Zhao Ling'er revealed Nuwa's true form and flew high into the sky, blooming with colorful divine power and illuminating the earth.

All the demons illuminated by the divine light were wiped out, while the people and demons illuminated by the divine light were recovering quickly.

Looking at Zhao Ling'er who looked like a goddess in the sky, everyone wondered: Is she really a demon?

Super Poisonous Custard Huang Yibai was very envious when he saw it. It would be great if I also had this ability. Unfortunately, all the priest skills he used were mutated. If he wanted to save people, he had to hurt them first. It was very sad.

Huang Yibai sighed:"Forget it, I don't want to think about it so much, saving people is the most important thing now!"

Then he grabbed a wounded person and started licking his mouth.

The demon kings who followed showed their true colors and used their huge bodies to crush the demons, with brilliant results.

But the performance of these humans and demons is not as good as that of the Dog Demon Emperor.

He raised his head and said to Lin Weiwei, who was as bright and beautiful as the moonlight in the sky:"Little girl, I have a magical power called Tengu Moon Eclipse. It complements your vision and can explode into several times the power. Let's annihilate it together." How is the enemy?"

"snort!"Lin Weiwei snorted coldly.

Although she didn't want to see the demon, the overall situation was the most important at present, and she knew how to do it.

She enlarged the shadow of the bright moon in the vision and covered the attacking demon emperor.

"Tengu eats the moon!"The Dog Demon King used his natal magical power, and the Demon Emperor in the bright moon was actually frozen.

Then the Dog Demon Emperor opened his big mouth and swallowed the Demon Emperor together with the space.

Then, Lin Weiwei covered the bright moon. After attracting millions of heavenly demons, the Dog Demon Emperor once again used the Tengu Moon-Eating Divine Power and swallowed all the heavenly demons into his stomach.

One person and one demon cooperated, and there was an extraordinary tacit understanding.

In addition, in the demon world.

Xuantian Demon Emperor felt guilty. I feel aggrieved on the outside.

I think he is also a well-known old demon emperor in the demon world. He has dominated the demon world for hundreds of thousands of years, but now he is beaten to shame by a man less than a fraction of his age. His face is completely lost.

If it weren't for the demon emperor, With the power bonus, I'm afraid he can only run away in embarrassment now.

What's even more frustrating is that there are still several demon emperors watching his joke. At this time, Lin Beifan asked:"Xuantian Demon Emperor, there is an army of demons in my world. He came in just now. Do you know which Demon Emperor's subordinate he is?"

Xuantian Demon Emperor's face was gloomy. It must have been other demon emperors who took advantage of me. He was laughing at me while sharing my victory. It's really hateful!

Lin Beifan said again:"It's not those demons above!"

Xuantian Demon Emperor was startled, and his face became even more gloomy.

He already knew who it was. Regardless of what he thought, it was the Wutian Demon Emperor who had always been afraid of him. As expected, he took action, and he grasped the timing so well.

Xuantian Demon Emperor The hatred in my heart was overwhelming. Am I going to turn into someone else's wedding dress after all my hard work?

Demon Emperor Xuantian was unwilling to accept it, so he secretly sent out a demonic thought and contacted the two demon emperors:"Demon Emperor of Samsara, Demon of Blood Prison" God, come and help me! After the thing is done, we will carve up the opposite world together!"

Samsara Demon Emperor:" Why are you willing to give up? I sent someone to contact you before, but you kicked me out!

Blood Prison Demon Emperor:"That's right, it hasn't even been a month.""

Xuantian Demon Emperor's face was as gloomy as iron:"Because, Wutian Demon Emperor has already taken action."

The two demon emperors were silent.

As the top figures in the demon world, of course they also know how powerful Wutian Demon Emperor is. This is a very feared demon. Not only is he powerful and thoughtful, he has stolen many opportunities..At the same time, I understood in my heart why Xuantian Demon Emperor showed weakness.

As long as the things targeted by Wutian Demon Emperor will most likely fall into his hands.

If it were a step later, he might not even be able to drink the soup.

Samsara Demon Emperor:"I agree, I want 30% of it when it's done.

Blood Prison Demon Emperor:"I also want 30%.""

This is simply a lion's mouth, and Xuantian Demon Emperor is heartbroken and bleeding.

After paying so much price, in the end he only got 40%, only 10% more than the two demon emperors?

But in order to preserve the benefits, he had to cut off his flesh..Xuantian

Demon Emperor:"Okay, I agree!"

The three demon emperors calculated it together, and Xuantian Demon Emperor led Lin Beifan to a place suitable for an ambush. The two demon emperors used secret methods to rush over quickly, and then suddenly came out.

"All things reincarnation!"The Demon Emperor of Reincarnation held the Emperor's Weapon Reincarnation Platform and illuminated Lin Beifan.

"Bloody Border Prison!"The Blood Prison Demon Emperor holds the Blood Soul Banner.

There is also the Xuantian Demon Emperor, who has been passively beaten, holding the Xuantian Demon Spear, and stabs out with one shot:"Xuan Tian stabs, and the spear will hit!"

The three demon emperors used their killing moves at the same time, forming a double-team situation. There was no way to retreat and no way to avoid it.

But Lin Beifan's face did not change, and he punched out with two fists.

"Destroy all dharmas!"

Space has stopped, time has stopped, everything has stopped, everyone seems to be frozen.

Even the laws have solidified and become obscure.

All sounds are silent, all laws are extinguished.

Only Lin Beifan can move, with two fists respectively It bombarded the two demon emperors who suddenly attacked, and then turned around and kicked Demon Emperor Xuantian on the shoulder.

It looked like the three demon emperors were cooperating with Lin Beifan.

Until the fists were completely retracted, the kick He also took it back, and then everything recovered.

The three demon emperors flew out at the same time, and spit out a mouthful of blood. Their faces turned pale and their spirits became dispirited.

The worst among them was the weakest Blood Hell Demon Emperor. The Blood Soul Banner was broken, the emperor's body was pierced, and he fell heavily from the sky, bleeding all the way.

Lin Beifan beat the drowned dog hard, and a whirling world was brewing in his hands, and he fell down

"The world in your palm, die with my world!"

The whirling world swallowed up the Blood Hell Demon Emperor, and then collapsed along with the world. At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder thundered, the wind howled, and then it rained blood, like a tragic song.

This meant that a The demon emperor fell, and the entire demon world was in mourning.

At this moment, countless demons in the demon world looked up to the sky, letting the blood rain slap their faces, full of shock.

It turned out that several demon emperors who were talking and laughing were also shocked.

One of the Demon Emperors said bitterly:"Blood Prison... The Blood Prison Demon Emperor died like this?"

The Demon Emperor cannot be said to be immortal, but it is very difficult to kill.

Every demon who has cultivated to the Demon Emperor is originally a proud son of heaven, possessing great luck and great opportunities, and the Dao patterns are reflected between heaven and earth. With the help of the power between heaven and earth, the strength is shining.

There is a big gap between the demon emperors. It is easy to defeat, but it is also very difficult to kill because the heaven and earth will not allow it.

This is why for hundreds of thousands of years, there are only a few demon emperors. Reason.

But now, a demon emperor was actually killed by someone, just with two moves?

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