The new song is a big success, but the new song is still a big success.

Chapter 39 Queen’s Sniper

Wen Shiyi’s new song was officially released on July 1, which is Tuesday at 12 noon. With the previous warm-up and Wen Shiyi’s popularity after her comeback, it directly landed at the top of the new song list and even directly appeared on the hot search list.

“Wen Shiyi’s new song is released!”

Wen Shiyi’s popularity has gradually recovered. Although it is not as good as her peak period, it is not much different.

“Wow! It’s finally here. I’ve been looking forward to the new song of Shiyi baby these days.”

“Honey, look at me!”

“No need to say anything else. I’m going to support the goddess’ new song first.”

“Hmm? Did you see the title of the new song? It seems to be a love song.”

“It’s true. After so long, Shiyi baby finally has a love song. No, I’ll go listen to it now.”

As soon as Wen Shiyi’s new song was released, her fans couldn’t sit still, especially after seeing the new song single information released by Wen Shiyi on her Weibo today. After seeing the title of the song, everyone thought it was a love song.

In the years since Wen Shiyi debuted, she became popular by singing this kind of love songs. Among all her songs, love songs account for more than half of the popular and hit songs. After all, this type of song is a mainstream hit, and love is also a long-lasting topic with a large audience.

However, just after Wen Shiyi’s new song was released, another explosive news directly rushed to the hot search list.

“Zhang Yue’s new song is airborne!”

“Zhang Yue and Teacher Wei Shuming released a new song!”

“Zhang Yue’s new songs are online separately!”

Queen Zhang Yue also released her new song at noon today, half an hour after Wen Shiyi released her new song. There was no sign, no publicity in the early stage, and it was airborne directly.

As the queen of the Chinese music scene, she was on several hot searches in succession as soon as she released her new song, and then various publicity and marketing came. There was no prior notice and publicity, and it was airborne directly, but this aggressive momentum was not inferior to any celebrity artist with publicity.

After all, with her popularity and influence as the queen of the Chinese music scene, she has a large number of fans and fans to support her, and there is also a big company like Star Entertainment to support her. The new song “Parting” was released about ten minutes after it was released, and it directly pushed Wen Shiyi down from the top of the new song list. Her strength is terrifying.

“Ah? What’s going on? Sister Zhang Yue’s new song was released out of nowhere?”

“There was no sign at all. I wasn’t prepared. If I hadn’t checked Weibo during lunch break, I wouldn’t have known.”

“Me too. It was only when my phone pushed the message that I knew that goddess Zhang Yue released a new song.”

“Don’t say anything, family members, go support sister’s new song. It’s really beautiful.”

“Really? It seems that the lyrics of Zhang Yue’s new song this time were written by Wei Shuming, a top lyricist in China. I guess the quality is not bad.”

Zhang Yue’s fans started to get excited. Zhang Yue debuted for more than ten years and is now thirty-five or thirty-six years old. Who can become a queen of the music scene is not a memory of an era. Even if Zhang Yue is not the most popular and powerful queen, she is not comparable to ordinary singers.

As soon as she released her new song, and as soon as the news came out, the hot searches on major social platforms were dominated, even more fierce than Wen Shiyi’s just now.

However, many people found something wrong. Zhang Yue’s new song was not released earlier or later, but was released when Wen Shiyi’s new song was online, which was only more than ten or twenty minutes later than Wen Shiyi. And before that, when Wen Shiyi officially announced that she would release a new song today, everyone on the Internet was speculating whether Xingguang Entertainment would block it like before. But everyone didn’t see any movement from Xingguang Entertainment, but today, Zhang Yue, the queen of the stars under Xingguang Entertainment, unexpectedly released her new song directly, catching everyone off guard, which is a bit intriguing.

“Wait, did you notice that Wen Shiyi just released a new song, and Zhang Yue released a new song right after that, directly pushing Wen Shiyi off the top of the new song list. It seems that Xingguang Entertainment is really preparing to target Wen Shiyi again.”

“Before, I saw that Xingguang Entertainment didn’t make any moves, and I thought that Mr. Wang was scared after the last lesson, but I didn’t expect that he had a big move, and directly targeted Zhang Yue.

This diva-level singer has come out. Tsk tsk, Wen Shiyi seems to be in danger this time. ”

“Isn’t it obvious that this is to snipe Wen Shiyi? After losing last time, that little Wang must have to get back at her. But I didn’t expect it to come so fiercely. Not only did he come from nowhere, but the diva Zhang Yue herself came out. This is going to be a good show.”

“I was thinking, if Xingguang Entertainment loses again this time, it’s a diva, and it can’t suppress Wen Shiyi. I guess the stocks will fall even more.”

“It shouldn’t happen. Although Wen Shiyi is making a strong comeback now, she is still a little behind the diva like Zhang Yue. What’s more, Zhang Yue’s new song was written by Teacher Wei Shuming himself. I don’t believe that Zhou Yu, who wrote the song for him, can compare with Teacher Wei Shuming. ”


Not only netizens were watching the fun, but also people in the industry were a little surprised when they saw that Xingguang Entertainment directly asked Zhang Yue to snipe Wen Shiyi, but they also watched with an attitude of watching a good show. Especially Mr. Liu of Huatian Entertainment, he put down his phone, took a sip of tea, looked at the prosperous city outside through the French window, his eyes flickering.

Lao Wang’s son, haha, is really interesting.

“I just don’t know if it will work. ”

Xingguang Entertainment is one of the four major entertainment companies in China. Although it is not good at music like Huatian, it has many first-line singers. But this time, Lao Wang’s son did not use a singer of the same level as Wen Shiyi to block her, but directly used a singer of the queen level to suppress her, which really surprised him.

From this point, it can be seen that Mr. Wang is also afraid of losing again this time. If he loses again, not only will he help Wen Shiyi raise her popularity and increase her commercial value for free, but he will also make fun of their company’s stock price. The stock that had finally recovered before will probably fall again if it loses.

Mr. Lu turned around and opened the Penguin Music on the computer and found the new song list. The first place was Zhang Yue’s “Farewell”, and the second place was Wen Shiyi’s new song, called “Fleeting Years”

To be honest, just looking at the song title, Mr. Liu likes Wen Shiyi’s song more. Just from the song title, it gives people a sense of youthful regret.

“Let’s listen to Zhang Yue’s song first. ”

(End of this chapter)

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