"It's not as simple as you think. There are conditions for reading."The system elf said:"Our system will first include the book for calculation, and then the host must spend money to read it in the system. Different fees will be charged according to the level of each book. Only after you have finished reading a book can you participate in the lottery"

"There is actually a charge? Lin Beifan's eyebrows twitched. He suspected that the person behind the scenes wanted to spit out the money he had swallowed.

"So how much do I charge for the copy of"The Legend of Night Demon" in my hand? The system elf glanced over and said:"The protagonist in this book is a night demon, and his strength has reached the supreme level, so each word is calculated as 10,000 spirit coins." This book has approximately 450,000 words, and it will take 4.5 billion to read.

Lin Beifan was shocked:"It's too expensive to read a book!""

"The host should think this way. After reading this book, you can extract the good things in it, such as supreme skills, invincible treasures, powerful weapons, magical bloodline... These are all things that money cannot buy. 4.5 billion is good value for money. Lin

Beifan sneered in his heart, he might also get some rubbish.

"Brother Chu, do you have any other books, such as"The Legend of Emperor of Heaven" and"The Legend of Emperor Yan"? Give me a copy."

On the same day, Lin Beifan went back with a pile of books.

Then he started to transfer money and lay comfortably on the sofa to read. I have to say that it is really fun to read books using the system.

In this way, the two people behind him quickly paid back a few dollars. Ten billion.

Space and Time Management Bureau

"This system was really well designed, and he made back the money he lost!"

"Now that tens of billions have been paid back, we must make him spit out all his money this week!"

"Then just throw some trash to him."


An hour later, Lin Beifan finally finished watching"The Legend of the Night Devil"》

"System Elf, let’s start the lottery! Lin Beifan rubbed his hands and couldn't wait.

The system elf nodded:"Start extracting now!""

A big carousel appeared in my mind, filled with dense rewards. It started spinning quickly, and then gradually stopped.

"Host, the item you extracted is……"The system elf suddenly stopped

"What did you win? Tell me!"Lin Beifan urged

"Well……"The system elf was sweating:"I won...I won the Kun Emperor's Infinite Divine Power!"

Lin Beifan put his hands on his waist and laughed:"I actually got the top magical power, the Infinite Ocean. I am indeed God's favorite. Baby! The brightest baby in the world! Wow haha……"

System Elf:"……"

Lin Beifan looked down at the heroes of the world:"Little elf, hurry up and hand over your magical powers! I want the sea to be boundless! I want to be invincible in the world!"

The system elf:"……"

System Administration.

Those two people were also confused.

"How did the protagonist get the top magical power? Hasn't it been blocked?"

"I want to say... there may be a bug in the system!"

"What the hell! If you want to go out, don't go out at this time, it will kill someone!"

"What should we do now? Tell the protagonist that the system made an error and try again!"

"How? Is our administration losing face?"


The two of them were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

So he decided to report the matter to his superior, the administrator Jia Zheng, who had great power.

Jia Zheng was shocked. He didn't expect that the two subordinates had played so big and now they couldn't get off the stage.

The Supreme's top magical power is too precious, even he can't get it. Not only can he not be able to get it, even his immediate boss, the controller with supreme power, may not be able to get it either.

Jia Zheng's face was gloomy:"Look at the good things you have done!"

The two men lowered their heads and said they were wrong.

"There are only two ways to deal with it. One is to let the system get rid of that person, erase his memory and find a new host, or kill him directly and find a new host. One is to continue to give it benefits and help it grow rapidly. Do you think that system owner has investment value? The two looked at each other, and one of them said:"Sir, we think it has investment value.""

"Why do you say that?"Jia Zheng asked

"Because according to the feedback from the system elf, this is a top-notch world with spiritual energy resurrected. Opportunities are everywhere, there are countless geniuses, strong men are like rain, and the supreme strongman appears from the sky to suppress one side. As the person with the strongest luck in the world, the protagonist will definitely grow to the supreme level in the future. Moreover, he is now on the road and has resources that even the venerable would be jealous of. If we invest now, the benefits will be huge when we recycle it in the future."

Jia Zheng nodded. The upper limit determines the height.

If the world can raise the Supreme, the protagonist of Destiny will definitely be stronger in the future.

If you invest some money now, the return will be hundreds of times.

However, the top magical power is boundless...

He doesn't have it either The method can be fulfilled.

Jia Zheng stood up:"I will report this matter to the controller, please wait a moment!"

After a while, Jia Zheng came back with a glowing face and said:"The controller has agreed, continue to observe the protagonist. But the top magical power controller can't produce it. You can give him a magical power seed and let him cultivate his own magical power. As for how to explain it, it's up to you and the system elf."

Jia Zheng handed a seed of nine-color light to the two of them.

On the other side, Lin Beifan was urging the system elf:"Wanwan, are you ready? Where is my boundless sea? Where is my top magical power? When will it be handed over to me? I want to beat up the Night Demon, suppress Emperor Kun, and become the supreme genius!"

"Okay, okay, it'll be fine soon……"The system elf is sweating.

Lin Beifan was dissatisfied:"You have said this many times, do you think I am weak and easy to bully?"

"No, it’s just that the requirements for magical powers are too high and it takes some time to prepare!"The system elf was busy explaining. At this moment, the system elf's eyes lit up:"Host, your magical power has been received!

Lin Beifan looked at the Jiucai seeds in his hand in confusion and said,"What is this?" Is my ocean boundless?"

"This is a magical seed that can give birth to magical powers. There are 9 types of magical seeds. You have nine colors and are a top magical seed that can breed supreme magical powers!"The system elf said

"What do I want from magical power seeds? Isn’t the one I drew the top magical power, Boundless Sea? The goods are wrong, bad review! I don’t want this magical seed, I just want the boundless sea!"Lin Beifan returned the seeds.

The system elf sweated again and said with an idea:"This is actually an invisible rule of the system. Strength and rewards are equal. If the strength does not reach the level, the rewards will be discounted. To possess top-level magical powers, the host must become a supreme being. All of this is to urge the host to practice hard and become a supreme being as soon as possible!"

"is that so? Lin Beifan questioned.

The system elf nodded seriously, as real as he looked.

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