The film “Detective Chinatown” was released on May Day, but the film “Detective Chinatown” was released on May Day.

Chapter 298: Say goodbye!

Regarding the official announcement that the movie “Detective Chinatown” will be released during the May Day holiday, the discussion during this period is still quite high.

In addition, there are many movies scheduled for the May Day holiday. Although not as exaggerated as during the Spring Festival, there are also more than ten movies released during the May Day holiday. Among the many movies during the May Day holiday, the movie “Detective Chinatown” is the most anticipated movie by the audience.

Let alone Zhou Yu, just the name of Director Chen can make many fans excited. Director Chen has shot many movies with good results in recent years, and has accumulated many fans. Everyone believes in Director Chen’s talent and ability.

Instead of watching movies whose quality you don’t know, it’s better to watch Director Chen’s movies with guaranteed quality.

While everyone was discussing the movie “Detective Chinatown”, the official movie released a message with the production list of the movie.

Then many people found that in addition to Director Chen’s old partner, Zhou Yu’s name was added to the screenwriter column.

“Did Zhou Yu participate in the creation of the script of this movie?”

After seeing this news, everyone was a little confused. The screenwriter of the movie “Detective Chinatown” was actually two people, and Zhou Yu was also involved?

Director Chen also posted a Weibo saying: “I am also looking forward to this movie. I would like to thank Xiao Zhou here. He provided us with many good ideas and suggestions for the movie, which made our script more perfect. Let’s look forward to it together…”

Director Chen didn’t say much on Weibo, but the words were full of expectations for the release of this movie, and appreciation and gratitude for Zhou Yu.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Director Chen’s Weibo message.

Did Zhou Yu give Director Chen a lot of advice on this movie and help improve the script?

Who doesn’t know that the scripts created by Director Chen and his old partner Teacher Wu, and the movies they made, have been hits in recent years. Zhou Yu was able to participate in the creation of their scripts, and even received such praise from Director Chen, which really surprised everyone.

“Is this the first movie script Zhou Yu wrote?”

Everyone knows that Zhou Yu has written animation scripts and variety show scripts before. But this big screen work, movie script, is his first time writing it. Although he did not complete it alone, it can be regarded as his participation in the creation.

Zhou Yu also replied in Director Chen’s comment area: “Director Chen will fly to the sky if he praises me again.”

Director Chen replied: “You are too modest.”

Director Chen talked to Zhou Yu about the screenwriter’s signature when they were still filming the movie. Zhou Yu originally refused, but Director Chen said that he must write it for Zhou Yu. After all, their scripts were constantly revised during filming, and they all listened to Zhou Yu’s opinions. The key is that the changes are getting better and better, so Zhou Yu must appear in the screenwriter column.

As soon as the news came out, the fact that Zhou Yu was the screenwriter of “Chinatown Detective” became a hot search.

“Chinatown Detective screenwriter Zhou Yu!”

Originally, this movie has attracted a lot of attention now. The news that Zhou Yu was the screenwriter broke out and instantly aroused heated discussions among everyone.

“No way, Zhou Yu is actually a screenwriter, this is too amazing!”

“What’s the big deal? Zhou Yu writes scripts himself. The previous Bad Guys, Tian Gang Chuan, and Chinese Poetry Conference are all very good.”

“But this seems to be Zhou Yu’s first big screen movie script.”

“Indeed, although it was written in collaboration with Teacher Wu, it is also very impressive. Who would have thought that Zhou Yu is all-round in script writing besides music. Animation, variety shows, and now movies are here.”

“Hey, don’t forget that Zhou Yu is also making a movie himself. I heard that it is almost finished and will be online in the summer vacation.”

“Then I am looking forward to the movie shot by Zhou Yu himself, but I don’t know what type it is. There has been no news on the Internet.”

Everyone is discussing Zhou Yu’s role as the screenwriter of “Detective Chinatown”, which surprised other people in the circle, but when they think of the screenwriter’s talent and talent, they think it is natural.

On Zhou Yu’s side, after finishing the crew’s work, he also went home after get off work.

I drove to buy some fruits and went back home without rushing back.

Wen Shiyi came directly to her house.

There was no light in the hall at night. He looked up slightly and saw that the light in Wen Shiyi’s room was on. However, the figure that flashed by the bed made Zhou Yu couldn’t help but smile.

“It seems that the illness has improved a lot.”

She could even get up to peek at herself. She was much better than in the morning.

Wen Shiyi was lying on the bed pretending to sleep. Just now, she heard the sound of Zhou Yu’s car parked in her garage. She ran to the window excitedly and saw that Zhou Yu had returned from the crew.

Seeing that he came to her right after get off work, Wen Shiyi was also very happy, but when she thought of Zhou Yu and Yang Qian’s affairs, her face fell again.

Zhou Yu entered the password and entered the house, turned on the light, and Wen Shiyi did not come down. Zhou Yu took the fruit into the kitchen, washed it, put it on the plate, and looked at the chicken soup in the pot. It seemed that one-third of it was missing.

He smiled, cleaned up simply, and started to cook dinner, and did not go up to disturb Wen Shiyi.

Wen Shiyi was lying on the bed, waiting and waiting, but Zhou Yu didn’t come up to call her, and she was also confused.

She tiptoed to open the door and walked to the stairs, listening to the noise coming from the kitchen. She confirmed that Zhou Yu was still there, and she was relieved.

“So he went to cook.”

The cold is better, no fever, but still a little uncomfortable, but much better than in the morning.

Wen Shiyi tiptoed back to the room, gently closed the door, and waited for Zhou Yu to call her.

After about half an hour, Wen Shiyi heard footsteps, turned off her phone, and lay on the bed.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and Zhou Yu’s voice came.

“It’s time for dinner.”

Wen Shiyi was wondering whether to reply, but after Zhou Yu finished speaking, he just said: “Please clean up first, I’ll wait for you downstairs.”

Just as she was about to reply, she heard Zhou Yu’s footsteps going away.

After hesitating for a while, Wen Shiyi got up and sat in front of the makeup mirror to look at her condition. She tidied her appearance and then went downstairs slowly.

Zhou Yu had already prepared dinner, preserved egg and lean meat porridge, plus the remaining chicken soup and two simple dishes.

“Get up, you look much better, how do you feel now?”

Zhou Yu served Wen Shiyi rice while asking about her physical condition.

“Well, better.”

Wen Shiyi rarely replied to Zhou Yu. She looked at Zhou Yu’s busy figure with a flickering look and a complicated expression.

Eating dinner, the porridge was warm and delicious, as if a warm current flowed from the mouth to the heart.

Except for the reply just now, the two still had no communication.

Wen Shiyi’s heart was still very entangled and complicated. She really liked Zhou Yu. But now Zhou Yu was with her best friend Yang Qian, and she really didn’t know what to do.

After knowing about Zhou Yu and Yang Qian that night, she really thought about breaking off contact with Zhou Yu. But when she saw Zhou Yu coming to take care of her the next day, Wen Shiyi hesitated again.

At this moment, her heart was still so tangled and complicated, and she really didn’t know what to do.

Without any communication, Zhou Yu packed up and prepared to go back. Looking at Wen Shiyi sitting on the sofa and soaking her feet, he went over to prepare the medicine for her and then told her.

“Remember to take the medicine later, I’ll go back first, just call me if you have anything.”

Wen Shiyi just said “um” and didn’t respond.

Zhou Yu didn’t say much, and now Wen Shiyi could respond to him one or two words, which was already very good. At least, the medicine was much better than last night and when she first came this morning.

Wen Shiyi watched Zhou Yu’s figure leave her home, and watched Zhou Yu drive away from the window, her eyes flickering. Then she fell on the medicine that Zhou Yu prepared for her on the coffee table, and a cup of warm water was placed next to it.

Zhou Yu is really careful and caring.

But the more this happened, the more Wen Shiyi felt tangled and complicated.

She took the medicine obediently, and looked at Yang Qian’s message on her phone, but still didn’t reply.

Leaning on the sofa, Wen Shiyi thought about many things in her mind, and finally sighed in her heart.

She really didn’t know how to choose.

As time went by, Wen Shiyi’s cold was cured. She had little communication with Zhou Yu in the past few days. After she recovered from the illness, Wen Shiyi left. She didn’t tell Zhou Yu, and when Zhou Yu came back, he saw that no one was at home and knew about it.

Later, Sister Lin sent her a message saying that Wen Shiyi had work to do.

On Sister Lin’s side, looking at Wen Shiyi sitting in the car, she was also curious and asked: “Shiyi, are you and Zhou

Did Mr. Yu have a conflict? ”

Wen Shiyi was wearing sunglasses, so I couldn’t see her expression clearly. She just replied calmly: “No.”

“No? Your emotions are written on your face, and if you really have nothing to do with him, why would you ask me to send him a message? ”

Today Wen Shiyi did have work to do. She had rested for such a long time. Although she was the boss and could rest whenever she wanted, she still had to do the work. Today she had to go to Hangzhou to attend an event. After that, she didn’t have much to do. She had to attend a few programs and wasn’t as busy as before.

But when she came today, Wen Shiyi told her to fill up the rest of her work, and then asked her to send a message to Teacher Zhou Yu to tell him that Wen Shiyi was going to work.

They were all experienced people, and it was obvious that the two of them had a conflict.

During this period of time, Wen Shiyi was resting, and Sister Lin knew that she had been cultivating her relationship with Teacher Zhou Yu.

As a result, now, she took the initiative to work and asked me to send messages on her behalf. This was obviously to avoid Teacher Zhou Yu.

But this made Sister Lin a little curious. It was fine before, and she told her that the relationship was progressing smoothly and it might be successful soon.

As a result, it has only been a short time, and there is a conflict all of a sudden.

“Shiyi, tell me, did you quarrel with Teacher Zhou Yu? ”

Wen Shiyi didn’t want to say: “No.”

“Okay, okay, since you don’t want to say it, I’m too lazy to ask.”

Seeing this, Sister Lin also knew that Wen Shiyi didn’t want to say it. This relationship is a matter between two people. If she doesn’t say it, she can’t ask more.

However, Sister Lin still reminded: “But Shiyi, I have to tell you that it is normal for these two people to have conflicts. It will be fine after talking it out. Don’t be petty. If there is anything, communicate more with Teacher Zhou Yu…”

Wen Shiyi snorted in her heart. This is not a question of whether there is a conflict or not. Zhou Yu is…

When she thought about Zhou Yu being with her best friend, and what Zhou Yu said that night, she wanted to hug her left and right. How could she be so thick-skinned?

She didn’t answer, but just leaned on the car to rest.

Sister Lin and Xiaoqin looked at each other and shook their heads, not daring to say anything more.

The two of them haven’t even been together yet, and they’ve already started to have conflicts.

Wen Shiyi now wants to go out and be quiet, and wants to fill herself with work so that she doesn’t think about these things.

And she also knows that Yang Qian is coming back soon, and she doesn’t know how to face Yang Qian now.

Or rather, she doesn’t want to see Yang Qian at all.

And in these few days, the news that Zhou Yu is going to release a new single has begun to be promoted and warmed up.

Zhou Yu said at the music festival before that he would release a new single later, and many fans still remember this.

Look, these few days, as soon as the release time of Zhou Yu’s new single was officially announced, many fans began to get excited.

“Finally, it’s here, I thought Zhou Yu had forgotten about it.”

“Haha, I also thought Zhou Yu had forgotten about it, but fortunately, the new song is here.”

“Alas, it’s not a new album, but it’s still good to have new songs to listen to.”

“Zhou Yu, don’t release a new single, just release a new album directly! ”

“I can only hear it on Monday. It seems I have to wait for two days. It’s so annoying.”

The fact that Zhou Yu is going to release a new single has not only attracted everyone’s attention online, but also made people in the circle start to pay attention to Zhou Yu’s new song.

Recently, there have been news about Zhou Yu’s transformation into an actor, director and screenwriter. Music is Zhou Yu’s main business and also where he rose to prominence. Now that he is finally going to release a new song, naturally the attention in the circle is also quite high.

Since Zhou Yu defeated Zhang Junjie, he can be said to be the real first person in the Chinese music scene and opened his own era.

Although Zhou Yu has not released a new album now, a new single is enough to attract everyone’s attention.

Many people want to see how high Zhou Yu’s new single can reach.

Finally, on Monday, everyone waited for Zhou Yu’s new song.

“Song title: Say Goodbye

Singer: Zhou Yu

Lyrics: Zhou Yu

Composition: Zhou Yu…”

(End of this chapter)

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