On the other side, after getting the panda's advice, Shen Gongbao immediately went to find Nie Banxian.

At this time, Nie Banxian was sitting leisurely in the Banxian's residence. There was a cup of tea in front of him. Green smoke was rising. He looked at the clouds in the sky. He half-squinted his eyes and said comfortably:"With a few more geniuses, we can practice." I have become a revered person."

Although, his cultivation speed is much lower than that of the top geniuses.

However, he is very satisfied with the current progress.

Because it is a very safe and risk-free way of practice.

There is no need to go out to look for opportunities like other geniuses, go out to practice, no need to take risks, just stay at home and wait for the geniuses to come, and use their luck to practice and level up smoothly.

At this moment, his heavenly eyes saw a huge dark cloud coming towards his face, scattering all the luck around his yard. There was a feeling that the dark cloud was pressing down on the city and was about to destroy it.

Nie Banxian was shocked:"No! This is a sign of disaster!"

He immediately stood up and closed the door to prevent the disaster from entering.

At this moment, Shen Gongbao rushed into the yard excitedly and grabbed Nie Banxian's hand:"Master, I want to ask you for advice!"

Nie Banxian shuddered, feeling that bad luck was approaching his body's defense line.

It turns out that this is a big disaster!

You must not have too much contact with such a person who is so unlucky.

Nie Banxian said tremblingly:"My place has been closed. Come back another day!"

Shen Gongbao was very persistent and refused to close the door:"I won't change the date because I'm afraid that one day later, I will be unlucky one more day!"

Nie Banxian played a roundabout tactic:"If you come to me to tell your fortune, you must abide by my rules here. You have to go out and line up to draw lots. I will tell your fortune only if you win!"

Shen Gongbao shook his head:"I don't draw lots, because no matter how many times I draw lots, I won't know how. middle"

"I don't care!"Nie Banxian pushed Shen Gongbao out of the door stiffly.

He was afraid that if he stayed for a moment longer, the hard work of the past few years would be wasted. He threw away his hand in disgust, because it was already stained with bad luck, and it might require the luck of dozens of geniuses. can be dispersed

"Fellow Taoist, please stay!"Shen Gongbao stretched out his hand to stay.

Nie Banxian trembled, feeling that a powerful bad luck had already befallen him. He cried out sadly in his heart, it's over, it's over, but he still hasn't escaped!

Why is my life so miserable?

If it is not resolved, it will be difficult to practice in this life. Nie

Banxian turned around and walked back, exhaling

"Master, it’s like this. I’ve been plagued with bad luck since I was a child. I almost choked to death when I drank and ate. I even stepped on dog poop when I walked. I’m so unlucky. I want to know if there is any way to change my luck? Shen Gongbao said.

Nie Banxian shook his head:"There is no way to change this luck. You are a natural disaster star. Misfortunes will happen to you wherever you go. Misfortunes never come singly, and even people who have a lot of contact with you will be affected." The best way is to find a place with no one around for thousands of miles to die alone without disturbing others. Shen

Gongbao smiled bitterly:"I have tried it before. As soon as I leave the ground, a broom star will hit me in the sky!" Nie Banxian was shocked:"

I won't even let you go as a broom star!" Shen Gongbao's eyes filled with tears:"

Master, can I still be saved?""

"It’s hopeless, give up on this idea!"Ye Banxian saw that his Dongtian welfare was about to be wiped out by Shen Gongbao's bad luck, and he quickly drove away:"Go quickly, get out of here quickly, I don't want to see you again!"

"Master, you can’t just ignore death!"Shen Gongbao grabbed Nie Banxian's hand tightly, as if grasping a life-saving straw.

Nie Banxian struggled desperately:"Let me go quickly, I will die if I save you!

Shen Gongbao was very persistent:"I don't care, if you don't save me, we will die together!" Nie

Banxian cried out sadly:"Oh my God, are you sent by God to punish me?"

Shen Gongbao explained:"It's not God, it's the panda!" She told me you had a solution, so I found it! Nie

Banxian continued to cry sadly:"Panda, what kind of grudge do I have with you? You actually want to harm me like this?" I won't bother you anymore, okay?"

In the end, Nie Banxian and Shen Gongbao reached a reconciliation.

Nie Banxian sat at the door with disheveled hair, and Shen Gongbao offered a glass of water in a flattering manner:"Master, please drink tea!"

······Asking for flowers·········

"Take it away, this is intestinal poison, I will be destroyed if I drink it! Nie Banxian pushed away the water and gasped:"Your situation is destined by fate. There is no way to save it. The only way is to relieve it.""

"How to alleviate it?"Shen Gongbao humbly asked for advice.

"Get to know more people with great luck, and use their luck to offset your bad luck, so that your situation can be improved."After saying that, Nie Banxian walked back to the house tiredly.

Shen Gongbao bowed respectfully:"Thank you, Master, for your guidance. I will repay you for the grass ring in the future!"

Nie Banxian waved his hand:"No need, it's already retribution for you not to appear in front of me."


Shen Gongbao was very happy, and finally found a solution to the bad luck.

But who is the person with great luck?

He was about to ask Nie Banxian again, but the other party had already closed the door, and it was very tight.

Shen Gongbao said sarcastically He withdrew his hand.

At this time, he thought of the chubby panda who was full of luck:"Panda Taoist friend has a profound blessing, you should know if you ask her!"

Shen Gongbao found the panda who was drinking spiritual wine in Jiangnan College and raised his troubles.

The panda held up the sign: I don't know, but my master should know!

Then he took Shen Gongbao to find Lin Beifan

"It turned out to be my savior, Mr. Lin Daoyou, so disrespectful!"Shen Gongbao bowed his hands.

Lin Beifan had a smile on his face that would kill people and not pay for their lives:"I know all about who is a lucky person! I'll make a list for you, as well as the address, and I'll make sure you find the right one!"

"Thank you fellow Taoist for helping me!"Shen Gongbao paid his respects again.

Then, Lin Beifan listed all the geniuses he knew. There were hundreds of people in them, with 10% details.

He even dug out some potential geniuses.

Then he handed the list to Shen Gongbao:" Friends, I can only help you this far. I hope you can successfully change your luck!"

"Will definitely live up to expectations!"Shen Gongbao took the list with great care._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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