However, it is too early for everyone to be optimistic.

The reason why the demons are so difficult to deal with and kill is their terrifying regeneration ability.

For example, those demons who are not completely dead can quickly regenerate by devouring the remains of their companions, then regain their strength, return to their original state, and rejoin the war.

There are also some demons who were beaten to death and can still come back to life, but their strength has become weaker.

After this round of war, 80% of the demons came back to life.

Shen Gongbao said loudly:"The magic pill must be taken away from their bodies, or the magic pill must be exploded to prevent them from resurrecting." The magic pill is equivalent to the demon pill of monsters. It is full of demonic energy and is the source of the demonic energy. , so only by destroying the source of the demonic energy can the demon clan be completely killed.

However, the demons also know their own weaknesses, so they protect the magic pill very well. Even relatives don't know where the magic pill is hidden in the body.

So, the war continued.

More and more troops were invested on the opposite side of the space rift. The people in the City of Conferred Gods gradually couldn't resist it and felt it was difficult. The cultivators from other cities immediately came to support.

The sword god Ximen Chuixue came from the west with a sword. Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City, flew out of the sky. The sword demon Dugu sought defeat and had no move to win. The swordsmanship was dominated by Luo Tianjun's Luo Tian sword intention. The sword energy spanned thirty thousand miles. Tens of thousands of heavenly demons and magic pills were together. Crushed by sword energy...

Xiao Feng struck out 18 real dragons with one palm to devour the devil, Bodhidharma's lion roar shattered the devil pill, Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi turned into a big millstone in the sky, Xiaoyaozi Xiaoyao used the wind to kill the devil, Nie Fenghe Bu Jingyun combined his swords and used Moko Wuliang...

The two little Li flying knives and Sunflower Ancestor's embroidery needles crisscrossed the entire field, and they could accurately smash the magic pill every time...

The above is the battlefield of the Venerable, the following is It's an extraordinary battlefield

"My terracotta warriors are also immortal. I want to see whether the devil is stronger or my terracotta warriors!"

With the permission of the First Emperor, General Meng Tian led 2,000 warriors to the battlefield.

"Sons of the Han family, the time has come to make contributions!"The emperor of the Han Dynasty pulled out his personal sword and swung it hard.

General Fan Kuai immediately led the Han warriors who entered the Gundam into the battlefield.

Hundreds of warships flew over the Demon Cave and washed the ground with artillery fire.

The operator of the Fu Master Academy fought the Gundam. , airdropping tens of thousands of spiritual talismans and bombarding them indiscriminately.

Thousands of priests stayed at the rear of the war zone to rescue at any time.

There were also hundreds of thousands of cultivators who also enthusiastically entered the battlefield.

The Demon Cave turned into a huge Meat grinding ground.

At this time, one person is paying attention to this war, and that is Doron, the manager of the game world.

Due to the failure of the two wars, nearly a quarter of the players were swept away, and the game world suffered heavy losses. Doron I haven't dared to act rashly recently, I have been watching and waiting, until now I saw an opportunity again

"The demon world invades, and the opportunity comes again!" Duolong couldn't help but smile on his face, and he was ecstatic in his heart.

He remembered an idiom and said:"Is this a fight between snipe and clam, and the fisherman benefits?"

There is another demon who is also paying attention to this war between humans and demons, and that is the little white tiger who has the strongest demon emperor system.

Since he killed Emperor Kun, he has been squatting deep in the sea these days to absorb the power of Emperor Kun.

"The demon world has finally invaded!"There was a weird smile on the little white tiger's face, and his eyes were full of magic.

There was a small crack on his side, from which magic energy continuously spewed out, and was sucked into his body. His body turned black and white. His strength is also gradually getting stronger.

In fact, he took credit for the invasion of the Demon Realm.

Because he had discovered the Demon Realm a long time ago and found that the demon on the opposite side wanted to open a passage between the two realms. So he secretly assisted and opened one himself Kouzi absorbed the demonic energy and took the initiative to become a demon, so his strength grew so fast.

As for the consequences, he didn't bother to care. Since Sister Xiaowu died, his heart has also died. The only way is to become stronger.

Now the human race cares about one thing and neglects the other. His perfect opportunity

"My strength is still too weak, I still need to become stronger!"The little white tiger shook his head. After devouring Emperor Kun, his strength quickly soared to the peak of level 6, and he was not far away from finally breaking through and becoming the Demon Emperor.

However, such strength is still not enough in front of the human supreme.

Humans The Supreme is so evil. Before he became the emperor, he could injure the talented Kun Emperor. After he became the emperor, he directly knocked the Kun Emperor out of his realm and seriously injured him, which gave him an opportunity.

Little White Tiger has since You know, unless he also breaks through and becomes the Demon Emperor, and is the strongest among the Demon Emperors, he will have the capital to compete with the human supreme.

Now he can only continue to grow insignificantly, waiting for the day when he breaks out of his cocoon and becomes a butterfly.

"You can't break through here. If you make too much noise, you will be discovered by the Human Supreme!"

The little white tiger got up and jumped into the space crack.

The war between humans and demons lasted for a day and a night.

In this battle, all the troops invested by the demon clan were wiped out. Hundreds of demon kings and more than 2 million demons, but The opponent didn't seem to feel distressed at all and continued to deploy troops.

On the human side, although they had the home field advantage, the damage was also considerable.

For example, many cultivators were infected by the demonic energy and not only became somewhat unconscious, but also His strength has also increased, and he is full of the desire to destroy and kill, causing everyone a lot of trouble.

"This demonic energy is so poisonous that it can infect all spiritual things, including people. If the demonic energy cannot be exorcised within a short period of time, then they are completely possessed and cannot recover."An old priest said worriedly.

"Is there no way?"Tangshan asked

"Yes, you can use holy light to drive away evil spirits. The only problem is that too many people are infected and there are not enough priests."The old priest shook his head. The total number of priests was less than a thousand, but the number of infected people reached tens of thousands, and no matter how much they were divided, it was not enough.

Tangshan sighed:"Isolate them first, and I will think of a solution."

The old pastor nodded. This is the best way at the moment.

At this time, the angels Aryan and Li Ziqing came together.

"I heard that Holy Light is needed here. I wonder if my Holy Light will work?"Angel Aryan flew up, and the demonic energy in the tens of thousands of people who were infected slowly evaporated, but the process was very painful.

"Although I cannot exorcise the demonic nature like Aryan, my singing can soothe everyone's hearts."Li Ziqing sang loudly, and the beautiful and warm singing made everyone calm down.

"Thank you both."Tangshan and the old priest laughed.

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