At this time, a clear and familiar voice came over

"Brother Fan, I just heard that you and Morgan had a fight while I was practicing. How are you doing now? Are there any injuries?"Lin Weiwei trotted over and asked with a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry, I'm fine now! This guy is as easy to deal with as Luo Tianjun. Not only did I kill him, I also won a lot of good things."When he thought about the harvest, Lin Beifan showed a faint smile.

Luo Tianjun:"……"

I'm just going to watch a show, why should I lie down?

"Just be fine, I'm worried about you!"Lin Weiwei held Lin Beifan's arm with both hands, with a scared look on his face.

Seeing this scene, Luo Tianjun's heart ached again

"My goddess, you...wouldn't have come if I had known earlier!"Luo Tianjun looked sad, shook his head and left.

Lin Beifan touched this little girl's little head and felt it was very tactile.

"You touched my head again! Lin Weiwei glared angrily

"Weiwei, I have a favor to ask you! Lin Beifan said solemnly

"Brother Fan, tell me what it is, and I will do my best to do it! Lin Weiwei looked determined.

Lin Beifan leaned close to Lin Weiwei's ear and whispered:"Weiwei, you'd better not let others know that you came to my house at 11:30 tonight.""

11:30 pm?

Go to Brother Fan's house?

Don't let others know?

Lin Weiwei's face turned red and she became very shy.

Could it be that Brother Fan wants to...

What should I do?

Am I agreeing?


Or agree?

"Weiwei, do you agree or not? Just say something!"Lin Beifan patted Lin Weiwei's little head.

"Brother Fan, how can I be embarrassed to agree to something like this? Although I would like to...but I am not just any woman!"Lin Weiwei's little head almost dropped to her chest, and she had nowhere to put her hands.

Although I want to, I can't say it out loud!

I'm a girl, so it's so embarrassing to say it!

"You and I are willing to do this kind of thing, what's there to be embarrassed about? Besides, can I still trick you?"Lin Beifan was confused.

"Brother Fan, you are bad, you really don’t understand girls’ thoughts! Lin Weiwei became angry, pushed Lin Beifan, and ran away

"Hey, you haven’t said whether you’re coming or not!"Lin Beifan waved.

Lin Weiwei ran faster.

There was no good show to watch, and everyone dispersed.

"Sister Qiangwei, do you see anything?"An Kexin said depressedly.

She watched from beginning to end without blinking. She gained nothing except seeing that Lin Benfan was a shameless person.

"Saw something"


Xue Rose smiled and said:"Lin Beifan has a very good sense of combat and his combat strategies are very correct. Throughout the battle, he made perfect use of the talisman in his hand and was able to adapt to the situation, and then successfully defeated Morgan. If he were a martial artist, he would definitely become a powerful warrior. It's a pity that he is a Talisman Master……"

Blood Rose sighed, feeling pity for Lin Beifan.

The Talisman Master is a auxiliary profession. Without the Talisman, there is no combat effectiveness, and the constraints are too great.

This is destined to make him impossible to become a strong man.

Unless, he changes his family and practices another profession.

However, he is now 18 years old. It is very difficult to practice another profession again, and his final achievements will not be great.

Therefore, she felt very sorry for Lin Beifan.

Lin Beifan collected the loot and went back to his house to continue living.

The first thing he picked up was this mysterious Talisman Master's Manual. Lin Beifan ignored the runes recorded in it at a glance, because he knew all these things and could do them more perfectly.

Then, he slowly tore off the outer layer of skin, exposing the middle layer, and new runes appeared.

Lin Beifan's eyes lit up and he looked at it with great joy.

Because these runes all belong to the transcendent realm, when Lin Beifan's mental power moved in, he received a super mental counterattack. Fortunately, his soul was strong and he was not injured.

It is definitely a rune of extraordinary realm!

"I have searched for him thousands of times in my dream, but suddenly I look back and find him in a dimly lit place!"Lin Beifan was very pleasantly surprised. Originally, he wanted to find out the runes of the transcendent realm from the old man, but in the end he gave them to him.

"This handbook should have been written by a certain extraordinary talisman master. I don’t know why it was disguised, and finally found its way to me. Judging from the spiritual power on this rune, it is not inferior to the old man at all."

He couldn't wait to begin to understand the spiritual talisman above.

He communicated with the soul in the sky and borrowed the heaven and earth to comprehend.

In the end, he found that it was worthy of being a transcendent rune. It was much more difficult than the previous runes, and the calculation rate required was greatly increased. It took a lot of effort. It took him nearly 10 minutes to comprehend one of them.

At the same time, the wordless heavenly book in his body opened 10 pages, divided this transcendent realm rune into 10 basic runes, and then printed it on it.

"The runes of the extraordinary realm are more of a combination of basic runes. The first layer of the Wordless Heavenly Book records this kind of basic runes, which are also the most basic principles between heaven and earth."Lin Beifan understood.

Lin Beifan did the math and found that this handbook recorded a total of about 100 extraordinary runes.

In other words, this handbook will provide him with more than 1,000 truths.

"This is worthy of a library!"Lin Beifan was very happy and couldn't put it down.

So in the following time, he completely concentrated on comprehending.

After 6 hours, he finally comprehended more than 30 extraordinary talismans and obtained 300 units of magic talismans. Principle, it strongly recommends one's own strength one step further.

"It's a pity that I don't have any monster hides, otherwise I could have tried making supernatural talismans."Lin Beifan expressed regret.

By then, his strength will have increased exponentially, reaching the level of invincibility in the extraordinary realm.

Unfortunately, the monsters are too strong, and ordinary people in the same realm cannot defeat them, so about them There are very few materials. And all the materials in their body are treasures. They are too precious and have very many uses. They are rarely spread on the market, so Lin Beifan has no way to buy their animal skins.

"It seems that I can only take action myself in the future."

At this moment, the door of the room was opened, and Lin Weiwei walked in with a shy look on his face.

"Brother Fan, here I come!"

At this time, Lin Weiwei had obviously dressed up.

Her 3000 hair was hanging down, she had some foundation on her face, and she was wearing a light red dress. She looked slim and graceful, with a hint of maturity and charm, which made Lin Beifan's eyes widen..

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