After a while, Lin Beifan came back, looking at An Kexin's bulging cheeks and busy eating.

Her share of delicious food has been half emptied

"If you eat so fast, you are a pig. Lin Beifan said angrily.

"Lin Beifan, come here, these things are delicious!"An Kexin's cheeks were bulging and she couldn't speak clearly.

"Of course I know."Lin Beifan also started to eat.

An Kexin finished eating first, and then watched Lin Beifan eat bite after bite. The tempting fragrance came to his nostrils. Thinking of the enjoyment just now, he couldn't help but feel hungry again. Watching Lin Beifan's food flow. Drool.

Lin Beifan ignored her pity and continued to eat slowly one bite at a time.

Things that could be eaten in one bite had to be divided into two bites. Soup that could be finished in one bite had to be divided into several spoons and sipped one by one. , everyone watching is anxious

"He must have done it on purpose, you bastard!"An Kexin cursed in her heart.

"Lin Beifan, thank you for your hospitality. I have to leave beforehand. Goodbye!"An Kexin stood up and bowed

"Don't leave in a hurry. I have something else to ask you."

"Then you ask."An Kexin is already mentally prepared.

"I'll ask again after I've finished eating."

An Kexin:"……"

"Then eat quickly!"

"Good things should be enjoyed slowly, not in a hurry!"

An Kexin:"……"

This guy must have done it on purpose!

Finally, while An Kexin was waiting in agony, Lin Beifan finally emptied the food in front of him.

He found a piece of paper and wiped his mouth, then looked at An Kexin and said,"You should know what question I asked, right?"

"Know."An Kexin nodded.

"Then tell me, I believe you must have been prepared"

"In fact, you can call me a prophet."An Kexin said seriously.

"prophet?"Lin Beifan looked at her with strange eyes.

"That's right!"An Kexin nodded seriously.

As a prophet, this is her identity to win the trust of others and seek benefits for her future.

In this academy, which force is most worthy of her investment?

Of course, it is the four major forces that have risen rapidly in the later period. Young masters.

Among them, Taiyin Witch Lin Weiwei has an unclear relationship with Lin Beifan, Invincible Shenhao and Lin Beifan are friends, and the beautiful cook is also Lin Beifan's friend, so he wants to hook up with Lin Beifan and compete with the other three. She builds relationships with people.

However, she is just a little alchemist in the eyes of others. How can she get their attention?

Only as a prophet can she gain a foothold in this group.

She fell into memories and said:"I have the power to predict the future. ability. Ever since I was a kid, I've been dreaming about weird and weird things. I thought it was a dream, but I didn’t expect that many of them would come true later. I had another dream a few nights ago. I dreamed that a huge space crack appeared in the college. That space crack was just above your home. There are many monsters in the space cracks. They are preparing to pass through the space cracks. Our college is facing a huge crisis.……"

"Why didn't you tell the college about this?

An Kexin shook her head and said,"How could they believe such unbelievable words?""

"Then why did you tell me?"

"I didn't tell you, I just told you to be careful because I didn't want you to die. After all, we are friends after all."An Kexin said the wording she had prepared.

In order not to reveal any flaws, she also acted it out in front of the mirror several times.

Is it because of love?

Lin Beifan was thinking wildly and remembered what this woman had done during this time. Lin Beifan often approaches his friends and then secretly visits him. Lin Beifan becomes more and more convinced of this idea. Lin Beifan is complacent.

There is no way, people are too charming, but it is easy to attract bees and butterflies.

Even if he is already hiding in the house, he still hides it. I can’t help myself with my unparalleled elegance and handsome face.

"Are there any more later? Lin Beifan then asked

"Behind... behind I saw a ray of silver light piercing the sky, defeating the monster. Now I know that the silver light is your sister Lin Weiwei. She must have awakened some kind of special physique."An Kexin said with certainty.

I've been tired of hearing the legend of the Taiyin Witch in my previous life. Combined with the current facts, it just fits the lie.

"Are there any others?"Lin Beifan continued to ask

"others……"An Kexin tilted her head, as if she was lost in thought:"There seems to be nothing else. I only saw so much. I can't see everything every time I dream.""

"So that's it."Lin Beifan looked at An Kexin with a strange look.

Lin Beifan thought for a while and asked:"I have another question now, and I would like to consult you, the prophet, for your opinion."

"You ask first, I may not be able to answer."An Kexin felt a little guilty and took the vaccination.

"As far as I know, there are indeed tens of thousands of monsters on the other side of the space rift, but what is surprising is that they died long before the space rift opened. It was so bizarre that I wondered how they died."

How do I know how they died?

Nothing like this happened in my previous life?

I can't even figure it out myself!

An Kexin felt crazy, but pretended to be calm and said:"I don't know, because All I saw were fragments, and I could only make inferences through these."

An Kexin knew that talking too much would lead to mistakes. She had said enough today, and she might reveal her true self if she continued talking.

So she stood up and said,"Thank you for your hospitality. I'm full. I'll leave beforehand. Goodbye.!"

"Walk slowly, don’t send me away!"Lin Beifan waved his hand.

Looking at the distant figure, a smile appeared on Lin Beifan's lips:"Prophet? I think he is a reborn person!"

An Kexin's words seem reasonable, but combined with her recent series of behaviors, many loopholes are discovered.

First of all, point 1, why can't she hide even though she knows that a disaster is coming?Far away, yet she wanted to hide so close here. Did she know it was safe here?

The magic of this room hasn't been revealed yet, so how did she know it? It couldn't be a dream, right?

What's wrong with dreams, why should I dream about this?

Second point, she was very surprised when she saw herself just now. This cannot be faked. Why did she think she would die? Just because a space crack appeared at your door?

Point 3: She seems to have always been concerned about the situation of Lin Weiwei and Jin Buhuan.

In addition to being his partners, these two people also have another identity, that is, they have golden fingers.

Among them, Lin Weiwei possesses a certain kind of special physique. Once awakened, her combat power will soar. Jin Buhuan has a rich system, and you can become stronger as long as you spend money.

Could this be the result of a dream?

And the most important thing is that Lin Beifan's soul checked An Kexin and found that apart from her stronger soul, there was nothing special about her. She fit in well with this time and space and was not an outsider.

Is this how we can see the future?

Even if he couldn't see it with such a powerful spirit, how could she see it?

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