Finally, the four-year college competition begins.

On that day, people from all over the world gathered in the huge arena of Jiangnan College. The crowds were huge. At a glance, they were all packed with heads. It was estimated that there were millions of people. It was very lively.

Today, the Academy Competition will begin here and last for a month to determine the strongest talent.

And just today, a big melee will begin, 90% of the contestants will be eliminated, and only the top 100 will be left to participate. The subsequent competition can be said to be very fierce.

Today is an important day, so Lin Beifan is here too.

As a group of Lin Weiwei's relatives and friends, Lin Beifan got a family ticket and could follow him into the venue and sit in the front seat.

"Weiwei, today's melee is just a warm-up, I believe you can pass it!"Lin Beifan, come on!

"I know, Brother Xiaofan, I never worry about this!"Lin Weiwei said confidently. After being trained by Director Jiang Changqing for more than a month, she is now a truly extraordinary master.

Although she is only at the first level of extraordinary,If you transform and unleash your full strength, you can display extraordinary sixth-level strength, rank among the best among all the geniuses, and you will definitely pass it smoothly.

"However, the teacher asked me to take more care of the participating students, so I couldn’t use my full strength."Lin Weiwei was a little depressed. She also wanted to show the results of this period to her brother Xiaofan.

A big melee like this is basically a group of people from the academy, and sometimes two or three people group together. Otherwise, you may be kicked out early, which would be a huge loss.

"These are small things, your most important thing is to take care of yourself……"Lin Beifan touched Lin Weiwei's little head.

The corners of the mouths of the surrounding Jiangnan College contestants all twitched.

There is a competition now. In such a serious occasion, can you stop being so mean?

We are all single now and can't stand the excitement.

At this time, a teacher announced that admission was allowed, so everyone entered in batches.

Lin Beifan returned to the audience and sat with Bai Qingqing who took time out.

Bai Qingqing also walked out of the innocent family for the first time in so many months.

Because after replenishing so much monster meat, she now has extraordinary second-level strength, and thinks that she finally has the power to protect herself.

"Have you finished seeing your little lover?"Bai Qingqing joked

"We have finished meeting our young lovers, but there is still an old lover here. Lin Beifan chuckled.

Bai Qingqing's face turned red and she said angrily:"You're not serious!""

Then he ignored him.

At this time, the reborn An Kexin followed out, pulled Lin Beifan and asked in a low voice:"How did you do that?"

"What's up? Lin Beifan was a little confused.

An Ke was anxious:"We just made an appointment to find the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Milk together." Mirage has appeared in the past few days. You won't forget about him, right?"

"How can it be?"Lin Beifan will never admit that he stayed at home and practiced without knowing the years. He really forgot

"Then you now……"

"Don't worry, I will find you when the time comes. Lin Beifan said

"real? An Kexin's eyes were suspicious.

At this time, Bai Qingqing turned around and said,"What are you muttering about?""

The geniuses from each college finally entered the arena one after another, and the audience burst into thunderous applause and cheers.

At this moment, the host solemnly introduced:"Today, in addition to the geniuses of mankind gathering at Jiangnan College, there are also Several powerful people are here. Now I would like to solemnly introduce to you that they are:——"

"Xiao Li Feidao Li Xunhuan!"

"Sun Xiaohong, the owner of Tianji!"

"Flying Fairy Ye Gucheng!"

"And our sword god—Ximen Chuixue!"

"Everyone welcomes these four seniors with applause!"

The audience burst into thunderous applause, and the sound shook the earth.

These four figures are all famous figures of this era, and their reputations are even more famous in Jiangnan. Because they came here from a martial arts world 200 years ago. Yes, they happened to be in Jiangnan at that time. Seeing that the city was besieged by monsters and about to be broken, the four of them helped Jiangnan resist the attacks of monsters and left behind their own unique skills. Because of this, the practitioners of Jiangnan Academy prefer to practice martial arts. Everyone likes to use swords.

For 200 years, they have left endless legends around the world, making people in Jiangnan proud.

When this Jie Academy Competition was held in Jiangnan, they all came back.

It was so exciting Excited.

Amid the warm applause of the crowd, four figures descended from the sky and landed on the VIP seats.

Dean Jiang Changqing of Jiangnan College and a group of teachers immediately stood up and expressed their heartfelt welcome to the arrival of these four seniors.

Jiang Changqing said with a smile:"Welcome the four seniors! Your arrival really makes my Jiangnan College shine! The melee is about to begin. Four seniors, please sit down!"

The four of them nodded and took their seats one after another. Lin Beifan, who was in the audience, took a closer look and saw that they were really those four.

Although he had not seen them with his own eyes, their temperament completely matched the image in his impression.

And after 200 years, With their cultivation, the strength of three of these four people has steadily reached the extraordinary 9th level, which is Dean Jiang's current state. Their strength is unfathomable. The weakest Sun Xiaohong has also reached the extraordinary 8th level.

They are standing on The people at the top of the human pyramid, except for those in the Celestial Realm, probably no one can defeat them.

Comparing his own strength, Lin Beifan estimated that he could only defeat Sun Xiaohong, and there was no way to deal with the other people unless he stored him Hundreds of thousands of spiritual talismans were thrown out.

When Lin Beifan observed them, they also felt that someone was spying on them.

"Who is spying on me?"

"A master at the same level?"

"Feeling a little strange?"

A few people looked at each other and realized that this was not an illusion.

Li Xunhuan calmly took a sip of wine and said,"Don't be nervous, everyone, it may be some old guy who is hiding. In the college competition held every four years, there are always some old monsters coming to join in the fun!"

"You drink less!"Although Sun Xiaohong is over 200 years old, she has advanced skills and is well-maintained. She is still as gorgeous as a girl in her 20s, but she looks a little more mature.

She quickly snatched the wine bottle from Li Xunhuan's hand and put it away.

"But my illness has been cured!"Li Xunhuan looked at his empty hands and said with a bitter smile.

"Will the disease not relapse once it is cured?"Sun Xiaohong said fiercely.

The old friends around him couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene. Even the cold sword god Ximen Chuixue couldn't help but smile.

As a prodigal son, Li Xunhuan, I am afraid only Sun Xiaohong can control him..

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