"Finished?"Chu Yunfei was confused.

"It's over."Lin Beifan nodded.

Chu Yunfei couldn't laugh or cry:"Brother, don't be kidding, isn't there something special? For example, Brother Ye has the Ancient Holy Body and many opportunities to become what he is today. Xiao Han relied on strange fire and refining medicine to get to where he is now step by step. You...who would believe it if you said this?"

"Too simple, right?"Lin Beifan said distressedly:"I also feel that my life is too monotonous, and I can't show my image of being a wise and powerful genius at all. Well, let me make one up……"

"Wait, wait a minute, this is an autobiography, you can’t make it up."Chu Yunfei quickly stopped

"It's okay, I don't mind!"Lin Beifan thinks about others.

"But I mind! Chu Yunfei rolled his eyes, then looked at the panda next to him who was sleeping happily on all fours, and said,"I'd better ask the panda, I can't tell the truth from your words.""

The panda turned to look at him and held up the sign: What are you doing? Have you never seen the beautiful bear?

Chu Yunfei:"……"

Chu Yunfei picked up the pen and asked seriously:"Miss Panda, I want to ask you some questions about your master. I hope you can cooperate with my work and answer honestly."

Panda raised the sign: What are the benefits?

Then he held up a sign: I am a national treasure and I will never work for free!

Chu Yunfei twitched his mouth. This cute pet has the same character as its owner.

"Okay, as long as you answer honestly, I will definitely benefit you greatly!"Chu Yunfei was full of promises.

The panda's eyes shone, and he first held up a sign: You ask!

The second sign: One question, one spiritual fruit!

Chu Yunfei twitched his mouth again, one question is too expensive, he is really greedy Panda.

But in order to obtain the most authentic information, he risked his life.

Chu Yunfei asked solemnly:"Miss Panda, how does your master usually practice? Is there anything special about it?"

The panda raised his sign: Yes!

Chu Yunfei's eyes lit up:"Then how did he practice and become the Fu Zun he is today?"

The panda looked at him eagerly without raising his sign.

Chu Yunfei blinked and couldn't understand, so he asked Lin Beifan:"Teacher Lin, what's going on?

Lin Beifan explained:"Brother Chu, you haven't given him the spiritual fruit yet!""

"Is this also a problem?"Chu Yunfei was shocked.

"Calculate!"Lin Beifan and the panda nodded at the same time.

Chu Yunfei took out a spiritual fruit with an expressionless face. He had just bought it from his dad Jiang Hao. He hadn't had time to eat it yet, so he donated it to the panda first.

The panda picked up the spirit fruit and gnawed it, very happy.

Chu Yunfei said expressionlessly:"Is it okay now? Panda raised his sign: That's it!

Chu Yunfei immediately picked up the pen and prepared to record it in his notebook:"Miss Panda, please tell us how your master usually practices. Tell us the most special part!""

As a result, the panda still didn't raise his sign.

"Teacher Lin, this……"Chu Yunfei was confused

"Brother Chu, you haven’t given him her spirit fruit yet! Lin Beifan said softly.

"Didn’t I give it just now?"Chu Yunfei continued to be confused.

"You gave me the first question, but you haven’t given me the second question yet? Lin Beifan said

"Didn’t I just ask the second question?"Chu Yunfei was confused again.

"The second question is the previous sentence!"

"The previous sentence……"Chu Yunfei thought seriously:"Now, can you answer it?"

"correct! Lin Beifan snapped his fingers.

Chu Yunfei:"……"

This panda is so smart that he won't take any losses.

Chu Yunfei took out a spiritual fruit with a dark face and said,"Can you answer now?"

The panda raised his sign: Yes!

Then she looked at him eagerly.

Chu Yunfei suddenly understood, and once again took out a spiritual fruit. Without talking nonsense, he directly asked the question:"How does your master usually practice? Tell me about the most special place!" The panda held up a sign: Eat.!

Card No. 2: Sleep!

The third card: Lust me!

"Ahem……"Chu Yunfei almost carried it in one breath.

In the end, Chu Yunfei couldn't bear the naughty master's favor and ran away.

At this time, 5 years have passed since the last Academy Competition.

In order to promote the exchange of talents, even though the distance between cities is far and dangerous, major colleges still insist on holding college competitions to promote the exchange of talents in major cities and learn from each other's strengths to make progress together. In every academy competition, many talented people emerge, and these people have become the backbone of the human race.

·····Asking for flowers··········

But now that there is a space-time building, everyone's communication is very convenient, Tianjiao can fight at any time, and there is a city battle once a week, so the influence of the Academy Competition has been diluted.

But now someone has mentioned it again, convening the academy competition again, so that the young generation of geniuses can gather together and compete again.

Representatives and venerables from major colleges were invited to the Time and Space Building for discussion.

The dean of Panshi College said in a deep voice:"This college competition is still very necessary. We have held it so many times before. Through competition, many geniuses will stand out and provide us with fresh blood. Since history has proven that it is effective, We should keep doing it. And now that we have the Space-Time Building, it’s easier to do it.".........0

"But now many of the rules no longer apply." Jiang Changqing, the dean of Jiangnan College, smiled bitterly:"For example, there is an age limit for participating. In the past, the number of geniuses who could achieve extraordinary things under the age of 30 was already very rare. But now, there are countless geniuses under the age of 30, and their strength has generally reached extraordinary levels. Some even become venerable, surpassing us!"

"You are right, this is an important question. For example, Nezha and Sun Wukong are both less than 10 years old now, but they have already surpassed the older generation of masters! If they are allowed to compete with others, what else is there to see?"

"Those whose strength reaches the level of the Venerable should not participate!"

"There is also the issue of venue. Nowadays, a fight would be devastating. If it were held in a city, the city would be demolished within a few fights. This must be carefully considered!"

"Not only combat professions, but also auxiliary professions cannot be ignored. Today's auxiliary professions are no longer what they used to be. For example, Lin Beifan alone can stand up to hundreds of sages. Look at Huoyang, the top genius, who is still trapped outside Jiangnan City and can't get out now. It is not a combat profession, but the effect it exerts is stronger than that of a combat profession. So I think auxiliary professions can also be introduced to participate in the competition, which is fair, just and open!"

"We can't restrict only people from the academy to participate. After all, now that there is a black shop of Night Demon, many people can embark on the path of cultivation without going through the academy. There are also players of the game"Ten Thousand Races"……"


Everyone expressed their opinions and the discussion was very lively. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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