The Barbarian God Sacrifice Ceremony lasted for a week and ended lively.

The high priest finally found time to entertain Lin Beifan

"You can sit wherever you like! The high priest asked Lin Beifan and Mu Li to sit down, poured them a cup of tea, and said,"I heard from girl Ah Li that you want to know something about the Man God and the Man God Mountain Range, and are you going to head to the top of the mountain?""

"That's right. Lin Beifan nodded:"I climbed the Barbarian Mountains two years ago. I was very curious about what was on such a tall and mysterious mountain. Unfortunately, I was not strong enough." Now that my strength has improved greatly, I want to challenge again."

The high priest shook his head:"If you don't have the strength of the Barbarian Emperor, which is the strength of the Supreme in the words of your world, it will be in vain for you to climb again. But since you want to know about the Barbarian Mountains, I will pick some important things to tell you, hoping it will be helpful to you."

"sorry to bother you."Lin Beifan thanked

"First of all, as a high priest, I cannot give you a definite answer as to whether the Barbarian God exists. Because things about the Barbarian God have been passed down since ancient times, or recorded in ancient books and stone tablets, or passed down orally, but no one has ever seen the Barbarian God, nor has he seen any miracles. Some people say that the Barbarian God lives at the top of the Barbarian God Mountains, overlooking the Barbarian God Continent from high above. Some people also say that the Barbarian God actually lived in another world, and then he became lonely and created the Barbarian God Continent. Some people also say that the Barbarian God does not exist at all, and everything is spread by lies.……"

"It is precisely because the legend of the Barbarian God is full of mystery that people are searching for it. Among them, the Mangod Mountain Range is recognized as a sacred mountain due to its many strange phenomena and numerous opportunities, and is the place closest to the Mangod. Therefore, anyone with some strength wants to climb the Barbarian God Mountain Range, or look for opportunities, or meet the legendary Barbarian God."

"Among them, the most representative ones are the various Barbarian emperors in history. They have all climbed the Barbarian God Mountain Range and all received huge opportunities. And after becoming emperor, he will climb the Manshen Mountain Range again……"

Lin Beifan said:"They have already stood at the top of the world. It is extremely difficult to break through, so they put their hopes on the Barbarian Mountains, hoping to gain something."

The high priest nodded:"That's the reason."

"what's the result?"Mu Li asked curiously.

The high priest shook his head:"I don't know the result."

"Why?"Mu Li asked again.

The high priest said something shocking:"Because these barbarian emperors never came back."

"ah!"Mu Li was startled.

"Some people say that the barbarian emperors were so powerful that they climbed to the top of the mountains, met the legendary barbarian gods, and received the blessings of the gods. They were immortal between Xiaoyao and heaven and earth. Some people say that the top of the Barbarian God Mountain Range is a space-time gate that connects to an infinitely wonderful world. It is the paradise of the strong, and the Barbarian Emperor has gone there. Some people say that there is a sacred tree above. The sacred tree bears sacred fruits. If you eat one, you can become an immortal. All the barbarian emperors have become immortals. Some people also say that there is a demon cave suppressed above, and the mission of the Barbarian Emperor is to destroy the demon cave.……"

"However, these are all legends and cannot be taken seriously."

At this time, the high priest took out a huge stone box from the bookshelf behind him. There was a thick leather paper in the box, and said:"This is the notebook of the high priests of all dynasties, recording the history of the Barbarian Mountains over the past tens of thousands of years. Everything is abnormal and very real and believable. Look here——"

The high priest pointed and said:

"At 3 o'clock in the morning on April 2, 84512 in the Man God Calendar, the sky was dark, and suddenly a heartbreaking scream came from the Man God Mountain, causing people to cry. Later, we sent people to investigate, but the reason is unknown!"

"On September 1, 110532 in the Man God Calendar, the sky was clear and clear. Suddenly, a mournful cry came from the Man God Mountain, accompanied by rolling rocks falling, causing tens of thousands of deaths and injuries. Later, we sent people to investigate, but the reason is unknown!"

"In the early morning of July 19, 144478 in the Man God Calendar, a mournful cry suddenly came from the Man God Mountain, and at the same time, a rain of blood fell, burning 30,000 miles of the mountain, killing and injuring more than 600,000 people. Later, we sent people to investigate, but the reason is unknown!"

"On the morning of December 2, 179874 in the Manshen Calendar, the sky was clear and clear, and a mournful cry came from the Manshen Mountain, which moved my heart. Later, we sent people to investigate, but the reason is unknown!"

"On the night of September 5, 204813 in the Barbarian Calendar, the sky was dark, and a ray of fire shot out from the top of the Barbarian God Mountain, accompanied by a heart-rending cry, which made people panic. Later, we sent people to investigate, but the reason is unknown!"


These ominous records seem to be tens of thousands of years apart, but when they are suddenly listed, such similar situations make people feel a chill.

"If you look carefully and compare carefully, do you find anything special?"The high priest asked.

Mu Li was familiar with the history of the Barbarian God Continent. After seeing it, his eyes were horrified. He was so frightened that he took two steps back. He covered his mouth with his hands and said:"Grandpa... Grandpa... these events happened to happen when the barbarian emperors visited the Barbarian God Mountain Range. Within a hundred years!"

"That's right, it was within a hundred years of Emperor Man's mountain climbing! The high priest said solemnly:"So, the priests of all generations suspected that these voices came from the Barbarian Emperor, and they all encountered unexpected events on the mountain.""

"who is it? Can such a powerful barbarian emperor scream in grief? Did you encounter a strong enemy?"Mu Li couldn't help but ask.

"I don’t know! The high priest shook his head:"These things have become secrets that cannot be told among the five tribes, for fear of causing panic." And our five tribes are stationed here not only to practice, but also to keep an eye on the Barbarian God Mountain Range."

Then, the high priest said earnestly:"Ali, if you become the Barbarian Emperor in the future, you must not climb the Barbarian God Mountain Range. I would rather you never come back to the spiritual energy recovery world for the rest of your life, and I don’t want you to... really go away and never come back."

"I get it, Grandpa!"Mu Li said charmingly, now she is too frightened to dare to crawl.

"And you kid, you have become an emperor at a young age and have a bright future. Don’t take the risk and try to wait for the top. Your world is full of opportunities, which are the envy of even us here. You should cherish them. In addition, even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about our Ah Li. Otherwise, I will never let you go even if I risk my life!"

"grandfather!"Mu Li shouted again, then secretly glanced at Lin Beifan.

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