The new season is coming, and the new season is coming.

Chapter 31 This may be a dark horse

Zhou Yu’s current popularity in the show “Son of Idol” may not be as high as Li Xingyu and Lin Hao. But after the show was broadcast, he also gained a lot of fans with this song “Starry Sky”, which increased his popularity and fame. Among the dozens of contestants, he is currently ranked in the top five. And this is only because of the influence of his song “Starry Sky”. If Zhou Yu had a fan base like Li Xingyu and others and had the support of the company, his popularity would definitely double.

However, compared with Zhou Yu’s own popularity, his song “Starry Sky” is more popular on the Internet than he is. Although it is currently ranked third on the special list of “Son of Idol”, its popularity and popularity on the Internet far exceed the songs of Li Xingyu and Lin Hao, who are ranked first and second.

At this moment, Lin Jiajia, a well-known music critic blogger on the Internet, is repeatedly listening to Zhou Yu’s “Starry Sky” and writing the manuscript for the video.

After watching the show last night, Lin Jiajia decided to use Zhou Yu’s song as the material for her video this episode. However, watching the show last night only gave her a general understanding of this song “Starry Sky”. After the song was released today, she listened to it several times again, and the more she listened, the more she felt it.

And vaguely, she seemed to feel that the song created by Zhou Yu did not seem to be as simple as it sounded. Since the show was broadcast last night, whether it was the audience or the netizens on the Internet, some people said that the lyrics and music of this song “Starry Sky” were too simple.

But when a person combines such simple lyrics and music together to achieve such an amazing level, it is not simple.

She looked at the lyrics displayed on the computer, savored them repeatedly, and wrote the manuscript word by word.

“The most attractive thing about his song is that it expresses the pure and simple view of love in youth, coupled with Zhou Yu’s solid singing skills, singing the pure love of first love. The song is simple and peaceful, like the blue sky washed after the rain…”

Lin Jiajia looked at the lyrics and wrote the manuscript word by word, and her understanding of Zhou Yu’s song reached its peak.

It can be said that this song “Starry Sky” can be liked by so many people. It is because Zhou Yu grasped the core selling point of this song, which can instantly bring the audience back to their youth and the pure feeling of love. Zhou Yu used a simple lyrical tune in this song in his own way to express the sweetness of pure love, the love for the free world, and the beautiful nature. The simple lyrics are full of visual sense, like a cartoon.

“Just like the lyrics say, ‘Carrying you is like carrying the sunshine, no matter where you go, it’s sunny, butterflies are flying freely and flowers are all over the sky, each one is fragrant because of you’…”

When it comes to this lyric, Lin Jiajia can’t help humming it out.

The lyrics of Zhou Yu’s “Starry Sky” are so vivid. Just listening to it, I feel like I have become the protagonist, riding a bicycle with my lover, chasing the wind together, and getting wet in the rain together. Everything is so beautiful and happy, as if the whole world is blessing pure love.

While listening to Zhou Yu’s “Starry Sky”, Lin Jiajia was writing a manuscript. The more she wrote, the more she thought Zhou Yu’s song was beautiful.

“I always feel that Zhou Yu, an amateur contestant, is likely to become a dark horse.”

Such an idea suddenly popped up in her mind. It was not only her appreciation for Zhou Yu’s song, but also her recognition of Zhou Yu’s strength. He has excellent singing skills, talent, and is an amateur. He won the A grade in the first episode, and his songs are also very popular on the Internet. Just from these, we can see that Zhou Yu is a very promising contestant. He may become a dark horse and win the championship.

After Lin Jiajia finished writing the manuscript, she recorded the video and sent it out. She did not look at the data, but opened Penguin Music and looked at the exclusive list of “Idol Son”.

“It’s still in third place.”

Lin Jiajia saw that Zhou Yu’s song “Starry Sky” was still in third place. She thought the songs of Li Xingyu and Lin Hao were not very good. But they are very popular, have a fan base, and have a company behind them, which Zhou Yu does not have.

“If Zhou Yu can release a hit song on the Internet later, even if they have a company behind them, they can’t suppress Zhou Yu.”

Currently, Zhou Yu’s song “Starry Sky” can only be ranked third.

It is a small hit. After all, there is no operation and no fan base. If you want to have a hit on the Internet, in addition to the quality of the song, these are also indispensable. Unless it is a really top-notch song with first-class quality, it may become popular even without operation.

And Lin Jiajia’s video has increased the exposure and popularity of Zhou Yu’s song “Starry Sky” and himself.

“Hmm? Whose song did my wife recommend today? Why haven’t I heard it before?”

“Zhou Yu, the contestant of the show “Idol Son” that just aired yesterday. I watched the show and he’s pretty good.”

“Zhou Yu? The teacher who wrote the song for Wen Shiyi?”

“No, it’s just the same name. I don’t chase stars, but after listening to this song, I watched the show and only Zhou Yu could attract me.”

“Indeed, I saw that the student who was very popular on the Internet was called Li Xingyu. I can’t appreciate his songs. I guess only his fans like him.”

Many people who didn’t know Zhou Yu or the song “Starry Sky” also listened to it after seeing Lin Jiajia’s video. Once they heard it, they were attracted.

Mainstream slow songs like Zhou Yu are popular and acceptable to the public. Songs like Li Xingyu’s are the kind of songs that idol singers love to release. They are not very good in quality and sound high-end, but they are nothing but songs that fans think are really nice and cool. This kind of songs is hard for the public to accept. It can be said that the songs of Li Xingyu and other idol singers in the entertainment industry have not been popular and are not so popular because of this reason. After all, who else would listen to your songs except your own fans?

“Um… I didn’t watch this show, but after listening to the first two songs on the list, I really think they are not as good as Xingqing.”

“I think so too, but it’s a talent show, just watch it for fun. Those Li Xingyu and Lin Hao are idols, and I don’t think they are serious about music. On the other hand, I think Zhou Yu is very serious about music.”

“Don’t say that about our brother. Our brother Xingyu’s songs are very nice. They are his own original works. If you don’t know how to appreciate them, don’t talk nonsense.”

“That’s right, our brother also went to H country to study. His song is a fusion of Chinese music and H country music. It’s amazing.”

When Li Xingyu’s fans saw that someone was questioning their brother, they couldn’t sit still. They quarreled with others on the Internet and defended their brother to the death.

“Haha, what are you saying about Zhou Yu’s “Xing Qing” being good? The lyrics and music are so simple that even an elementary school student can write it.”

“That’s right, his songs are not ranked higher than my brother’s. You black fans, stop blacking my brother.”

“Sisters, they are just jealous. Don’t worry about these people. Let’s call more people to push my brother’s data up.”

“That’s right, let these black fans see what the gap is. If you don’t have that ability, don’t come out and make nonsense.”

Then there was a magical phenomenon. Zhou Yu’s “Xing Qing” was ranked third on the exclusive list, but the spread and popularity of this song on the Internet was much higher than Li Xingyu’s songs. Even on the short video platform, some people have started to use Zhou Yu’s “Xing Qing” as background music.

Although it has not reached the level of a big hit on the entire network, such popularity and popularity are much higher than Li Xingyu’s songs.

Director Jiang Dan also noticed this situation and looked happy.

“This guy might really be a dark horse.”

She had a hunch that Zhou Yu would become popular, and now it seems that she was right. Although Zhou Yu’s songs did not rank high on the list, she knew very well that this was because Zhou Yu had no fan base and no company to operate.

It can be seen from the fact that his songs are more popular and spread online than Li Xingyu and others.

“I just don’t know if this guy can come up with a hit song on the Internet in the future. If so, the championship may really be his.”

Thanks to the book friend Wang Noming for voting for the monthly ticket!

By the way, please vote and collect! Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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