The second episode of the show was broadcasted.

Chapter 35 The second episode was broadcasted

In the blink of an eye, it was another weekend, and the materials for the third episode had been edited. They were all about the students and mentors in their daily lives. This episode was to show everyone the students’ efforts off the stage, so that everyone could see them moving forward. As for talent shows, it was natural for the audience to see the hard work and growth of their favorite students. Moreover, the interaction between mentors and students in private was also something many people wanted to see. Even many people came not to watch the students’ competition, but to see the mentors, and the program team was very clear about this.

The second episode of “Idol Son” was also broadcasted as scheduled.

With the huge popularity brought by the first episode, the second episode had been on the hot search several times before it was broadcast. The program team also exposes some clips of the second episode online for the sake of operation. Especially the stage performances of popular students like Li Xingyu, just a few seconds of video, triggered a lot of discussion online, and attracted a lot of attention.

“Here we go! Do you know how I spent this week?”

“Xingyu Xingyu! Always support the best brother Xingyu!”

“I still like Lin Hao, he is so handsome!”

“They are all perfunctory people. I came here to listen to the songs. Only Zhou Yu makes me want to watch it.”

“Hehe, Zhou Yu, it’s just so-so. Even our Huayu said that his lyrics and music are simple. I don’t know if he has improved in this episode.”

Lin Jiajia just turned on the computer and clicked on the second episode of “Idol Son”. The barrage was full of arguments about these. Especially the popular contestants like Li Xingyu and Lin Hao, who have companies behind them. After the first episode was broadcast, the number of fans on the Internet rose. Although the program team helped each student open a personal Weibo account and certified it. But compared with Li Xingyu and Lin Hao, the others are not on the same level at all.

For example, after the first episode was broadcast, Li Xingyu’s Weibo fans increased from more than 1 million to about 1.2 million. Lin Hao also directly increased from hundreds of thousands of fans to one million.

As for Zhou Yu, “Starry Sky” is quite popular on the Internet, and his songs are more popular than Li Xingyu and others. But because there is no company to operate, the number of fans has increased very little, and now it is only about 200,000. But compared to others, he is considered to have a relatively large number of fans among these many students, excluding Li Xingyu and Lin Hao.

“I don’t know what song Zhou Yu will bring this time.”

Lin Jiajia is also looking forward to it. She is not a beauty fan, but Zhou Yu is also handsome. She even thinks he is much more handsome than Li Xingyu and other students who are heavily made up and packaged by the company. Especially Zhou Yu’s music style is the type she likes, and it is also the type that the mainstream public likes to hear and hear.

In the first episode, his song “Starry Sky” made Zhou Yu, a pure amateur contestant, enter her eyes. With his talent and strength, he gained a lot of fans. Especially the music review video she posted before about “Starry Sky”, the playback volume and data are not bad.

Lin Jiajia was wearing hot pants and short sleeves, with her hair loose, sitting cross-legged on the sofa, eating potato chips in one hand, and staring at the program played on the computer. A pair of sexy and round legs were pressed under her perky buttocks. Maybe it was too long and a little uncomfortable, so she let her legs out. There were some red marks on her leg meat.

When Lin Jiajia watched the instructors teaching in front, Zhou Yu’s singing skills surprised her. Especially when she saw the lyrics of Wen Shiyi’s assessment of the students, only Zhou Yu completed it, and it was completed very perfectly. This is to let the audience see Zhou Yu’s profound skills, which is even more amazing.

“Oh my god! When I watched the last episode, I thought Zhou Yu had good basic skills, but I didn’t expect it to be so good.”

“Yes, this verse is very difficult. I saw many professional singers fail in the challenge before, but Zhou Yu succeeded in one try.”

“I remember he was still an amateur, and it seems that he has not received any training from those companies, but his basic skills are so strong, it’s amazing.”

Lin Jiajia was also a little surprised. Zhou Yu’s basic skills are really amazing. However, there was another scene that made her and the audience laugh.

That is, when the mentors were giving one-on-one tutoring to their A-level students, other mentors

They were all correcting the students’ singing flaws, while Wen Shiyi and Zhou Yu were chatting about the new songs they prepared for this episode. When asked why she didn’t teach Zhou Yu anything, Wen Shiyi said, “I have nothing to teach him.”

It was this scene that made the audience burst out laughing.

“Haha, I actually heard a hint of helplessness in the tone of goddess Shiyi.”

“Me too, but it’s true. Zhou Yu’s singing skills are perfect, even better than some professional singers. Shiyi really has nothing to teach.”

“Haha, I laughed to death. This is the first time there is such a great student who makes the teacher helpless.”

Lin Jiajia couldn’t help laughing when she saw this scene, but she was even more curious about the songs Zhou Yu brought this episode. When the camera switched to the stage test performance, Lin Jiajia also cheered up. She knew that the feature film was finally here.

“Sure enough, this trial performance is a test of the students’ psychological quality.”

Lin Jiajia looked at those students who did not perform as well as before, or even got nervous before they went on stage, and shook her head. These people, facing so many audiences on the scene, the pressure came all of a sudden. But such a psychological quality is indeed not suitable for being a star.

To be honest, Lin Jiajia watched this program because of the mentors like Wen Shiyi. Now, there is one more Zhou Yu, and she only took a rough look at the performances of other students. After all, these people’s performances are really unbearable to watch. Even for powerful players like Li Xingyu and Lin Hao, she didn’t watch them much, after all, she didn’t like their styles.

Whether it was Lin Hao’s rap or Li Xingyu’s singing and dancing, she didn’t like them, and it didn’t help her make videos at all. Although these songs are original, they have no connotation at all, and the singing is also relatively poor, not as good as Zhou Yu.

At Zhang Liang’s house, after dinner today, I turned on the computer and watched this “Idol Son”. Since listening to Zhou Yu’s song “Starry Sky” in the last episode, he, who was not interested in talent shows, watched a talent show today.

“What are these students performing?”

After watching the performances of the students in front, Zhang Liang was also exhausted and was ready to fast forward to Zhou Yu’s position.

“Here it comes.”

Lin Jiajia also watched the previous ones at double speed at this time. After seeing Zhou Yu on stage, she also deliberately turned up the volume.

“Huh? Simple Love?”

Looking at the name of the song Zhou Yu brought this time, Lin Jiajia’s eyes also lit up slightly. Seeing this revolution, it seems that the style is similar to the previous “Starry Sky”.

Even other audiences noticed this, especially after hearing Zhou Yu start singing, the simple and melodious melody made the audience who had been looking forward to Zhou Yu’s performance brighten up.

“Here I come, I finally waited for Zhou Yu, I just came to see him.”

“Haha, me too, this song Simple Love sounds so cheerful.”

“Indeed, the melody is still so simple and cheerful, ah ah ah, the lyrics are so sweet.”

Everyone was gradually fascinated by Zhou Yu’s song “Simple Love”. Everyone also heard the style of this song, which is similar to the song “Starry Sky” in the previous issue. Whether it is the lyrics or the music, it is simple and plain, but catchy. Especially looking at the lyrics, it still feels so pure. In this impetuous society, Zhou Yu’s simple and pure songs maintain the most beautiful yearning for love, which is something that many people have lost in the process of growing up.

It seems that once you hear Zhou Yu’s songs, you can go back to that youthful period, just like the lyrics say, staying with your beloved.

“I want to hold your hand like this and never let go

Can love always be pure and without sadness

I want to take you for a bike ride

I want to watch baseball with you

I want to be worry-free

Singing and walking all the way…”

Thanks to the book friend with the last number 49056 for the 100-point reward!

(End of this chapter)

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