At this moment, he remembered Lin Beifan's words:"The pawn shop owner is very talkative and warm-hearted. You can give him the things you don't need, and he will usually give you a valuation."

Shen Gongbao had an idea. Isn’t luck just something I don’t need?

Can I pawn it?

Shen Gongbao was so excited that he immediately asked:"Shopkeeper, can you pawn anything here?"

Mo Han raised his head proudly and said in a very pretentious manner:"Of course! Our No. 8 pawn shop can pawn anything, as long as If you dare to pawn, I dare to accept it. This is also the rule of No. 8 Pawnshop!"

Shen Gongbao felt happy and asked anxiously:"Shopkeeper, do you think I can pawn off my bad luck?"

"What did you say, say it again?"Shopkeeper Mo Han was stunned.

Shen Gongbao reiterated:"Shopkeeper, do you think I can pawn off my bad luck? Mo

Han was still confused and stammered:"I think you can be a good person, but your lack of bad luck is negative energy and is not of high value."……"

Shen Gongbao laughed with his hands raised:"Haha, as long as you can do it! It doesn't matter if it's valuable or not!"

He couldn't wait to get rid of his bad luck now, no matter if it was valuable or not!

Mo Han was anxious. He didn't want to accept this bad luck, so he quickly said:"Your bad luck is closely related to your body. Even if you take it this time, you will do it again in the future!"

Shen Gongbao was already very satisfied:"You can take it as much as you can. How much does it cost? The most important thing is to come more often!"

Shopkeeper Mo Han said:"……"

Shen Gongbao had already stretched out his hand, with a look of anticipation on his face:"Shopkeeper, I'm sorry to bother you!"

Shopkeeper Mo Han said:"……"

Finally, Shen Gongbao got rid of this bad luck and left with satisfaction.

But the shopkeeper Mo Han received 1/10 of the bad luck reward.

Special heartache


Three months passed in a hurry.

These three months were a very glorious three months, because the great sages of the human race had sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

The first is the Heavenly Emperor Ye Fan. This guy is the protagonist wherever he goes. He has all kinds of opportunities. Now he has accumulated a lot of experience and become a great sage after Lin Weiwei.

Next is Sun Wukong. He is a real training madman. He never forgets to practice every moment. Coupled with his Saiyan physique, he becomes stronger and stronger with practice, and finally becomes a great master.

Sun Wukong broke through and put a lot of pressure on Nezha.

Originally, they were still friends, with equal strength, but Sun Wukong broke through in advance. Nezha changed his usual lazy character and worked hard to catch up, and finally became a great master.

After that, Chen Beixuan, the forced king, also became a great venerable.

This guy seemed to be very stable, taking every step without any haste, but at a very fast speed. He quietly pretended to be a big dick in front of everyone in the world. He was so envious of Jin Shining Shan who had a system of showing off.

As a result, mankind already has nine great sages: the Master of Time and Space, Night Demon, the Secret Alien Thief, the Hermit, Lin Weiwei, Ye Fan, Sun Wukong, Nezha, and Chen Beixuan, and mankind has ushered in a top lineup.

In addition, other geniuses, such as local Xue Qiangwei, Bai Qingqing, Jin Buhuan, etc., and Tangshan, Xiao Han, Han Li, Xiazi, etc. from all realms, have basically cultivated to the peak of the third level of heaven and human beings, and are only one step away from the Great Master. separated.

There are many talented people who have entered the ranks of venerables.

"Teacher, I have become a great venerable person. Do you want to treat me to dinner and reward me?"Nezha raised his head with a look of expectation.

"No rewards, just have fun while you're at it! Lin Beifan threw away his hand.

Nezha was anxious:"How can there be no reward?" You see, I have lost a lot of weight in order to become a great master! I don’t expect to be as luxurious as my mistress. You should at least treat me to a meal, right? Lin

Beifan chuckled to himself. What a child!

Lin Beifan gave him a slap on the head and said,"Don't think so much. Becoming a great venerable is not a big deal." You see, Sun Wukong, after becoming a great master, is still busy practicing. If you work as hard as he does, I'll be relieved."

Nezha was very depressed and looked pitiful.

"Okay, okay, the teacher makes you a promise! As long as you break through to the fifth level before Sun Wukong, then the teacher will give you a grand celebration banquet and let everyone in the world know about it, how about it?"

"Really, you didn't lie to me?"Nezha raised his head

"When has a teacher ever lied to you?"Lin Beifan opened his eyes and told lies.

Nezha was secretly happy, kicking stones with his two feet, and said arrogantly:"Actually, it doesn't matter whether there is a celebration party or something, I'm not really looking forward to it.……"

Nezha said unconscionable words and then ran away:"I'm going to practice first. I'll talk to you another day!"

Lin Beifan smiled slightly.

Not long after, Sun Wukong ran over:"Teacher, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, Wukong, I am looking for you as my master!"When he said this, Lin Beifan always felt strange. He unconsciously touched his head to see if his hair had fallen out.

"Teacher, what do you want from me?"Sun Wukong said innocently.

Looking at Sun Wukong who had grown up gradually, Lin Beifan was very pleased and said:"Wukong, you have grown up!"

"Yeah? Ha ha!"Sun Wukong rubbed the back of his head and giggled.

"Nezha came to see the teacher just now and wanted some rewards. The teacher promised that as long as he breaks through level 5 before you, the teacher will give him a big banquet and everyone in the world will know about it. But the teacher thought about it carefully and felt that he could not favor one thing over another, so he decided to give you a reward as well. As long as you break through to level five before Nezha, the teacher will teach you a trick!"

"real? Sun Wukong was excited.

Then he asked doubtfully:"Teacher, didn't you say you only know runes?""

"Ahem... One method can lead to all methods, and all martial arts in the world lead to the same goal!"Lin Beifan said enigmatically.

"So that's it……"Sun Wukong nodded, not knowing why.

He didn't think too much, he only knew that he would have a trick to learn if he broke through the fifth level before Nezha, which gave him full motivation.

Lin Beifan whispered:"Don't tell Nezha this matter."

"Why?"Sun Wukong was confused.

"Because Nezha was usually too lazy, the teacher wanted to give him some motivation, but was afraid that he would misunderstand the teacher's intentions, so he could only hide the matter. This was a white lie. Wukong, you should be able to understand my good intentions, right?"

"I understand, the teacher wants to encourage Nezha. Wukong suddenly understood and promised with his chest behind his back:"Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely help you hide it!""

"good!"Lin Beifan casually touched his head and killed him.

After chatting, Sun Wukong ran to practice again.

"How can you do it when you become a great master and don’t invite guests?"Lin Beifan walked towards Ye Fan's residence with a smile.

At this moment, a huge whale rose from the sea in the distance and rose up against the current, breaking through the shackles of heaven and earth.

"Today, I, the Whale Emperor, have attained enlightenment and become an emperor, and heaven and earth will learn from it!"

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