His golden bell is made of extremely precious holy weapon materials and is indestructible. It is his favorite and most relied-upon weapon. Unless the Supreme takes action, it will be difficult to break.

But now, it was actually broken by a master of the same level!

It completely subverted his outlook on life!

In just a moment, the big spiritual hand suppressed it again, like the big handprint of a god.

There is no way to avoid it, there is no way to hide, it blocks the sky and the sun!

He felt a deep crisis!

Zuo Qingteng gritted his teeth and took out a talisman:"I don't believe you can break this talisman!"

This is a life-saving talisman, which is equivalent to a supreme blow. It was given to him by a supreme being he was friends with. Use it to save your life in critical moments.

Who can block the supreme blow?

He didn't believe that the Master of Time and Space could stop him. Even if he could, he would probably be seriously injured. In this way, he could easily escape and go back to bring in reinforcements and come back to deal with him.

The talisman shattered into pieces and turned into a human-shaped shadow standing tall against the sky.

The Supreme Qi spread, and all flowers, plants, trees, monsters, beasts and humans within thousands of miles were bent down.

Even the sky and the earth trembled

"What's that smell? So scary and strong!"

"It's stronger than the aura of the Time and Space Lord and the Demon Emperor! 10 times stronger!"

"Is the sky going to fall?"


An old venerable shouted:"This is the Supreme!"

Duolong, the manager hidden behind the game, stared at it with solemn eyes.

The three-headed demon king hidden in the deep sea opened his eyes.

There are also humans from other cities who feel the aura of the Supreme, and monsters hidden in the mountains and wilderness. They are all looking at the sky, looking at the majestic figure, and paying attention to this shocking battle.

The humanoid figure stretched out a finger:"Death!"

Silently, the big hand of spiritual energy was destroyed.

Not only that, that finger seemed to penetrate the void, locking onto Lin Beifan in the Space-Time Building across thousands of miles.

Lin Beifan's eyes were solemn, and hundreds of laws on his body were shaking.

The law of time!

Space laws!

The law of thunder and lightning!

The law of light!

The law of darkness!

The law of fire!


Put it all on yourself!

The body became infinitely taller and turned into a shadow of the true body of the law, which was actually on par with the supreme shadow.

A powerful supreme energy vibrated!

Someone said happily:"The Master of Time and Space has become the Supreme!"

Lin Weiwei said:"Not yet! If he becomes the Supreme, the world will respond! What secret method should the Master of Time and Space have used to forcibly improve his strength!"

On the battlefield, Lin Beifan also said Pointed a finger.

Two fingers collide!

Time seems to be frozen in this moment!

There is no earth-shattering!

There will be no overturning of heaven and earth!

No time and space broken!

It disappeared so quietly, as if nothing happened.

It seemed like everything just now was an illusion.

However, that supreme phantom has exhausted its power and disappeared, while Lin Beifan's true body of law is still there.

There is no doubt that the Master of Time and Space has won this battle.

Zuo Qingteng was so frightened that his soul came out, and he immediately opened the time and space channel to escape.

With a slight flick of the real body of the law, Zuo Qingteng has been controlled by the chain of law and appears in front of the real body.

"Lord of time and space, spare my life! I was wrong!"Zuo Qingteng howled.

How proud he was just now, now he is so humble!

Lin Beifan ignored him and took it away.

The true form of the law disappeared, but all living beings were still sitting on their knees, thinking about the battle just now without saying a word. His heart was still shaking.

This battle is destined to be remembered by everyone!

In the game world.

Manager Duolong murmured:"It turns out that the Master of Time and Space is so powerful.……"

A cold sweat broke out behind him. If he hadn't been the god of games back then, he would have finished playing now.

"With such a strong man around, will this invasion be successful?"Doron asked himself, but there was no answer.

He only knew that he had to do it, even if it was impossible to do, even if it cost his life, because it was God's order.

Others only knew him as the superior manager Doron , admire him, admire him, worship him, chant sutras and pray to the sun and the moon.

But in front of the God of Games, he is not even as good as a dog!

This is the sorrow of the weak!

Deep in the sea, the whale emperor was speechless for a long time.

The shocking battle just now gave him a He was deeply shocked in his heart. He was especially shocked by the strength of the Master of Time and Space.

Although he could defeat the Supreme Strike with the power of the infinite sea, it was far from as easy as the Master of Time and Space. He had to pay at least the price of injury.

Now two people Everyone has reached the peak of the sixth level of heaven and human beings, and breakthroughs can only happen in the blink of an eye. Whoever breaks through first will take the initiative and become the Supreme of Heaven and Earth.

He has a strong sense of urgency in his heart, he must break through to Supreme as soon as possible and become the Demon Emperor

"Summon the Turtle King and Octopus King to come see me!"

The Whale King's message

"No thanks, we're already here!"

"Is it for the supreme battle just now?"

Two huge demon kings swam over quickly.

"good! The human race’s time and space master is too evil and has already squeezed the living space of my demon race! So I decided to break through the Demon Emperor today, hoping that the two emperors would be successful!"The Whale King said in a deep voice.

"How to fulfill it?"The two emperors asked urgently

"Offer your flesh and blood essence!"The whale emperor opened his mouth and swallowed the two emperors.


Not long after the battle, Lin Beifan transformed into a night devil and went to the Wanjie Taobao merchant to collect Fu Bao.

"Welcome Lord Night Demon!"Zhi Fubao smiled all over his face.

Lin Beifan nodded:"Yes, after doing business for a long time, you will start to smile hypocritically!"

Zhi Fubao:"……"

"This is not hypocrisy, this is a genuine smile! Zhi Fubao opened his mouth and said very attentively:"Sir, are you here to buy something this time?" In fact, you just need to tell me and I can do it for you!"

"No, this time I’m not here to buy things, but to sell them!"

"sell things?"Zhi Fubao was a little confused. You are such an awesome boss and still need money?

What do you need if you open your mouth and someone else won't send it to you immediately?

Zhi Fubao was curious:"Sir, what do you want to sell?"

"Selling people!"

"Ahem……"Zhi Fubao choked:"Sir, you really know how to joke!"

"Who are you kidding? I'm serious! Lin

Beifan said loudly:"Aren't there tens of billions of players from other worlds in the Time and Space Tower? My friend, the owner of the Time and Space Tower, thought they were taking up space, so he simply sold them to all the worlds to see how the God of Games would recall them." ?"

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