This competition between geniuses was exciting.

In just half a month of in-hospital selection competition, many new talents have emerged.

Apart from anything else, there are three new geniuses in Jiangnan City. They are Luo Yadi, the owner of the treasure box system, Yang Wanli, who has the electric eel clone, and Ye Qingcheng's brother Ye Qingguo.

For the first time, everyone discovered that Luo Yardi, who used to like picking up garbage, had grown into a genius.

Could it be that picking up garbage still has such an effect?

Just like Mr. Ma Donglai, he became a peerless master just by sweeping?

Therefore, wherever Luo Yadi goes, he will be looked at with strange eyes by others.

"I'm not like this. Don't misunderstand me. Listen to me.……"Luo Yardi explained it many times, but when others threw garbage over, he habitually picked it up and quickly threw it into the sack on his back.


Therefore, he has the title of Trash Genius, which sounds like a curse.

And Yang Wanli, it was as if everyone was meeting him for the first time. He was so insignificant and developed that he became a genius unknowingly.

Being called a genius is a huge honor in itself. It not only represents honor and fame, but also great benefits. It is what everyone in this era of cultivation dreams of.

Yang Wanli was very excited and felt that all these years of hard work had finally paid off.

You are full of worries. I wonder if Teacher Lin takes my words to heart?

However, although these two people received attention, they did not receive as much attention as Ye Qingguo. Ye Qingguo is actually Ye Qingcheng who has regained his male body. The owner of the transvestite system finally couldn't help but show off.

Even though he has regained his male body, he still looks stunning.

The voice has also been modified to become a little thicker.

For this reason, Ye Qingcheng darkened his skin tone several shades and added a small beard to look like a man.

Every challenge he plays has a crowd of spectators.

These are Ye Qingcheng's admirers, who come here specifically to flatter the"national uncle"

"Uncle, I'm here to cheer you up!"

"Uncle, can you take me to meet Ye Qingcheng?"

"Uncle, you will win today!"

Ye Qingcheng:"……"

"Shut up! Who is your elder brother-in-law? Let me tell you, even if all the men in the world die, my sister will not fall in love with you toads. Just give up!"Ye Qingcheng cursed loudly.

Everyone was shocked and laughed carefully, not daring to offend his uncle.

But Ye Qingcheng felt comfortable all over. After enduring it for so long, he finally had the opportunity to put down his pretense and curse. It was so great!

He decided to make this A character design is carried out to the end.

He wants to release all the grievances he has suffered over the years, and at the same time, he also wants to live in another way.

Occasionally playing Ye Qingguo as a guest star is good for physical and mental health.

Looking at the contestants opposite, Ye Qingcheng's eyebrows flashed There was a trace of dignity.

This was a master with extraordinary level 5 and rich combat experience. He was much stronger than him who only had cultivation but little actual combat ability, so he must not be careless.

Ye Qingcheng held up his hand and said solemnly: Xia Ye Qingguo, please enlighten me!"

"Uncle, I'm here……"

"Um?"Ye Qingcheng's anger grew.

The man immediately changed his mind and said with a smile:"Song Xiaoji, I'm very glad that you compete together in the same field. This is a blessing I have earned over several lifetimes. I didn't want to draw my sword against Brother Ye, so I made a happy decision: I decided to admit defeat and help Brother Ye."

Then jump directly to the sidelines

"Are you going to admit defeat and stop competing?"Ye Qingcheng was confused.

He wanted to kill everyone and release all his grievances, but the other party didn't compare?

"Well, I really can't bear to draw my sword against Brother Ye. Song Xiaoji took out a letter from the space ring and said shyly:"I have a love letter here. Brother Ye, please help me pass it to Ye Qingcheng.""

Ye Qingcheng:"……"

The crowd watching the battle immediately roared enthusiastically, and their voices were uniform

"Congratulations, uncle, on your victory!"

Ye Qingcheng:"……"

Game 2, Ye Qingcheng vs. Zhao Wanshan.

This is also a master, and his strength should be on par with him. However, the opponent is a mercenary who has performed life and death missions for a long time and is very experienced, so Ye Qingcheng decided to strike first.

However, when he was about to draw the sword, Zhao Wanshan quickly said:"Wait a minute, uncle."……"

"Um?"Ye Qingcheng had murderous intent in his eyes.

"No, I mean Brother Ye, I feel like I can’t compete in this match. I know I’m no match for you, so I admit defeat!

After saying that, he jumped out of the field neatly. Then he walked up to the confused Ye Qingcheng with a smile, handed over the sword that he remembered carrying with him, and said:"

As the saying goes, a sword matches a hero, and pink powder goes to a beautiful woman. This sword is mine. My second life is just like my relatives. I hope Brother Ye can help me convey it to Qingcheng. I hope she can understand my thoughts. please!"

Ye Qingcheng:"……"

Game 3, Ye Qingcheng vs. Shen Tienan.

Shen Tienan pulled out his sword and looked at Ye Qingcheng with murderous intent.

"~What are you doing, not admitting defeat?"Ye Qingcheng was a little confused.

"Why admit defeat?"Shen Tienan had no expression on his face.

"I am Ye Qingcheng’s brother! Ye Qingcheng said again.

Shen Tienan smiled coldly:"Ye Qingcheng has nothing to do with me. You can't even think of disturbing my heart!" In my heart, women are all pink skulls, they are stones blocking my path forward and must be eradicated!"

The audience outside the venue were angry.

"What idiot is this? Get him away quickly!"

"It's not like my uncle has given up and is impatient with life!"

"I know him, he is a straight man with a hard heart and is not interested in women!"

"How could there be such a top-notch person that even the Alluring Goddess couldn’t look down on!"

"If you don’t admit defeat, smash the windows of his house!"


It's all verbal and written criticism.

But Ye Qingcheng was excited, finally meeting a man of steel, and my sword could finally come out of my body!

As a result, at this moment, the referee sneaked up behind Shen Tienan, kicked him out (out of Wang Zhao), and announced loudly:"In this fight, Ye Qingguo wins!"

Ye Qingcheng :"……"

"Why didn't we start the competition?"Ye Qingcheng was very confused.

"He flew out of the field and lost!"The referee said

"You kicked him out."Ye Qingcheng was angry

"Yeah? The referee waved his hand:"The process is not important, the result is important!" Then he took out an exquisite box from the space ring and said shyly:"Comrade Qingguo , please help me pass this gift to Qingcheng. I am one of her admirers.""

Ye Qingcheng:"……"

And whispered:"Don't worry, with my protection, you are guaranteed to pass the customs smoothly and get the final quota for the competition. So please help me put a few kind words in front of Qingcheng. Thank you, uncle!"

Ye Qingcheng:"……"

In this way, Ye Qingguo took advantage of his sister and won all the way, and he got a place in the competition without even drawing out his sword. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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