Chen Beixuan and Tang Shan also joined the battlefield against Duolong.

The other weaker sages and geniuses faced off against the game master whose strength had already risen to one level.

Mu Li's small stature carried a big ax and chased a game master to chop.

The blind boy cast a wind-whispering spell and made a game master spin around.

Blood Rose released a strange phenomenon, waving the sunset wheel to deal with a veteran game master.

Bai Qingqing is invincible with both swords and cuts the game master like a vegetable.

Baihua Fairy has achieved great success in cultivation. A lotus flower has magical powers that reach all over the world and kill the game master.

Wu Pingting actually used a huge Gundam to defeat a level 3 game master.

Angel Aryan is carrying a lightsaber and excitedly chasing a game master


If you can't defeat one person, just a few of them can defeat each other if they join forces.

For example, the strength of several Fengshen Venerables in Fengshen City is much weaker than that of the Venerables of the same period, but they have practiced a combined attack formation of 16, which is interlocking and cooperates with each other, and can deal with a person who reaches two A top level game master.

Several mythological figures also joined forces. One is calling for wind and rain, one is spreading beans and forming soldiers, one is breaking the sky with a spear, and the other is cracking the ground with a knife... There is also Shen Gongbao walking among the great gods, saying"Fellow Taoist, please stay" to send blessings.

Jin Shining, the owner of the pretense system, Yin Cancan, the owner of the system that makes you stronger when you hit a monster, and Tong Guangguang, the owner of the crazy death system, jointly deal with a second-level peak game master.

The Righteous Shura holds the Shura Sword and executes justice against a great god with the super detective He Xiuwen who is both an enemy and a friend.


Other practitioners specialize in dealing with the tens of billions of gamers.

Although there are few cultivators in the local world, every one of them is fierce

"Although I hold a pen, I can also give up my pen and join the army!"Chu Yunfei, the owner of the literary system, took a special brush weapon and rushed into the tens of billions of troops without changing his expression. He splashed ink and killed people with ink.

Li Ziqing, the singer, climbed up to the high building and sang a war song to boost morale..

Ye Qingcheng, the owner of the pseudo-mother system, transformed into Ye Qingguo, and a sharp sword emerged from the sky, a special man.

Yang Wanli, who had an electric eel clone, flew into the sky with thunder and lightning, summoning thousands of thunder and lightning, like a thunder god.

The jar merchant held a hammer-like The artifact climbed onto the tower:"I usually open cans, but today I will open ladles for you!"

Then he hammered down and shattered the sky.

Jiang Hao, the farming father, put down his hoe, picked up the machete, and screamed at a professional player:"I will protect your child's happiness! Intruders deserve to die!"

Then he slashed the opponent to death with a knife, which was very brutal.

Behind him were two lovely daughters:"Dad, come on!"

Captain Liu Jian put on his helmet with a serious look on his face:"Attention, members, the time has come to protect our homes and our country! The Guardian is activated!"

A warship quickly flew out from Jiangnan City

"Boom boom boom boom……"

There was constant artillery fire all the way, and they cut a bloody path.

"Airdrop Battle Gundam!"

50 dazzling battle Gundams flew out from the battleships.

Battleships also flew out from other cities, and a large number of Gundams flew over the city walls, killing the coalition of game players.

Peng Xiaoshuai stood up from the ground in the place of life, leading his elves The tribes fight wildly in all directions


Lin Beifan looked at the overall situation and made no move.

First, because this is a rare training opportunity.

The second is because he knows that their opponent is never the manager Doron, nor the army of players from other worlds, but the god of games with unfathomable strength, a real god.

If you don't cut off the game"Ten Thousand Clans" and don't expel the God of Games from the world, then it won't matter how many players you kill, because he can still resurrect these players and continue the invasion.

He has a way, but he still can't do it.

Unless you become a supreme being, and a supreme being of level 8 or above.

Or maybe together with a few seventh-level heavenly beings.

At this time, Lin Beifan felt a demon peeping at him.

The spiritual thought immediately uploaded it:"Whale Emperor, as the emperor of the demon clan, why do you have to be so sneaky?" The spiritual thought over there quickly responded:"Are you... a night demon?"

"That's right, it's the night devil who slapped you several times!"

Whale King:"……"

Why do you say this so disgustingly!

Lin Beifan's spiritual thoughts came to him again:"Whale King, now the evil god is peeping at our world and leading players from outside the realm to invade. If he succeeds, life will be ruined! As a member of this world, can you bear to stand by and watch?"

Whale King:"Hmph! This It's your human race's business! When the game came, only you human race benefited! Every cause must have its effect, so you should bear the consequences and have nothing to do with our demon race!"

Lin Beifan:"Aren't you afraid that our human race can't stand it? They raised their butcher's knives to attack you?"

The Whale King said:"When the time comes, I will accompany you to the end without any trouble!"

The Whale King's spiritual thoughts disappeared.

Deep in the sea, the huge whale king opened his eyes, with a rare look of joy on his face.

Let's fight, let's fight, it's best to fight until both sides are injured.

The divine thought once again sent out:"Pass my order, this battle is between humans and humans from other worlds, no monsters are allowed to interfere! Demon kings take care of their subordinates and wait and see what happens!"

This battle lasted for 7 days and 7 days. At night, both sides could no longer hold on and stopped fighting temporarily.

However, the top leaders of the human race did not take the opportunity to rest, but gathered together again to discuss countermeasures.

"If the opponent cannot be killed, he can be resurrected after killing 000, but at most he will only lose his level. The other side has hundreds of billions of players, while we only have a population of over 3 billion, of which only a small part are practitioners. It will be difficult to win this battle!"A venerable man sighed. He had killed tens of millions of players, but they were revived in the blink of an eye, as if they were copper lights. He felt very disgusted.

"Those are just ordinary players, and those game masters will not lose their level even if they are killed. It’s so hard to have a game god behind them."Another venerable man sighed.

"Moreover, relying on the"Ten Thousand Clans" game covering the whole world, they can come and go freely, which is very difficult to defeat!"

"What’s even more frightening is that even if we defeat the player coalition, we don’t know what tricks the God of Games will come up with. I'm even worried that the god of games will come across the border……"


Everyone said something to me and acted very pessimistic.

At this time, a venerable man complained loudly:"Why are the foreign enemies invading and the Hermits appearing, but the Time and Space Tower Master and the Night Demon don't take action? Is it because they are afraid of the God of Games?"

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Jiang Changqing's face was serious:"Fellow Taoist, be careful! The contribution that Night Demon and Time and Space Master have made to mankind is obvious to all. They must have deeper thoughts. We should believe them instead of doubting them!"

"It’s me, Meng Lang."The venerable man looked ashamed, stood up and bowed to heaven._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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