In the process of making friends, Shen Gongbao discovered that there was another person like this.

He was wearing a white priest's uniform and looked particularly elegant.

"This fellow Taoist, you are……"Shen Gongbao asked

"Hello, my name is Huang Yibai and I am a pastor. My biggest dream is to be a great pastor and save the world!"Super poisonous milk yellow Yibai said leisurely and fascinated, as if there was a holy light coming out from behind.

"Huang Yibai?"Shen Gongbao became even more enthusiastic because Huang Yibai was on the list.

"Hello fellow Taoist, I am Shen Gongbao! Not long after I came to this world, I heard about you, Pastor Huang. Everyone said that you are the greatest pastor of our time. You are there wherever there is need, regardless of remuneration, and you have a very noble personality! Now we finally get to meet each other, happy to meet you!"Shen Gongbao immediately made friends with

" saying this about me?"Huang Yibai didn't dare to be confident. It would have been good if we didn't chase him.

"Of course, in fact, everyone is grateful in their hearts, they just don’t say it."Shen Gongbao talked calmly, and his words made people feel particularly comfortable.

"Haha, where is 16!"Huang Yibai smiled silly and touched the back of his head.

Then, he solemnly handed over his communication talisman and said:"Senior Shen Gongbao, if you are missing arms or legs in the future, remember to contact me and I will come over immediately for treatment, absolutely free of charge!"

Shen Gongbao:"……"

Curse me for missing arms and legs as soon as you open your mouth. No wonder so many people want to kill you!

However, Shen Gongbao pretended to be very happy and took the summons:"I need it so much. I am easily unlucky and I stumble when I walk. I may have to trouble fellow Taoists often in the future."

"No trouble, not at all!"Super poisonous milk yellow Yibai waved his hands repeatedly.

In this way, the two became friends with each other.

As a result, not long after Shen Gongbao left, a group of people came over with fierce momentum.

"This bastard Huang Yibai is here!"

"Last time, all my teeth were broken, I must take revenge!"

"You just broke your teeth, and my face was distorted by him!"

"The monk can run away, but he can't run away from the temple. Beat me!"


As a result, Huang Yibai was severely beaten.

In addition to the unlucky people who were befriended by Shen Gongbao, there was another person who was particularly unlucky, and that was Shen Dong, who had no copying ability.

Ever since he copied Shen Gongbao's physique, he has been experiencing bad luck every day.

I was hit by someone while walking on the street, poison could be brewed from the water I drank, and the glass was smashed while I was sleeping.

When I touched others, I was treated as a pervert and attacked.

When copying other people's abilities, I always click the wrong button and copy a bunch of useless things, which makes my head explode.

Especially when going out, it is always accompanied by natural and man-made disasters, which is thrilling.

No matter how careful I was, I still got it right.

So, he risked his life and came here today.

Sitting in a place far away from the crowd and away from all knives and forks, he poked his head out from time to time and called out enthusiastically:"Lin Beifan, come quickly, I want you to help me format the copy space!"

As a result, a sword flew away inexplicably. Come here, between his legs.

Shen Dong was so sweaty that he was just a little bit close.

A cultivator ran over, bowed and said apologetically:"I'm sorry, the sword flew to you. Are you not injured? You usually hold it firmly, but I don't know why it flew out!"

Shen Dong felt very sad. Tired, he waved his hand feebly:"Take the sword away and don't bother me!"

"Yes, thank you!"The cultivator felt like he had received a great favor.

Then he pulled out the flying sword with all his strength.

As a result, it was just a little bit off.

""Pfft" a blood flower burst out, a large amount.

Shen Dong's face turned pale.

The cultivator panicked:"I'm sorry, I made a mistake just now, pull it out now!""

Because I was too nervous, I leaned a little further.


Another stream of blood came out, the amount was bigger.

Shen Dong's face turned pale again, and he wanted to die.

The practitioner's back was sweating, and his palms were also sweating:"Brother, I will be careful this time, I promise!

Shen Dong gritted his teeth:"No need, get out of here!""

Then he pulled out the sword. He breathed a sigh of relief and almost broke it.

I wonder if this thing can be copied?

At this moment, the super poisonous milk yellow Yibai who was beaten up saw someone bleeding. He rushed over excitedly, and when Shen Dong was dumbfounded, he slapped dozens of times until he turned into a pig's head.

"I've healed your injury, you're welcome! Huang Yibai smiled calmly, and then slipped away.

Shen Dong wailed,"When will this damn bad luck end?""


Everyone is here, Lin Weiwei and Lin Beifan appear in front of everyone's eyes

"Welcome Your Majesty!"Let's all raise a toast together

"Thank you and I wish you all success in your cultivation! At the same time, I wish you all a happy evening. I'll drink it, you can do whatever you want!"Lin Weiwei picked up the wine glass and took a sip with a smile, acting generously and appropriately.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"Everyone drank it all.

Dean Jiang Changqing walked out with a smile:"Everyone, please listen to me. I have something to announce to you here. Over the years, my disciple Lin Weiwei has been qualified for the position of dean in terms of talent, ability and strength, which makes me very happy. So I plan to officially pass on the position of dean of 000 Jiangnan College to Lin Weiwei starting today! I hope that from now on, everyone will continue to support Lin Weiwei and Jiangnan College!"

"good!"Everyone applauded.

Lin Weiwei became the dean of Jiangnan College, and everyone expected him to do so.

Lin Daowen, the dean of Fu Normal College, also came out:"Everyone, let me say a few words. Over the years, although I have been in charge of Jiangnan Fu Master Academy, my performance has not been competent enough, and I often feel guilty for this. Fortunately, my grandson Lin Beifan helped me. Under his management, Jiangnan Talisman Master's Academy has become a holy place for Talisman Masters, which makes me feel very proud. Therefore, I have decided to hand over the position of Dean of Fu Master Academy to Lin Beifan on this happy day! I believe that under his leadership, Jiangnan Fu Master Academy will become better and better and more glorious!"

"good!"Everyone applauded.

Lin Beifan's achievements are obvious to all, and no one can find fault.

Ye Fan raised his glass and greeted:"Let us raise our glasses again to the two new deans!"

"Congratulations to the two deans!"Everyone toasted again


Looking at this lively scene, Jiang Changqing nodded and smiled, and Lao Huai said comfortingly:"From now on, the world is dominated by young people!"

"yes!"Lin Daowen nodded and smiled. His two grandchildren have become famous. Is there anything more beautiful than this?

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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