In this free time, Ye Fan, Xiao Han, Tang Shan and others came over.

Looking at the beauties around Lin Beifan, each one of them is a first-class beauty, it makes people very envious

"Brother Lin, why don’t you see your childhood sweetheart?"Ye Fan urged the narrow

"Since the last battle with the Water Monster, Wei Wei has had an epiphany, so now she is going into seclusion, which may take a longer time."Lin Beifan explained

"Dean Lin is so powerful. After coming out of seclusion, won't he want to go one step further and become a great venerable?"Xiao Han exclaimed.

Lin Beifan said modestly:"I'm not sure yet, it's just that the chance is relatively high."

Lin Weiwei is a top talent and has many opportunities, so she cultivates very quickly and has already reached the third level of heaven. In addition to the previous battle, her strength has further improved, reaching the peak of the third level, only one step away. So

, Lin Weiwei chose to retreat and try to pry open the door to the realm.

Whether it succeeds in the end remains to be seen.

Having a chance means that you have taken a step ahead of others.

Others looked sideways, showing envy.

"Dean Lin has now touched that realm. He is really...talented! I'm afraid she will become the fourth venerable after the Lord of Space and Time, the Night Demon, and the Hermit!"Ye Fan sighed.

"Yes, how great would it be if I could become a great venerable as soon as possible?"Xiao Han said leisurely, very envious.

If he had the strength of the Great Venerable, his elixir refining speed would be so fast, and he wouldn't have to work hard every day to refining elixirs for the Master of Time and Space.

"Realm of great venerable……"Tangshan lost his mind and tightened his grip on the magic sword in his hand.

All his efforts now are for Xiao Wu and the lover in his heart. After becoming the Great Master, he can complete the inheritance of the magic sword and awaken Xiao Wu inside.

At this moment, Shen Dong, who had the ability to copy, ran over diligently and said with great admiration:"Emperor Ye Tian, ​​Emperor Yan... I admire you so much, let's shake hands!"

Then under the confused eyes of everyone, they shook hands all the way. Passed by until Lin Beifan was here

"Just touch me, but don’t touch my woman! Lin Beifan looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile, as if he could see through his true nature.

Shen Dong panicked in his heart:"I'm sorry, I have to excuse you now!""

Then he slipped away.

After a while, the elf Lilith finally completed her coming-of-age ceremony, the light faded, and a huge change occurred.

Originally, the elf looked only about 12 years old, still a child.

But now it looks like, She has grown to be sixteen or seventeen years old. She has grown taller, her figure has become slender, and the wings on her back have faded away, making her look like a forest goddess.

Although her beautiful and flawless face still retains some childishness.

But She wore the crown given by Lin Beifan on her head, which made her look even more noble and elegant.

The Tree of Life said loudly:"From now on, Lilith is the queen of the elves and rules the elves! While I'm away, everyone must obey Lilith's orders!

"Yes, Daddy Zushu!"The elves said in unison

"Everyone still calls me sister Lilith," Lilith said happily.

Then, Lilith immediately showed her true form, quickly flew towards Lin Beifan, and said happily:"Sir, my appearance has changed, do you still like Lilith? ?"

"I like it, no matter what you become, I like it!"Answered without hesitation

"I knew that adults are the best!"Lilith smiled happily.

The Tree of Life immediately stared at Lin Beifan. It was the way his father-in-law looked at his son-in-law. His eyes were not his eyes and his nose was not his nose. He felt that his good cabbage was being eaten by a pig.

Of course, the Tree of Life's gaze was not enough to make him Lin Beifan was afraid. The key was the death stares of the women, which made Lin Beifan feel a chill on his back.

On the other hand, Shen Dong suppressed the excitement in his heart and rushed home.

"Big harvest, big harvest! This wave will definitely make a lot of money! This time I will definitely be able to take advantage of the situation and rise!"Shen Dong entered the copy space, clicked on the full line of genius figures, and was very excited.

"Emperor Ye Tian's, I want his physique, the Ancient Holy Physique must be great!"He excitedly clicked on the physical option, and suddenly his energy and blood were like a dragon, and all the cells in his body were boiling.

"What a strong physique. His strength doubled instantly. He was so strong even before he awakened!"Shen Dong was very happy. He felt that this punch could blow up mountains. Even if he had a fight with a top demon, it wouldn't be a problem.

"Yandi's is more difficult to choose. I really want his medicine refining talent and strange fire. With his medicine refining and cultivation knowledge... just choose his medicine refining talent. I will copy his master's medicine refining knowledge another day and grow. faster!"


All day long, Shen Dong was upgrading

······Asking for flowers·········

Then he saw Lin Beifan and fell into deep thought.

The last time he chose knowledge, it ended up being overloaded and the copy space exploded. This time he must be cautious.

"This time, this talent is good. Lin Beifan's rune talent must be very powerful!"

He clicked in with excitement.


The copy space exploded.

Shen Dong wailed:"Why is it overloaded again?" My copy is gone again!"


Three months passed peacefully.

Two people in black clothes and sunglasses suddenly appeared on the streets of Baihua City.

But when these two people appeared, they didn't attract anyone's attention at all, as if they were supposed to be there.

000The two of them look very similar, and they look like they should be brothers.

They looked around curiously, their sunglasses recording data quickly.

Among them, the more mature man in black said:"Brother, this should be the world where the spiritual energy is revived by the Lord God."

The second man in black said:"Yes, brother, the concentration of this spiritual energy has reached the top level in the Middle Thousand Worlds." Yes. I heard from the Lord God that this world was an ordinary world 300 years ago, but in just 300 years it has been promoted to a middle-thousand world. Great changes occur every hundred years. It is very extraordinary!"

"Brother, these are not our business. Our mission is to arrest illegal travelers. I heard from the Lord God that there are a lot of time travelers here, as many as dozens!"

"With so many time travellers, the world is still not in chaos?"

"Who knows, as long as the benefits come to you! The brother in black sneered:"

The Lord God is not a good thing. I heard that he has discovered this world a long time ago and has been trying to make plans, but failed many times. He also lost an SS-level reincarnation and an SS-level reincarnation team.". That’s why we came to our Traveler Office to file a complaint. It was clearly because we wanted to use a knife to kill people and weaken the power of spiritual energy to revive the world."

The younger brother of the man in black said:"Every time traveler has great luck, and it is probably not easy to make the Lord God suffer continuously. I feel that this time we will definitely gain a lot!"

At this time, a red dot appeared on their glasses:"A time traveler was found."

"Time is limited, let’s go!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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