The new song was released, and the new song was released.

Chapter 49 Theme song finalized

It had not been long since Wen Shiyi sent the script to Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu had already sent her the new song when she got home.

“Forward this song to Teacher Yang Qian and let her take a look. If it’s okay, sign the contract directly. Remember, the requirements are still the same as before.”

Wen Shiyi was a little surprised when she saw the new song sent by Zhou Yu. Is this guy writing songs so fast now?

“You wrote the song so quickly? Or did you write it in advance?”

Zhou Yu saw Wen Shiyi’s question and found an excuse: “I wrote it in advance. I read the script and this song is more suitable. Teacher Yang Qian is the heroine, so it’s just right for her to sing.”

Wen Shiyi didn’t doubt it either. After all, when she went to Zhou Yu to buy songs before, she saw him selling so many new songs.

“Okay, the assessment will be tomorrow. You should rest early tonight and adjust your state.”

Zhou Yu drank the yogurt sponsored by the sponsor, looked at the message sent by Wen Shiyi, and replied with an “ok” gesture.

At this time, Zhao Lei came back and asked Zhou Yu with some concern: “Brother Yu, can you help me take a look at my new song? Teacher Chen Mo and others said it’s OK, but I’m always a little unsure in my heart.”

Zhou Yu took a look at the new song written by Zhao Lei, which was still a folk song. To be honest, being able to show his new song to other students on the show is enough to show how much Zhao Lei trusts Zhou Yu.

“It’s OK. Teacher Chen Mo and others have corrected some of your problems. You are just too nervous. Relax, take a shower and have a good sleep. Just be in a good state for tomorrow’s assessment.”

Although Zhao Lei is more socially anxious, his presence in the entire program is relatively low. He basically has no communication with other students. Only Zhou Yu has a good relationship with him. He has talent, but his psychological quality and courage need to be improved.

“Ah? Is it really OK? I’m afraid there will be some problems with the song, which will affect tomorrow’s results.”

Zhao Lei was a little worried. The later it is, the more intense the competition will be. He is an amateur and does not have the strength of Brother Yu. He can only move forward step by step and try to get to the end.

Zhou Yu patted his shoulder and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, it’s okay, you are just too nervous, there is no problem with the new song.”

On Yang Qian’s side, she had just arrived home and was stunned when she saw the song created by Teacher Zhou Yu forwarded by Wen Shiyi.

So fast?

Is this a genius?

As expected, this teacher Zhou Yu is not an ordinary person.

“Thank you, dear Shiyi, I’ll take a look at the song first.”

She was looking forward to it. This teacher Zhou Yu is very famous in the circle now, and the songs he wrote for Wen Shiyi twice in a row were both hits. This time, she asked him to write the theme song. I don’t know how good the quality is, and whether it can meet the requirements of herself and the director of the crew.

When she saw the title of the song, Yang Qian frowned slightly. This song title always felt that it had nothing to do with her time-traveling palace drama?

However, after she read the content of the whole song, Yang Qian’s eyes became brighter and brighter. From this song, she seemed to see the life of the heroine she played. Every word of the lyrics fully showed her experiences and feelings.

She was a little excited, her proud chest rose and fell, and her beautiful eyes were full of light.

“You are indeed a genius!”

“This teacher Zhou Yu is really amazing!”

After two consecutive exclamations, Yang Qian did not dare to delay and directly forwarded the song to the director of the crew: “Director Yu, this is the theme song I asked Teacher Zhou Yu to write. I think it is very good and the most suitable song at present. You can take a look.”

Anyway, Yang Qian really thinks that this theme song written by Teacher Zhou Yu is the most suitable one among the manuscripts she has seen so far.

Director Yu and the screenwriter are also having a headache about the theme song at this moment. Originally, the show was said to be launched in August, and there was enough time, but now Penguin Video has launched the show in advance in order to compete with iQiyi Video for summer traffic. This made them hurriedly start to refine the post-production. Fortunately, they can still finish it by working overtime. However, the theme song has not been finalized for a long time. After all, they have invested a lot in this show and cannot be sloppy at all.

“Hmm? Zhou Yu?”

Director Yu looked at the message sent by Yang Qian and was also confused for a moment. He looked at it with the screenwriter teacher next to him and said:

Is this Zhou Yu the same Zhou Yu who wrote the song with Wen Shiyi? Recently I saw many people in the circle discussing him. He seems to be quite mysterious and no one knows his identity. ”

“He, the song “Fleeting Years” by Wen Shiyi recently was written by him, right? It’s really good.”

Now Zhou Yu’s reputation in the circle is well-known. Many people are asking about Zhou Yu’s identity, and even many companies want to find him and spend a lot of money to sign Zhou Yu.

Director Yu and the editor saw that Yang Qian found this mysterious Zhou Yu to write the song, and they were also a little curious. Zhou Yu was praised so much on the Internet. They wanted to see what this song was like. Even Yang Qian thought it was good.

“She is quite familiar with Wen Shiyi. I guess she asked Wen Shiyi to introduce her. You can click it and take a look.”

The screenwriter also wanted to see what Zhou Yu was capable of and whether the song he wrote was good.

However, when the two opened the file and saw the song title, they had the same first reaction as Yang Qian.

“Can this song title be related to the drama? ”

Director Yu frowned and read on patiently. The more he read, the brighter their eyes became. After they finished reading, they couldn’t calm down for a long time. After a long while, the screenwriter teacher patted Director Yu’s thigh.

“Good! It’s really good!”

Director Yu felt pain and knocked his friend’s hand away: “Go pat yourself.”

Screenwriter Teacher Ding smiled and pointed at the song written by Zhou Yu excitedly: “Old Yu, this song is really well written. So far, I think his song is the most suitable. The love, hatred and vengeance of the heroine are all in it. It’s very good.”

“And the theme song was originally given to Yang Qian to sing, and this song is just right.”

Director Yu also narrowed his eyes, leaned back in his chair, and sighed.

“Who is this Zhou Yu? I’ve never heard of him before. Is he really a newcomer? Or is he the vest of the teacher in the circle they mentioned? ”

This song is the most satisfying one among all the manuscripts he has received so far. He also listened to the song “Fleeting Years” written by Zhou Yu for Wen Shiyi. It is really good. I have never heard of this person before. Is he a newcomer or what they call a vest?

“It’s not clear. I guess only Wen Shiyi knows. You can ask Yang Qian if she knows about this song, Zhou Yu, the teacher she went to find. ”

(End of this chapter)

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