As a result, Shen Dong couldn't feel any change.

He had encountered this situation many times. Shen Dong was surprised and said:"The other party is actually a mortal? Then how did he cultivate to be extraordinary?"

Anyone who can cultivate to be extraordinary can be said to have a unique physique..

As a result, Royardi had nothing.

Shen Dong was very depressed, having wasted an opportunity like this.

"It doesn't matter, there is Gu Cheng. Gu Cheng's rapid rise must be due to physical reasons. If I copy his physique, it will definitely improve my cultivation qualifications."

Shen Dong still chose to copy his physique.

However, there was still no change.

"wrong again?"Shen Dong is very depressed. Doesn't the rise of these geniuses depend on their physical fitness?

Two opportunities were wasted. Shen Dong is in a very unhappy mood.

"It doesn't matter, there is still Lin Beifan, this one is the big one."Shen Dong's mood quickly improved again. Lin Beifan is a rune genius, and is now called Fu Zun. He previously trapped a powerful top genius with a rune. A few days ago, he used a rune to trap a top rung. The big demon king was sent away, and he was in a mess. If his ability could be copied, he would quickly become a talisman.

Looking at Lin Beifan's options, Shen Dong fell into deep thought:"Which talisman should I choose?" Is it better to choose his literary talents or his knowledge?"

This is more difficult. For Lin Beifan to be so outstanding in runes, talent must account for the majority.

But if you want to be outstanding, talent alone is not enough. You also have to study and conduct long-term research. Just put his runes Copying knowledge saves the most time and effort

"Decided to copy Lin Beifan’s knowledge!"

As for the rune talent, he can also copy Xiaonan's.

But if he missed it in terms of knowledge, he really missed it.

Shen Dong clicked on the"Knowledge" option with excitement, and his copy space exploded. What? Nothing was left.

Shen Dong's face turned green:"It's actually overloaded? How many things does he have in his head?"

Looking at the copy space that left nothing behind, Shen Dong was heartbroken.

The copy space was where he stored the copied things. It turned out that there were already hundreds of people, and all his abilities came from this. As a result, all of a sudden All gone, he was knocked back to his original form and had to be copied again!

Copying is risky, so be careful when selecting people!


After Gu Cheng, the owner of the selection system, and Luo Yadi, the owner of the treasure chest system, broke up on bad terms, they didn't expect that they would actually meet each other on the second day of the competition.

The so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet

"Ding! Shake hands with Royalty and make peace, and reward him with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shell."

"Ding! He taught Luo Yardi a lesson, beating him until he didn't even recognize his father, and rewarded him with a purple gold treasure chest, which can unlock precious items!

Two choices came to mind. Gu Cheng, the owner of the chosen system, said with red eyes,"How dare you block my opportunity? I must teach you a lesson today, you bastard!" System, 2, I want to blow him up!"

On the other side, Luo Yardi, the owner of the treasure chest system, was also very angry: Is it easy to create a purple gold treasure chest? This bastard, if I don't cripple him today, he will be proud of himself!"

Following the referee's order, the two of them launched their ultimate move without hesitation. , fight to the death.

The fight was brutal, but they all died together in the end.

The referee shouted loudly:"Priest, come quickly, they two are almost out of breath!"

Shen Dong, who was wandering around looking for someone to copy, saw it, his eyes lit up, and he rushed over like the wind:"I have a magic talisman here, okay? Save them!"

Just as he was preparing to copy the two of them, a loud voice came over

"Let them go and let me do it!"

The referee looked at the handsome young man in front of him and asked:"Are you……"

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Huang Yibai. I am a pastor, a very professional one. This is my pastoral qualification certificate!"Huang Yibai took out a brand new qualification certificate.

The referee looked at it and nodded:"This is true, but it's just a trainee.……"

"What happened to the traineeship? Huang Yibai was very excited:"Can't trainees treat diseases and save people?" Can’t trainees save lives and heal the wounded? I have had a great dream since I was a child, that is to become an angel in white and save the world! Even if I can only be a trainee for the rest of my life, I will accept it! You cannot stop the great dream of an aspiring young man!"

After everyone heard this, they immediately felt admiration in their hearts........

In this era where everyone aspires to be a genius, there are still people who have such a simple dream.

The referee was moved:"They left it to you for treatment.""

"Thank you, you are a good person!"Huang Yibai was very excited. Then he saw Shen Dong reaching out to touch Luo Yardi. He thought he was going to save people, so he immediately yelled:"Don't move. If you are missing an arm or a leg, can you afford it?"

I rushed over and pushed him away, and said seriously:"Professional matters should be left to professionals. Don't mess around!""

Shen Dong was unwilling and could only stand outside and watch for the time being, looking for another opportunity.

"My way of saving people is a bit special, I hope you don't mind!"Huang Yibai said, and then raised his right hand in the expectant eyes of everyone, and slapped one side of Luo Yardi's face hard.


Luo Yadi's face turned to the other side.

Huang Yibai raised his hand again and slapped it hard.


Luo Yadi's face tilted back again.

Huang Yibai opened his bow from left to right.


The sound is very crisp and rhythmic, and once you hear it, you can tell that it is a 4.6 that often does this.

Luo Yadi's face was slapped from left to right like a ball, and it gradually swelled into a ball.

The referee was so frightened that his mouth was tied up:"I said you……"

"This is my unique way of treatment, this one is ready, next one!"Huang Yibai said seriously, then ran up to Gu Cheng, and followed the same pattern of drawing a gourd with his bow left and right.……


The referee and others took a look at Luo Yardi and found that he was indeed healed, but his face was swollen...he was no longer human. It was really distressing to see.

At this time, Luo Yadi also woke up and let out a miserable roar:"Who slapped me in the face? Who ruined my handsome face?"

Everyone was silent, pointing their fingers silently at the person who was slapping me. Yellow and white. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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