The first time, the second time.

Chapter 244 Chinese Poetry Conference!

Zhou Yu has been developing smoothly since his debut. In a very short period of time, he has achieved what others have not been able to achieve for many years. Moreover, Zhou Yu has too many good resources. He has all kinds of top resources and top luxury endorsements. In this entertainment industry where everyone except you is a competitor, once others see the opportunity, they will bite you to death and make you unable to get up completely.

This time, Zhou Yu publicly called for a boycott of H flow with his own strength, which made the huge and crazy H flow fans in China dissatisfied all of a sudden. Not only these H flow fans, but also those artists and companies who have benefited from H flow are dissatisfied with him. In addition, the H country was even more angry at Zhou Yu. With the internal and external difficulties, other people in the country naturally couldn’t sit still.

This is a great opportunity. Even if Zhou Yu can’t be killed, he can’t have an easy life!

For a while, Zhou Yu’s Weibo was overwhelmed, and the comment area and private messages were also flooded by these H fans and the water army hired by major entertainment companies.

“Zhou Yu, what qualifications do you have to say this? Just take care of yourself.”

“That’s right, you still boycott H flow. Don’t you know that cultural exchange is going on now? I like H flow culture.”

“Our Oppa is the best, you are not allowed to say that about them!”

When other stars in the circle didn’t say anything, waiting to see the show, or afraid of getting into trouble. Wen Shiyi and Yang Qian directly forwarded and liked Zhou Yu’s Weibo, supporting Zhou Yu.

Not only the two of them, Zhao Lei, Wang Jiachao, Chen Mo, Director Yu, Director Jiang Dan and Director Chen, and Wang Qiang, who have a good relationship with Zhou Yu, all posted articles to support Zhou Yu.

Originally, everyone thought that Zhou Yu was isolated and helpless in this matter, but they didn’t expect Wen Shiyi and others to get involved.

“Humph! Now is not the time to rely on friendship. Do you really think that you can change the situation?”

Mr. Wang and others also noticed this situation. They have been adding fuel to the fire behind Zhou Yu’s matter. It can be said that Zhou Yu’s matter has made too much trouble. Not only domestic public opinion has exploded, but also in H country. Zhou Yu is now a thorn in the eyes of those celebrities and artists in H country, as well as those H flow fans.

This guy probably thought that he would be supported by many people by doing this. Yes, there are people who support him, but in the current environment, H flow is prevalent, and the domestic H flow fan group is very large, and these fans are very crazy. Now, Zhou Yu’s Weibo is flooded by this group of people.

“Haha, Wen Shiyi, you are courting your own death.”

At this critical moment, they still insisted on supporting Zhou Yu. Isn’t this courting their own death?

In this situation now, once they stood up, they were also caught in the vortex. Wen Shiyi and her Weibo had just been posted not long ago, and now the comment area has already started to quarrel.

Mr. Wang was sitting in his office, in a good mood. Recently, the animation “Against the Sky” he made has achieved good results, and he has been proud of himself in the company. It is estimated that at the shareholders’ meeting at the end of the year, he will be able to sit in the position of vice president again.

And it seems that Zhou Yu and his friends are not doing well recently. He hasn’t made a move yet, and he feels that there is a shaky feeling.

“Haha, even if you don’t die this time, you will be seriously injured.”

The power of these public opinions is very terrifying. The key is that Zhou Yu’s public call for a boycott of H flow this time not only touches the interests of those in China, but also the interests of H country. How can these people let him have an easy time?

This time, Zhou Yu wanted to show off, but now it seems that he has failed, and he has to sacrifice himself.

In Beijing, Elder Sun and Elder Fang also listened to Zhou Yu’s “Compendium of Materia Medica” and paid attention to the news on the Internet. After listening, the two teachers did not rush to speak. Zhou Yu’s words “Don’t let the H flow become more and more arrogant, the Chinese flow is the coolest” seemed to make them feel a surge of power in their hearts. From the heart to the limbs, the two old men were quite emotional.

“Good! Good! There are few young people nowadays who are as courageous and responsible as Zhou Yu!”

“Yes, the H flow culture is prevalent in China. Although the higher-ups have noticed it, the effect is not very good. Maybe Zhou Yu can take the lead this time.

The two old men looked at each other and smiled. They admired Zhou Yu more and more. Not only because this kid was young and talented, but also because of Zhou Yu’s character. Just based on the fact that he dared to publicly call for a boycott of H flow, which star in the circle dared to stand up except him? Zhou Yu took the lead, and now some stars followed suit.

And in Zhou Yu, they saw a sense of responsibility, as a Chinese, as a public figure!

This is something they don’t see in many artists.

“But the current environment is not very friendly to this kid.”

Mr. Fang also saw the public opinion information on the Internet. Although there are many Chinese people supporting Zhou Yu. But H flow fans, and some malicious companies are making trouble, the situation is not good.

“Haha, these young people are poisoned by these H flow culture, and there are also those who are secretly fueling it, with bad intentions. ”

They know very well that this is not just a matter of cultural exchange. H-stream is too popular in China, and its influence is too great. It has a great impact on young people. This can be regarded as cultural invasion and a major ideological problem.

So now, the higher-ups have begun to pay attention to the promotion and cultivation of culture, and have produced many programs about excellent traditional culture, but the effect is relatively poor.

“But the higher-ups seem to have taken action recently. Let’s support this child first, and wait for the higher-ups to take action. These people will cry. ”

They know some news. Now the authorities are paying more and more attention to culture. It is impossible to let these H-stream cultures spread so unscrupulously in China. Many programs launched this year to promote traditional culture are to promote their own culture and fight against H-stream.


Tonight, Zhou Yu’s new program “Chinese Poetry Conference” co-produced by CCTV will be launched. They think that with Zhou Yu’s current relationship with CCTV, CCTV will not sit idly by. The authorities now attach importance to the dissemination and promotion of local culture. Zhou Yu took the lead in resisting H-stream this time, which coincides with the ideas of the authorities.

Haha, there will be a good show to watch.

At this moment, at the home of Mr. Qin, the president of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

He was resting at home today, sorting out traditional Chinese medicine materials on the sofa, thinking that while he could still move, he would compile his many years of experience and write a medical book related to traditional Chinese medicine, so that it could be passed on and help future generations.

Traditional Chinese medicine has developed very well in recent years. No, affected by the impact of Western medicine and the siege of some capital, the development environment of traditional Chinese medicine is getting worse and worse. Although it is a treasure of China, many people do not believe in it now.

In addition, in the past few years, China did not pay much attention to the development of traditional Chinese medicine. As a result, many patents of traditional Chinese medicine were applied for by foreign countries. Traditional Chinese medicine, which was obviously developed from China, is not as good as that of foreign countries now. The key is that those foreigners are smearing traditional Chinese medicine everywhere, but they are secretly developing traditional Chinese medicine, trying to wipe out the traditional Chinese medicine culture of China.

Although China has begun to pay attention to the development of traditional Chinese medicine in recent years, their industry is still difficult.

It is not only because the time cost of cultivating excellent traditional Chinese medicine is very high, but also because the Chinese people now do not trust traditional Chinese medicine. Many of them believe in the high technology of Western medicine. They even think that Western medicine is quick to take effect, and the course of traditional Chinese medicine is too long and too slow.

Their Chinese Medicine Association has spent a lot of effort to develop and promote traditional Chinese medicine culture and recast the glory of the past, but it is useless.

“Grandpa, I’m back. ”

At this time, Qin Lao’s granddaughter put down her schoolbag and came back. Looking at her granddaughter, Qin Lao put down the pen in his hand and smiled kindly.

“Xiaoxue is back. How was your piano lesson today?”

Xiaoxue put her schoolbag on the sofa, went to pour a glass of water, sat on the sofa and played with her mobile phone. While playing, she said: “It’s okay, but my mother insisted that I go to dance again. I feel so tired and don’t want to go.”

Qin Lao listened to his granddaughter’s complaints and said dotingly: “If you don’t want to go, don’t go. You haven’t finished learning piano yet, go to dance, don’t get tired. ”

Xiaoxue smiled and watched her grandfather sorting out the information again. She didn’t disturb him and played with her phone quietly. She was scrolling through short videos and suddenly saw the video of Zhou Yu performing “Compendium of Materia Medica” on the stage of “Singer” last night. When she watched it last night, she thought the song was good. In addition, because of her family background, she is very sensitive to the element of Chinese medicine.

“Grandpa, let me tell you, it’s Zhou Yu. He has released a new song. It’s related to Chinese medicine. It’s very interesting. Grandpa, do you want to listen to it?

Because her parents were busy with work, she basically spent her weekends at her grandparents’ house. She had a good relationship with them and liked to share her favorite things with them.

“Oh? Is it the singer Zhou Yu that you like?”

Old Qin knew this person. His granddaughter in high school liked this singer very much. He had also heard some of his songs, which were really good.

“It’s related to Chinese medicine. OK, play it for Grandpa.”

While Xiaoxue was looking for songs, she was telling her grandfather about the meaning of Zhou Yu’s song: “Grandpa, you don’t know, he used this song to publicly call on everyone to boycott H flow, so cool.”

Old Qin smiled and listened to the fast-paced music played by his granddaughter. He remembered that his granddaughter said what this was called, rap seemed to be.

As he listened, Old Qin put down the pen in his hand.

“This song… is really related to Chinese medicinal materials. ”

Old Qin became interested. It was the first time he had seen a song related to Chinese medicinal materials. Looking at the lyrics, Old Qin pushed his reading glasses. Xiaoxue saw that her grandfather was interested, so she took the phone closer and talked to her grandfather about the song with great interest.

“Grandpa thinks it’s nice, too, right? It’s completely different from the rap songs on the market, and this song is Zhou Yu’s boycott of H-stream songs. ”

Xiaoxue has always liked Zhou Yu, and many classmates in the class are Zhou Yu’s fans. After watching the show last night, Xiaoxue felt that Zhou Yu was so handsome, especially the line “Don’t let the H flow become more and more arrogant, the Chinese flow is the coolest”, which made him feel that Zhou Yu’s figure was so tall at that moment.

After listening to this song, Qin Lao’s eyes also flashed with a different light. He naturally understood the meaning of the song, using medical books as song titles, and many of the lyrics are related to Chinese medicinal materials, as a metaphor to wake up those who worship foreign things.

But what he was most interested in was that this song mentioned so many names of Chinese medicinal materials. This was the first time that Qin Lao heard a song about Chinese medicinal materials in these pop music that young people like.

Suddenly, Qin Lao had a bold idea in his mind. He looked at his granddaughter with some excitement and asked: “Xiaoxue, is this Zhou Yu very popular? Do you young people like him now? ”

Xiaoxue saw her grandfather asking about her idol, and immediately answered with some pride: “Of course, I tell you, Grandpa, Zhou Yu has only been in the industry for less than half a year, but he has already become a top star, and even defeated the king Shen Guangyan. He is very popular now, and many people like to listen to his songs now. ”

However, when she thought of the criticism of Zhou Yu by those H-stream fans online, Xiaoxue couldn’t help but curl her lips and complain: “Humph! Those people who worship foreign things and fawn on foreigners should really be punished. ”

Old Qin didn’t notice the second half of his granddaughter’s words. At this moment, he was thinking about Zhou Yu. He is a top star in China, a very popular celebrity, and many young people like him. This song is full of elements of Chinese medicine culture…

Old Qin wiped his beard. Young people nowadays like to chase stars, and Zhou Yu is so well-known. If he is invited to be the ambassador of Chinese medicine culture, will it play a good role?

Over the years, he has always wanted to promote Chinese medicine culture, develop Chinese medicine better, and let more people know about Chinese medicine. Now the times have changed, and their promotion methods must keep pace with the times.

“If I remember correctly, it seems that Lao Fang and others have Zhou Yu’s contact information.”

Old Qin thinks this is a really good way. This song “Compendium of Materia Medica” originally carries many elements of Chinese medicine culture. He just looked at the comments. Many netizens said that this song is very interesting and made them know a lot of Chinese medicinal materials.

This may really be an opportunity.

“Xiaoxue, what do you think if grandpa invites Zhou Yu to be our ambassador of Chinese medicine culture? ”

Xiaoxue was shocked instantly, looking at her grandfather in disbelief. Seeing that he didn’t seem to be joking, Xiaoxue spoke in surprise.

“Really? Grandpa, are you really going to invite Zhou Yu to be the publicity ambassador?”

She knew that her grandfather had been working hard for the cause of traditional Chinese medicine over the years, wanting to promote the culture of traditional Chinese medicine and develop this cause. She was also from a family of traditional Chinese medicine, and her parents both worked in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals. If she could really use Zhou Yu to help her grandfather fulfill his wish, she thought it would be okay.

Old Qin nodded: “You said he is very popular, and many people like him. I just think his song is not bad, and it is perfect for promoting our traditional Chinese medicine culture.”

Xiaoxue felt like she was

I almost have the chance to meet my idol, and I am a little excited.

“Grandpa, I think it’s okay. Now many people invite celebrities to promote, and the effect is very good. And Zhou Yu is very popular now. CCTV has cooperated with him. There will be no problem to find him.”

Hearing that Zhou Yu has cooperated with CCTV, Qin Lao was also a little surprised: “Oh? He also cooperated with CCTV?”

“Yeah, it’s the new program that CCTV will be on tonight, the Chinese Poetry Conference, and Zhou Yu is the screenwriter. It’s amazing.”

Qin Lao’s eyes were hurt by a touch of shock. Zhou Yu was able to cooperate with CCTV on a new program. It seems that he is indeed talented and has been recognized by CCTV. This master of traditional Chinese medicine culture promotion seems to be really possible.

“The Chinese Poetry Conference, the name sounds like it has something to do with poetry, I can watch it tonight.”

Xiaoxue asked, “Grandpa, what about you asking Zhou Yu to be the publicity ambassador?”

The little girl was looking forward to it, after all, this was her idol. If Grandpa really asked him to be the publicity ambassador, she would have the opportunity to meet her idol.

“Wait for Grandpa to ask first, and communicate with Zhou Yu to see if he has the intention.”

As for Zhou Yu, he didn’t pay too much attention to these things on the Internet. In the evening, he posted a Weibo to promote the “Chinese Poetry Conference” to be broadcast tonight.

After Zhou Yu, CCTV also posted a Weibo to promote its own program, and Wen Shiyi and Yang Qian helped to forward it again.

Zhou Yu was originally at the center of the storm, and the promotion of CCTV’s new program made many people sober up all of a sudden.

Yes, Zhou Yu is now cooperating with CCTV. Will CCTV support Zhou Yu in the future?

But CCTV has not said anything for such a long time, and has been promoting the new program tonight. Does it mean that it has an attitude of not caring about Zhou Yu?

If this is the case, it seems that Zhou Yu’s relationship with CCTV is not very good, or CCTV does not approve of his behavior this time.

Otherwise, they are busy promoting the new program and do not support Zhou Yu. It is obvious that they do not value Zhou Yu.

If this is the case, then they have nothing to worry about. They should still lead the rhythm. But they did not touch the new program that Zhou Yu cooperated with CCTV this time. After all, this is CCTV’s program. Who dares to involve CCTV? Don’t want to live, right?

But those crazy H-stream fans are not so smart. If you take the lead in boycotting their oppa, you are going against them.

“Haha, Zhou Yu can also be a screenwriter for variety shows. It can’t be a bad variety show.”

“A new program in cooperation with CCTV, and the Chinese Poetry Conference. Zhou Yu must have some connections to get CCTV to take a fancy to this program.”

“Don’t say it, this is a rubbish program. It’s also a poetry conference. These poems are rubbish. They are not as good as our Oppa’s songs.”

Although some people in the circle are not optimistic about Zhou Yu’s first program as a variety show screenwriter, even if it is a program in cooperation with CCTV, they don’t think Zhou Yu has this ability. After all, there have been many flops among the programs produced by CCTV in recent years.

But they dare not say it, they can only communicate and complain privately.

“Haha, I want to see if your variety show is good.”

For Zhou Yu’s variety show in cooperation with CCTV, the attention has been very high since the official announcement. This time, Zhou Yu is in the whirlpool of public opinion again, and everyone wants to see if Zhou Yu can turn things around. If this variety show becomes popular, Zhou Yu will have a firm foothold in CCTV. If it doesn’t, haha, sorry, this time they will push Zhou Yu into the abyss.

At 8 o’clock in the evening, CCTV’s “Chinese Poetry Conference” was broadcast as scheduled.

Lin Jiajia was already watching the program in front of the computer. Zhou Yu’s new program, the first variety show, she must not miss it.

While the film and television commentary was broadcast, Xu Shan was also watching CCTV’s new program “Chinese Poetry Conference”.

“Huh? A knowledge competition program?”

After watching for a while, Xu Shan discovered that this program was actually a knowledge economy program with poetry as the theme. Before, he thought that this program was a program that used poetry to tell stories or recite.

Unexpectedly, it took a different approach and became a knowledge competition program.

“Uh… a takeaway boy? A junior high school teacher? A top student at Beijing University?”

Why are the identities of these contestants so… so uneven?

Shouldn’t this kind of knowledge competition show be attended by knowledgeable teachers or top students?

After watching for a long time,

Many of the contestants in the first round were ordinary people, including delivery boys, teachers, and waiters. There were a few masters and academic masters, which made Xu Shan confused.

“This program is a bit unconventional. How can these delivery boys compete with the academic masters of Beijing University?”

He felt that this kind of knowledge competition program is usually won by these knowledgeable academic masters or masters.

“Oh my!”

As a result, the delivery boy actually answered so many poetry questions correctly, and from his answers and conversation, he had a wide range of knowledge and was well-versed.

“This… Is this what they mean by masters are among the people?”

Xu Shan was also confused, especially when he saw that these delivery boys and waiters were so powerful, and even some difficult questions that academic masters could not answer were answered by some people.

“Is it so abnormal?”

Even Xiaoxue and Qin Lao in Beijing were attracted to “China Poetry Conference” and watched it with relish.

Combining traditional cultural knowledge with competitive programs is interesting. The key is that these contestants come from all walks of life, breaking the inherent perception that only academic masters can participate. The most amazing thing is that these ordinary people have such a large reserve of poetry and a wide range of knowledge.

This sense of contrast is the most attractive part!

“This program is interesting!”

Thanks to book friends 22200, 朕躬万万岁, 闷然无味sss for voting for the monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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