jiachao and Chen Mo and listening to their new songs, Lin Jiajia is now looking forward to Zhou Yu’s performance in this episode. She is looking forward to the new songs he will bring this time.

The songs he gave them are so good, so what about his own songs? Is it the kind that will be directly enshrined as a god?

Now they have seen Zhou Yu’s talent and listened to too many of his songs, and they have also listened to a lot of so-called enshrined works. Every time they think this is Zhou Yu’s peak work, but then Zhou Yu will bring another new song to subvert their cognition. It seems that Zhou Yu is breaking his own myths and records all the time.

This is also the reason why Lin Jiajia has always maintained a strong expectation for his work.

The audience was also shocked after watching the performances of Wang Jiachao and Chen Mo.

“Oh my god! The songs of Wang Jiachao and Chen Mo were written by Zhou Yu!”

“Young and Promising and Actor, these two songs feel like they were tailor-made by Zhou Yu for them, they are really nice.”

“This time Zhou Yu wrote new songs for them, wow, the rankings look like they will change a lot.”

“It feels like Wang Jiachao is in a much better state after Zhou Yu’s song, and he probably won’t be eliminated.”

“Hey, if he is not eliminated, then only Zeng Huayu will be eliminated, but I am more looking forward to Zhou Yu’s next new song.”

Now that the show is slowly being broadcasted, it is already nearing the end, Shen Guangyan’s performance has ended, and everyone is undecided after watching the performance of this king.

“I feel that Shen Guangyan’s new song is also very good this time, much better than his previous songs.”

“Of course, his new song this time was created by Teacher Lin Yuan, and the lyrics and music are all written by Teacher Lin Yuan, so there must be a lot of progress.”

“Shen Guangyan’s songs in this issue are not as ethereal as before, and they have a bit of fireworks, and the sense of substitution is indeed much better.”

“The ranking of this issue is really a bit unpredictable, and it feels like a big reshuffle.”

As Shen Guangyan’s performance ended, the new song he brought with Teacher Lin Yuan in this issue really touched many audiences. Everyone can feel the changes and progress of Shen Guangyan’s new song. It can be said that they feel that this issue is Shen Guangyan’s peak so far.

With the addition of Teacher Lin Yuan, the lyrics and music of this song are more gentle and moving, and more in line with the current market, and there is a bit more fireworks, which is what everyone calls a sense of reality and substitution.

This, combined with the previous Chen Mo and Wang Jiachao, made everyone feel that this episode was really a fight between gods.

But the next part was what everyone was looking forward to the most.

Because after Shen Guangyan, Zhou Yu appeared.

“Here he comes!”

Lin Jiajia sat on the sofa. The heating was on at home, but she didn’t feel cold. It was winter, and she didn’t like to wear long johns or socks. Her pink feet were pressed under her thighs.

As soon as Zhou Yu came on stage, she immediately picked up the remote control and turned up the volume.

When the prelude sounded, Lin Jiajia’s eyes lit up: “The sound of the wind…”

“And the sound of wind chimes…”

The prelude of “Seven Miles of Fragrance” sounded, and that kind of clear and distant feeling came to her face, the sound of the wind and

The sound of wind chimes mixed together with various musical instruments, the complexity made Lin Jiajia couldn’t help but sigh.

“The melody of this song is very complicated.”

She is also a semi-professional, and she can still distinguish the melody of a song. Zhou Yu’s “Seven Miles of Fragrance” is very complicated. It is even difficult to combine the natural sound of wind and wind chimes with various instruments to make a song. Now she understands why the two major associations of lyrics and music will make an exception for Zhou Yu.

His talent in writing lyrics and composing music has indeed surpassed many people.

Even Zhang Junjie, the number one in the Chinese music scene today, Lin Jiajia feels that he may not be as good as Zhou Yu in this regard.

Of course, this is just what she thinks. Who is more powerful will have to wait until they compete once to know.

If there is such a day, she believes that not only the entire music scene will be shocked, but the entire network will be shocked at that time!

This is confidence in Zhou Yu and Zhang Junjie!

“Seven Miles of Fragrance…”

Looking at the information of Zhou Yu’s song and listening to his singing, Lin Jiajia couldn’t help but think of a picture of a man and a woman just falling in love. Simple and beautiful, first love is always memorable, and always full of many beautiful memories.

Listening to this song “Seven Miles of Fragrance”, Lin Jiajia couldn’t help but think of Zhou Yu’s previous song “Sunny Day”. Songs of the same type, both songs she thinks are very nice, but these two songs seem to be two extremes.

The song “Sunny Day” is very simple, so simple that it has become the first goal for many people to learn guitar online. It is said that beginners who learn guitar can learn Zhou Yu’s “Sunny Day” because it is very simple and easy to get started. However, this song “Seven Miles of Fragrance” shows the complexity of the song vividly. Two songs, the same type, but two extremes. This is Zhou Yu, who always brings many surprises to people.

At the end of the song, after watching Zhou Yu’s performance, Lin Jiajia looked at the barrage on the Internet and was directly swiped.

“Oh my god! Zhou Yu’s song “Seven Miles of Fragrance” is so beautiful!”

“You and I want to know the taste of saury. Woohoo, the lyrics are so well written!”

“Zhou Yu used a lot of metaphors in this song. It was really well used. The feeling of first love is also really good. Alas, it’s a pity that everything can’t go back.”

As the guests’ performances ended, the camera also switched to the lounge. After editing, everyone’s waiting time was not that long. The audience soon saw Director Hong Tao push the door and walk into the lounge with the final ranking results.

“I really can’t guess the ranking of this issue. It feels like anyone can rush up.”

“I also feel that the top two are a little difficult to grasp. Zhou Yu’s “Seven Miles of Fragrance” and Shen Guangyan’s new song, it’s really hard for me to choose.”

“I feel that Teacher Chen Mo is also possible. I think the actor Zhou Yu wrote for him this time is very good. In addition, his popularity is not low, so he is likely to rush up.”

Everyone is still a little unsure about the ranking results of this issue. After all, everyone’s new songs are very good in this episode. In the past, there was still a clear difference. But in this episode, the changes are so big that it is difficult to guess.

Especially looking at the fewer and fewer guests in the lounge, everyone is also very clear that the competition will become more and more fierce as time goes by.

Wen Shiyi is also watching this episode of the program in the hotel at this moment. Now that the new album is about to be launched, she has been busy during this period and has been running publicity outside. This new album is related to her impact on the queen of heaven, so the whole company attaches great importance to it.

“Zhou Yu is first…”

She knew the result and had asked Zhou Yu before, but she still wanted to watch the show.

In the program, Director Hong Tao announced the ranking results of this episode.

“Sixth place… Song Tianji!”

“Seventh place… Zeng Huayu!”

When the final ranking results appeared, everyone was very surprised about the ranking of this episode.

Zhou Yu is still the first, which is not too shocking. After all, in everyone’s mind, he has already sat in the first place. What surprised everyone the most was that Mr. Chen Mo, with the new song “Actor” written by Zhou Yu, directly rushed to the second place and squeezed Shen Guangyan out.

And Wang Jiachao, also turned around this episode with the new song written by Zhou Yu, and no longer ranked at the bottom.

“This result is indeed a bit surprising. Shen Tianwang actually lost to Chen Mo.”

“And Song Tianji was also the second to last in this episode. He seems to be in trouble.”

“Of course, the later it is,

What matters is the quality and strength of everyone’s works. How long can fans support him? ”

“Wang Jiachao is about to become popular. This song of his is young and promising, and the more you listen to it, the more interesting it becomes. It seems like it will really become popular.”

“Haha, look at Zeng Huayu, the last one in this period, this guy is finally going to be eliminated!”

“It made me laugh so hard. Where was your arrogance back then? Didn’t you say that Zhou Yu’s lyrics and music were not good? Why is it that Zhou Yu is number one now and you are about to be eliminated?”

“Let me tell you something, the only one who can defeat Zhou Yu is Zhou Yu!”

In this issue, Zhou Yu wrote new songs for both Wang Jiachao and Chen Mo. Chen Mo directly relied on the new songs to kill Shen Guangyan and rush to the second position. But it didn’t shake Zhou Yu’s number one position at all. Everyone had an idea in mind.

The only one who can defeat Zhou Yu is Zhou Yu himself!

Thank you book friend Zhen Gong Long Live for your monthly vote!

(End of chapter)

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