A few days later, red dots appeared on their glasses again, which meant that the fourth time traveler was discovered.

"Another time traveler was discovered, but his strength did not reach S level!"

"It seems like he is accompanied by the system. He is truly a time traveler with a lot of luck!"

"If you are not strong enough, you can take action. The system belongs to us!"

The two men in black were dispatched again.

Han Xiaomeng, the owner of the cute baby system, was fighting monsters outside the city, but was suddenly stopped by two strange men in black.

The man in black's brother said:"You crossed illegally , come take a trip with us!"

"who are you?"Han Xiaomeng was shocked and asked nervously

"We are a time traveler agency, specializing in managing the affairs of time travellers. Since you crossed illegally, you have seriously disrupted the order of this world, so please come with us and we will send you back to your original world."

"Send it back? The little cute baby said nervously and excitedly:"Can I really...can go back?""

The man in black said tactfullyOne glance, showing a faint smile

"16 Of course, we, the Traveler Agency, are specifically responsible for handling these matters. In fact, there are many people who don't want to travel through time. They have great regrets in another world, and we are responsible for making up for these regrets. Don’t you want to meet your parents and friends from the original world? Don't you want to go back to the familiar world? The little cute baby took a deep breath:"

Okay, I'll go back with you!""

The two men in black showed a proud smile.

At this moment, the little cute baby suddenly threw a bunch of magic talismans, and the magic talismans exploded.

"Boom boom boom boom……"

The two men in black were caught off guard. They were disgraced and very angry.

"No, I was fooled!"

"He has escaped, let's chase him!"


The little cute baby said to himself as he ran:"Do you really think that I am a three-year-old child? I have good food and housing here, and I have no father or mother in the other world. Why should I go back with you? I'm afraid you don't either Not a good bird!"

In the end, the two men in black couldn't catch up with the little cute baby.

He was so angry that he was about to explode.

Soon, we discovered the fifth time traveler, and this fifth time traveler turned out to be journalist Li Shengnan.

When they saw that it was a delicate woman, they felt relieved and felt that it would be easy to deal with.

So, they made their purpose clear.

Li Shengnan's eyes shone:"You are time travelers? What a noble name!"

Then he immediately took out his notebook and asked quickly:"How many people are there in your time travel agency? How many strong people are there? Where is the headquarters? Not far away...how about Lee?"

Two men in black said:"……"

"You two seem like brothers. When did you start taking this job? Could you please tell me a little bit about your mental journey? I think many people would like to know!

Two men in black:"……"

"How did you discover the time traveler? Is it because of that pair of black glasses? It looks very advanced, has it been patented? Can you briefly introduce it?"

Two men in black:"……"

"By the way, do you encounter anything interesting when you travel to other worlds? Have you ever encountered any resistance? How do you provide them with psychological counseling?"

Two men in black:"……"

"Can these time-travelers still adapt to their original life when they return to their original world? Some people take their skills back with them, which may break the balance of the original world. How do you solve this problem?"

Two men in black:"……"

The black brother finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked with a black face:"When are you going to come with us?"

"Walk? Li Shengnan shook his head:"Why should I go with you?" This world is so wonderful, I can realize my ambitions here, even if you drive me away, I will not leave!"

The two men in black started to say,"I'm so sorry, I'm offended!"

But just as he was about to take action, Li Shengnan took out a magic talisman and teleported them away.

"Lin Beifan's magic talisman is so easy to use, even the venerable can't resist! Li Shengnan took the first-hand information and said in surprise:"If I report this news, the newspaper will definitely sell well!""

Next, Li Shengnan reported the matter as he said.

There is a traveler office among the worlds that specializes in dealing with matters related to travellers. They have sent people to our world to ask for help. Twist the time traveler back to the original world.

It seems to be an upright organization, but Li Shengnan felt through the reporter's intuition that this matter is not simple.

Because in this world, the strong have always been respected, and everyone is busy changing Strong, stronger people want to become stronger. No one will help you with good intentions. Whether you can return to the original world is still unknown. I remind everyone to be careful, especially the geniuses from all realms.

This matter It has had a wide impact on society, but many hidden time-travelers are in danger.

Even if there are time-travelers who really want to go back, they choose to wait and see with caution.

Therefore, as soon as the two men in black appeared, these time-travelers could not The two men in black were attacked indiscriminately and fled for their lives if they couldn't be beaten. They made the two men in black look disgraced and gained nothing. The younger brother of the man in black gritted his teeth:"It's all the fault of that time traveler reporter for exposing our affairs! Brother, why don’t we change our outfits? Others will immediately take action when they see us like this! The brother in black said loudly:"We are the executors and represent the face of the firm. How can we surrender to the time travellers?" The younger brother of the man in black said:"

Brother, let's start with a simple one!""

The brother of the man in black said helplessly:"There is nothing simpler. No matter how simple it is, you can only choose those below the mortal realm. These time-travelers generally have no luck!"

"It’s better than nothing, right?"

"That's true!"

At this moment, another red dot appeared on their glasses.

The two men in black were excited:"This time it is an ordinary person, so choose him!"

The two people quickly and sneakily approached the target, and then they saw a black and white cute animal, holding a pot of spiritual wine and drinking happily. It was already drunk.

Seeing them coming, they staggered He held up the sign in a daze: Do you have anything to eat?

The two men in black looked at each other._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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