In the time and space building, looking at the 15 billion players who were frozen, Lin Beifan's eyes were filled with light.

Especially the equipment they carry, these are all money!

Although Lin Beifan is not short of money, why wouldn't he be happy if he could earn more?

Lin Beifan immediately took off all their equipment and sold it in the Mortal Pavilion in the name of the Master of Time and Space.

Of course, this should be celebrated by everyone, after all, everyone contributed.

Therefore, Lin Beifan made an announcement. Everyone participating in the war can receive two pieces of equipment not exceeding his level for free in the Mortal Pavilion. The remaining equipment will be 50% off, and the entire site will be 50% off!

Lin Beifan didn't feel bad at all. It was a business without capital anyway.

When this announcement was made, all the participants were excited

"Fighting a war has such great benefits!"

"This is the first time that Mortal Pavilion has become so generous!"

"One person can receive two pieces of equipment for free and become rich overnight!"

"I had my eye on two pieces of equipment in the Mortal Pavilion, but unfortunately I never had the money to buy them. Now I don’t have to worry!"

"This is war money, so cool!"

"Go to Mortal Pavilion tomorrow!"


On the second day, there was a long queue in the Mortal Pavilion, and everyone came to choose equipment and weapons.

000. Each one waited anxiously in line, and then walked out dressed in luxurious equipment and full of excitement. This feeling of picking up money is so great, and I am very much looking forward to another round of players in the game world.

Because there were so many people queuing up to get equipment, half of the people in the space-time buildingSpirits were mobilized to help.

The venerable geniuses are even more crazy because there are too many monks and too few people. The equipment suitable for them is at least epic level. However, only a few game masters have been captured. How can they get enough points?

Therefore, in order to get good equipment, many people blocked Lin Beifan's door early.

"Brother Lin, you see that our relationship is so good, do you give us preferential treatment and let us choose equipment first?"Xiao Han put his arm around Lin Beifan's shoulders and winked.

"Yes, I worked very hard in this battle. Look, there's a big hole in my cauldron. You must make it up to me!"Ye Fan has become Ye Hei, and lies come out of his mouth."

"I don’t want anything else, but that glove called Style Master is pretty good, I want it!"Force king Chen Beixuan is very knowledgeable. (bgeg)

"Brother Lin, I'm not greedy, just give me two epic-level equipment."Han Paopao said with a simple face.

"Brother Lin, I want the great black gun from Novartis to make a few hidden weapons!"Tangshan is doing its part.

"Seeing that everyone is coming, I would be embarrassed if I didn't come, so just give me an equipment, but it must be worthy of my status!"The blind man said with a smile while leaning on a cane.


These are all Lin Beifan's good friends. The first to get closer to the water is better, and the others are not slow at all.

The First Emperor led the soldiers over. Seeing the crowd, Bei Fan became anxious. He came to Lin Beifan in three steps and two steps at a time:"Lin Beifan, I have also contributed, at least give me two pieces of equipment! No, it's 6 This is an epic piece of equipment, and our two generals also put in a lot of effort!" Emperor

Gaozu of the Han Dynasty followed closely with a group of people:"Lin Beifan, I'm here to choose the equipment! I don't care about others, you must leave 6 pieces for me. Epic equipment."

Seeing his old enemy, the First Emperor was a little proud:"You want to get the equipment? I'm sorry you're late, so you can only queue up behind me. You can pick after I finish!"

"Why?"Han Gaozu jumped up anxiously.


In a short while, the Overlord Xiang Yu, the Martial Saint Guan Yu, the scheming Zhuge Liang and other venerable geniuses came, begging for equipment, and surrounded Lin Beifan's house so tightly that they almost started a fight.

Lin Beifan said helplessly:"Everyone, I understand what you are thinking, but if you want me, I have to have the goods! Look, there are only so many game masters, but only a few epic-level equipment? It's not enough!"

In the face of huge interests, everyone is unwilling to give up.

"I don’t care, you said one person can be divided into two, you can’t just talk without counting!"

"Yes, look at how shabby the weapons we have are, but we are getting fat just because of you!"

"At worst, use the Tianling Talisman instead!"

"I don’t want any equipment, just give me two heavenly talismans!"


Lin Beifan comforted everyone:"Everyone has done their best and deserves to be rewarded. This is true. You can't deny rewards just because there are few weapons. Wouldn't it chill everyone's heart?" Everyone nodded, deeply agreeing.

"The Venerable is also a human being, and the Venerable should also be respected. It is completely false to talk about selfless dedication. It is not easy for anyone to support their family! Lin Beifan clapped his hands and said:"So I thought of a good way. It can not only solve the distribution problem, but also allow everyone to have two pieces of equipment!""

"What is the solution?"

"Say it!"


Lin Beifan waved his hand, and there were a lot of dazzling platinum and diamond equipment in the room.

"This is what I have carefully selected from billions of equipment. Don’t underestimate these equipment. There are many materials in them that are used to create epic or even legendary equipment. The reason why they have not reached the epic level is just because the forging ability is too poor. If we melt them, extract the precious materials inside, and then invite a blacksmith master to re-forge them, then everyone will have epic level equipment. ? And it’s also customized, so it’s definitely the weapon that’s most suitable for you!"

Everyone's eyes are big and bright

"That's a good idea!"

"But who has such forging ability?"


Lin Beifan secretly looked at Tangshan and saw him shaking his head slightly.

So, Lin Beifan pulled out a young man hidden among the venerables, and said:"Of course it's Zhou Ran Zhou Tianjiao next to me! I once asked him to build two weapons. At that time, his strength was extraordinary. He can already forge mysterious weapons that are equivalent to epic-level equipment. Now that he has become a heavenly being, his forging skills must be even better, so we can leave it to him!"

After saying that, he patted Zhou Ran's shoulder encouragingly, Be sure.

Zhou Ran was confused.

I came here to beg for equipment, how did I win the bid? _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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