After solving the player's problem, Lin Beifan went to Qingren's house for dinner in a happy mood.

But I was surprised to see the panda and Shen Gongbao sitting together to eat. A lucky bear and an unlucky guy, sitting together in harmony.

Although he ate delicious food, Shen Gongbao was tasteless and looked at the panda with a sad face. However, he looked at the panda with a hint of relief:"Panda, you are still kind to me as always. Now those friends don't want to see me anymore!

" Qipai: What happened?

Shen Gongbao sighed again:"They all know that I am unlucky, so they stay away from me when they see me. Now, no matter where I go, everyone avoids me, as if I am hiding from the god of plague."

Panda Holding up a sign: So miserable?

"There is something worse than this!"Shen Gongbao's face was full of sorrow, and he said helplessly:"My senior brothers and others found out about my situation, and they didn't allow me to return to the City of Conferred Gods! They even sent people to guard the teleportation array, staring at me closely. I have a home now and can't go back. Do you think this is miserable?"

The panda held up the sign: What a tragedy!

"I didn’t expect that I would still be so miserable after resurrecting my life. Am I destined to be a lone star in the sky?"Shen Gongbao looked up to the sky and sighed.

The panda felt that he was really pitiful, so he held up a sign: Don't worry, I'm here, I don't dislike you!

In addition, he patted Shen Gongbao on the shoulder with a bear paw stained with juice.

Shen Gongbao was moved:" Panda, you are the best to me. I am determined to be your friend! I will definitely visit you often when I have time in the future. I hope you don’t dislike me for being so nagging!"

The panda raised the sign: I don't mind, as long as you remember to bring food!

Shen Gongbao:"……"

On the other hand, seeing how pitiful Shen Gongbao was, Lin Beifan felt compassion and walked over slowly. They also saw it.

Shen Gongbao stood up and bowed respectfully:"Benefactor!"

The panda held up the sign: Master, you are here!

"In fact, Shen Gongbao, your situation is not incurable! Lin Beifan said

"any idea? Shen Gongbao was excited and saluted again:"I'm so grateful to you for bothering me to inform you!""

"There is a very magical pawnshop in Yuhua City called No. 8 Pawnshop. As long as you find him, any need can be met. You can go over there and give it a try! Shen Gongbao's eyes lit up:"

Can you really satisfy all needs?""

"This is what the shopkeeper said, you can ask for details. Lin Beifan nodded:"However, if you gain something, you must lose something. You have to pay a corresponding price before he will help you get what you want.""

"this is necessary!"Shen Gongbao felt hot inside, and he saw hope.

Lin Beifan once again kindly reminded:"The pawn shop owner is very talkative and warm-hearted. You can give him the things you don't need, and he will usually give you an appraised value."

"Thank you for your kindness!"Shen Gongbao clasped his hands in his fists, and then couldn't help but fly away.

Looking at Shen Gongbao's leaving figure, Lin Beifan nodded happily.

Shen Gongbao, I can only help you this far, I hope everything goes well for you.

Then he lowered his head and saw the panda holding up a sign. Zi: Master, I feel you did something bad...

Lin Beifan:"……"

At this time, shopkeeper Mo Han, who was staying at the pawnshop No. 8, suddenly sneezed.

"It’s strange, why do you sneeze when you are fine?"

After having lunch with Bai Qingqing, Wu Pingting suddenly flew over excitedly and pulled Lin Beifan out.

Lin Beifan became shy:"Why are you pulling and pulling, so many people are watching! I have a wife, and I have several wives. If word spreads, it will have a bad impact!"

"You have a fart image! Wu Pingting was too lazy to pay attention to him:"Come with me quickly. Your super battleship is almost ready. As long as you draw the runes on it, it's basically done!""

"it is done? Let's go quickly!"Lin Beifan pulled her back and ran.

The two came to Wu Pingting's home.

Her home was actually a private laboratory. It looked similar to other houses, but after walking in, the space was very large, and a ship was full of streamlines. The magnificent battleship is parked there.

"it's beautiful!"Lin Beifan praised

"Of course, I designed it!"Wu Pingting is arrogant

"Good thing you do it now, it will be too late in a few months. Lin Beifan said

"It’s only been a few months, how could it be too late?"Wu Pingting doesn't understand.

Why not?

Lin Beifan's eyes are full of resentment.

He is now at the peak of the Great Master, and he will be the Supreme Master in a few months. What else does he need this battleship for?

I'm afraid it's not even enough for him to reach out and pinch it.

"Now everything is ready, all we need is the east wind! Wu Pingting took out a bunch of documents and handed them to Lin Beifan and said,"Just draw the runes according to the above, and then the battleship can be launched." Lin

Beifan flipped through the pages quickly:"This is simple, just give me half a day!""

Lin Beifan picked up the talisman pen and started drawing efficiently and quickly. He also made some modifications based on his professional knowledge to make it more in line with his requirements.

Wu Pingting had no objection. He knew that Lin Beifan was a professional in this aspect. I just waited for the effect to be tested before it came out.

It took about half a day to draw all the runes.

Battleships with runes and without runes are two different things. Before, it just looked like a big machine.

Now it looks like more than just an art It's more like a holy weapon.

Wu Pingting was very excited and picked up the helmet:"Now it's time to test. Only if it passes the test will it be considered a qualified warship.""

"The test is too dangerous, let me do this! Lin Beifan said righteously.

Wu Pingting curled her lips and threw her helmet to him.

The two boarded the battleship and Lin Beifan put on the helmet.

"nervous system link……"

"body recharging……"

"Run the test……"


Finally,"everything is fine""

"Flash!"Lin Beifan issued the first command. The runes on the battleship lit up, swayed slightly, then disappeared into the laboratory, appeared above Jiangnan City, and quickly rushed out of the city.

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