The film was released in 1999, but it is still a big success.

Chapter 310 Box office dark horse!

In the past two days, many people have seen some related videos and promotions about the movie “Charlotte’s Troubles” on the Internet, especially after Xu Shan and Lin Jiajia’s videos went viral, many people also began to be curious.

Is Zhou Yu’s comedy really that good?

Especially in the past few days, many people on the Internet have said that this movie is very good, and it is a rare high-quality comedy movie in so many years. Even, it has been frequently on the hot search in the past few days, and netizens who have seen it are strongly recommending this movie.

“Really, Zhou Yu’s Charlotte’s Troubles is really good, I highly recommend it to everyone!”

“I also watched it yesterday. Actually, I don’t like comedy movies, but because my girlfriend is a fan of Zhou Yu, I went to watch it with her. Unexpectedly, this movie is unexpectedly good.”

“It’s really good. I was just curious about what Zhou Yu’s first comedy movie would be like. After watching it, I was really amazed. Moreover, this is not just a pure comedy movie, it has a profound meaning. I really recommend you to watch it. ”

“Haha, this movie is really good, with lots of laughs. Teacher Wang Teng and his team are really talented in comedy, so funny, especially Zhou Yu. When I see him now, I think of the character Yuan Hua, and the voice of Yi Jian Mei comes to my mind unconsciously, haha.”

“Really? Is this movie really as good as you say?”

“I’m not lying to you, I think it’s good anyway, if you don’t believe it, you can go and see it yourself.”

Gradually, after the movie was released for two or three days, the reputation of various movies began to ferment online. Zhou Yu’s “Charlotte’s Troubles” can be said to be a hit online. At the beginning, those who went to watch it were basically some of Zhou Yu’s fans, but after they finished watching it, they were all shocked and moved by Zhou Yu’s movie.

Then it got out of control, and the reputation gradually fermented, and even the reputation of Zhou Yu’s comedy movie seemed to be better than “The Legend of Immortals and Demons” and “Gunfire Charge”, the two movies that are now ranked first and second.

At the beginning, the pre-sale box office of these two movies was very high, one first and the other second. After they were released on July 1, the box office of the two movies skyrocketed. But now, although the box office is high, it seems that the reputation is not as good as Zhou Yu’s “Charlotte’s Troubles”.

“I don’t know if you have watched other movies. Anyway, I have watched Gunfire Charge and Legend of Immortals and Demons, but I feel that these two movies are not as good as Zhou Yu’s comedy movies.”

“I also think that although the cast of these two movies is very strong and the special effects are also very exciting, the plot is a bit clichéd, especially in the end of Legend of Immortals and Demons, for the sake of sensationalism and forced sacrifice of the heroine, I really give up.”

“These two movies can only be said to be okay, but there are shortcomings. If you really want to compare, I actually prefer Zhou Yu’s Charlotte Troubles.”

“Hey, after hearing what you said, I am more curious about Zhou Yu’s movie. No, no, I have to find time to watch it.”

“I am also going to watch it. Zhou Yu’s movie has been flooding my screen these two days. Many people in my company are recommending Zhou Yu’s Charlotte Troubles.”

Such a scene, even Gu Tang Entertainment and other film companies are confused. Why did Zhou Yu’s movie suddenly become popular? And the reputation is better than their movies?

The key is that because Zhou Yu’s movie has a good reputation, the box office of “Charlotte’s Troubles” has also begun to soar. The total box office was only 50 million in the past two days, but in the past two days, it has exceeded 100 million, and it has risen very quickly.

Seeing that Zhou Yu’s movie is about to rush to the fourth place in the total box office, others are also a little panicked.

“Is this guy’s comedy movie really so good?”

The boss of Gu Tang Entertainment, Mr. Wang and everyone in the circle are also beginning to become curious.

The current environment is not friendly to comedy films. It can be said that it is harder for comedy films to stand out than to climb to the sky. Everyone knows that the glory of comedy films has become a thing of the past after the retirement of the comedy king of Hong Kong.

In recent years, many people have wanted to recast the glory of comedy films and create the legend of the comedy king of the year, but no one has succeeded. Even comedy films are getting worse year by year.

And Zhou Yu, as a new

Director Zhou Yu, is the comedy movie he shot really that good?

They also read the news on the Internet. Many netizens praised Zhou Yu’s movie after watching it. The key is that now seeing that Zhou Yu’s movie has such a good reputation and the box office has risen so sharply, they are a little impatient.

While constantly increasing publicity, some people can’t help their curiosity and start to watch Zhou Yu’s “Charlotte’s Troubles”.

They also want to see if Zhou Yu’s movie is as good as it is said on the Internet.

However, after watching Zhou Yu’s movie, everyone was silent. Even some older bosses or bosses with more experience in management laughed and cried while watching the movie.

Many people seemed to understand all of a sudden why so many people gave Zhou Yu such a high evaluation after watching the movie.

Although Zhou Yu’s movie is a comedy, its core and meaning are very good. When they watched it, they all thought it was just a movie full of laughs. But after watching the whole movie, they realized that they were wrong, and they felt a little emotional. Zhou Yu was really good at it.

“This guy, is he going to let others live!”

You are so good at music and scripts, and you are so good at acting. Now you shoot a comedy movie yourself, and the quality is so high. Are you going to let others live?

Even Mr. Wang was speechless for a long time after watching Zhou Yu’s movie. He seems to be much more mature now. Facing Zhou Yu, he can look at the problem objectively.

To be honest, he himself thinks that Zhou Yu’s movie is very good. Especially the sublimation of the last part of the plot, which really raises this comedy movie to a higher level.

“No, it’s not time to admit defeat!”

Their “Gunfire Charge” has not lost yet. Now Zhou Yu has only rushed to the fourth place in the total box office of the same period of movies. They still have a chance to win.

This was also the idea of ​​Gu Tang Entertainment. After watching Zhou Yu’s movie, they no longer had the idea of ​​being a rival in love. They went all out. As long as they could maintain their box office growth, Zhou Yu would not be able to surpass them.

However, they still thought too much.

More and more people went to see Zhou Yu’s movie recently, and the word of mouth was getting better and better. Just like that, word spread from one to ten, and from ten to a hundred. Suddenly, Zhou Yu’s box office exceeded 500 million after only ten days of release. It directly jumped from the fifth place in the total box office of the same period of movies to the third place, and the second place “Gunfire Charge” was only a little more than 50 million box office away.

This made Xingguang Entertainment sit still again.

Every time they met Zhou Yu, there was always something bad. It was fine that they couldn’t beat this guy in music before. Now in the film field, they have been deeply involved in the field for many years. Although it is not as powerful as Gu Tang Entertainment, they think that this is not something that Zhou Yu, a newcomer who has just made a movie, can compare with?

But the fact is that the box office growth of their movies has dropped a lot during this period, while Zhou Yu’s side is getting stronger and stronger. Although they are still in the second place, Starlight Entertainment is also very clear that it won’t take long, even in two or three days, for Zhou Yu’s “Charlotte’s Troubles” to make up for the box office gap of more than 50 million.

“Damn! Really, it’s no good meeting this guy!”

The leaders of Starlight Entertainment were also depressed, but Mr. Wang didn’t feel so bad this time, and was even a little happy. He has been demoted and has not been in the position of president. This movie is not the project he is responsible for.

Before, those old guys always said that they were useless and that they lost to Zhou Yu and lost the face of Starlight Entertainment. But this time, it’s not his responsibility, and this time it can’t be blamed on him.


The guy sitting in his position now has not made any achievements. Mr. Wang is now waiting for that guy to step down.

If he can’t sit in the position, no one else can sit down.

During this period, the summer vacation is coming, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter, but the popularity of the movie “Charlotte’s Troubles” is getting higher and higher. Even during this period, the hot searches were basically dominated by Zhou Yu’s movie.

“Charlotte’s Troubles are so good!”

“Charlotte’s Troubles box office fell!”

“Charlotte’s Troubles box office broke 1 billion!”

“Zhou Yu’s directing talent!”

If you want to say which movie has been discussed the most during this period, it is naturally Zhou Yu’s debut work “Charlotte’s Troubles”. After more than half a month of release, the box office has been rising.

Then it broke 1 billion, becoming the No. 1 box office in the same period. Even this trend has not declined. With the arrival of summer vacation, more and more people are going to watch this movie, and the daily box office is still rising strongly.

“Zhou Yu’s movie is really good. I wanted to watch it when I was still in school. I watched it with my friends during the holiday. It’s really good.”

“Indeed, it’s a rare good comedy movie in recent years.”

“I seem to see the spring of comedy movies in Zhou Yu’s movie. Maybe Zhou Yu will create a new glory for comedy movies!”

“Really, I also think Zhou Yu will create a new glory for comedy movies. Comedy movies, since the retirement of the comedy king in Hong Kong, there have been no such good movies.”

“I have to say that Zhou Yu’s talent is really amazing. I really want to know, is there anything he can’t do?”

“Haha, I feel like there is nothing. He can do everything. Music, scripts, movies, acting, he is proficient in everything, all-round!”

Now Zhou Yu’s first movie has become a big hit, and the box office has directly exceeded 1 billion. Everyone is even predicting that Zhou Yu may break the box office record set by Director Chen during the May Day holiday. Now in the history of the entire Chinese-language film box office, only Director Chen’s “Detective Chinatown” released during the May Day holiday has the highest box office, reaching 1.87 billion.

At that time, everyone thought that Director Chen could break through 2 billion, but in the end he failed to break through and reached a bottleneck.

In the history of the entire Chinese-language film box office, so far, no movie has broken through the box office of 2 billion. It’s like a mountain that no one has ever climbed or conquered.

But now, from Zhou Yu’s movie, everyone seems to see hope.

In just half a month, the box office has exceeded 1 billion, and now the daily box office growth is also very high. Give Zhou Yu’s movie some time, maybe he can really break through 2 billion.

“I feel that Zhou Yu’s movie may break through 2 billion at the box office this month or in August.”

“Really? Is Zhou Yu’s movie so powerful? This is 2 billion at the box office. So far, no domestic movie has reached 2 billion.”

“Hey, this is really possible. Didn’t you see how wonderful Zhou Yu’s movie is? And now his daily box office growth has not dropped at all. 2 billion, I feel it can be a little more.”

“It’s about to reach 1.2 billion now. 2 billion, I feel it will be reached at the end of this month or the beginning of August.”

“Hiss! It’s so scary!”

As for the performance of the movie, Zhou Yu is now very satisfied. With an investment of tens of millions, the box office of the movie is about to reach 1.2 billion, which is enough to make a lot of money. Even after deducting this expense, he can make a lot.

However, the more the box office can be, the better. Especially as everyone said, his “Charlotte’s Troubles” may break through the 2 billion box office and become a milestone in the history of Chinese-language movies, he is still very excited in his heart.

“Don’t move, sleep a little longer.”

Zhou Yu was about to get up, but Yang Qian, who was lying in his arms, couldn’t help but tell him not to move.

After tossing and turning for too long last night, Yang Qian hasn’t woken up yet, and her words are all soft.

Zhou Yu smiled, but didn’t move either. He leaned against the bed and played with his phone, and Yang Qian lay in his arms like a kitten.

Wen Shiyi was busy these two days, so it was Yang Qian’s turn to help relieve her heat.

But to be honest, Zhou Yu really felt that he must try to get Wen Shiyi and Yang Qian together if he had the chance. Now that the two of them were alone, they couldn’t stand it before he had enough fun.

Alas, there was no way, he was gifted, and other men could only envy him.

He sent a message to Wen Shiyi with his phone, chatted for a while, and then watched the news for a while. Seeing that it was almost time, it was already ten o’clock, Zhou Yu patted Yang Qian’s fullness in the quilt and said softly.

“Okay, time to get up. I have to perfect the script.”

He has been busy with TV drama scripts recently. Even if there are ready-made ones, he has to perfect them to suit the tastes of the audience in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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